
Sierra Jones

Ask @lynn701

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Some of your biggest pet peeves?

I have a lot...
-People Smacking
-People Popping their gum
-People squeaking their wet shoes in the hall.
-Chipped Nail Polish
-Ignorant People
-When a person makes a sucking noise with a straw when the cup becomes almost empty.
-People that interrupt you when your telling a story
-Noisy eaters
-When you genuinely ask someone what's wrong (when there obviously is something wrong) and they respond half-heartedly, "hmmm? oh nothing..."
-Ignorant People
-When you open the DVD case and it is empty or a different movie is in it.
-People who don't cover their mouth while sneezing or coughing.
-When you're eating candy and someone asks if they can have one.
-Uncomfortable chairs.
-Ignorant People
-People who clear their throats in a disgusting way.
-You know when you ask someone a simple, straightforward question and they spend ten solid minutes rambling on about everything in the world EXCEPT the answer to your simple, straightforward question? I hate that.
-Ignorant People
-People who don't know the difference between its/it’s and they’re /their/there.
-When you find a really cute piece of clothing on the rack and they have like twenty in size XS, two in size 3X, and not a single one in your size.
-People who smoke
-Ignorant people.
-When you have an itch on the bottom of your foot and you can't scratch it because you have shoes on.
-When you will be talking to someone, and their replies seem to be limited to "ya", "cool", and "ok".
-People who leave their children in their cars while they run into the store.
-Ignorant People

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Thoughts on girls on their periods?.

I think you mean what do they like feel when they are on??.. Well I'll tell you. Have you ever felt like your dying slowly and something keeps stabbing you all the in your stomach and pelvis area? Well that's what it feels like.. When you just want to cry for no reason. When you find yourself thinking about your ex. Or something bad that's happened. You get these huge cramps that make you just wanna sit and die. If you're a boy you're lucky you have a penis. And to girls who haven't started theirs yet, Good luck..

Don't get mad at boys they don't know what you're going through!

Shut up. Because some boys don't even try to help the cause, I mean understand that. Obviously boys can't put themselves in the place of a woman and understand what it's like to have a period, but they can try to understand what symptoms they go through. Girls usually get shitty ass cramps, which suck, and can range from a dull pain that simply annoys and pisses them off, to a stabbing pain that practically paralyses a woman. Girls can get mood swings, they can get headaches, restlessness, become extremely tired or sleepy, become sore in their uterus, they get hungry AF all the time, and they can become very very horny. Symptoms will change from woman to woman and some women may not even have symptoms at all! Periods are just generally uncomfortable and annoying. Boys should be there to help. If they're not,, Then No Uterus no opinion!

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What are some things that make you cry?

If I'm gonna be completely honest, I cry about a lot of things lol:
-The Notebook
-If I see a spider or a bug
-If I see a snake
-When My bestfriends tell me they love me.
-When I'm in a fight with my bestfriends.
-When I get made fun of.
-When I listen to "Nothing Like Us."- Justin Bieber
-When my mom yells at me.
-When I hear my sister sing.
-When I heard Josh's Dad sing
-The First time I heard Josh sing.
-The First time I saw Tamia cry.
-Seeing my grandma or grandpa in the hospital.
-The First time I saw Tyrell cry.
-Being in the dark after watching a scary movie
-After I do something really bad.
-After I lie to the person I love most.
.. SO basically anything that involves emotions. Lbs.

You did WAYY to much with your answer for that "Kayla D is?" Question.

Well Just to be ignorant :) !
I get this question like 4 times a day. Lbs. But I'll go all out this time...
You see, when me and Kayla first met, Oh lord Jesus. Gosh, Kayla. I'm not gonna lie when I first met you, I thought you hated everybody. You went around with Kaley and you two were best friends & you hated me. I know that for sure. And we had that BIG incident in 6th grade. Sometimes I went home crying because of youu. But then in 7th grade you started being nicer to me, and we started talking. Then we got more comfortable around each other. I started telling you more than I told anyone. I found myself going to you for comfort instead of others. And then I ruined it with the Jesse incident. Making the dumbest decision in the world. And I really hurt you, and our relationship. And you don't know, honestly, How sorry I am for that. I had broke our trust and it tore me apart. Not having you there for that time period in my life. Then we finally made up & moved on. Then you got mad at me once you found something else out & I thought "Wow I really screwed this up. How can one person be so stupid?" & Slowly, but Eventually we moved passed it. And then I found myself crying on the last day of school. I'd realized I was gonna be away from her over the summer. 3 months without a bestfriend? It can kill a girl. Kayla is the type of girl that if you do something she doesn't like, Oh she WILL let you know. But, at times you may be mad at her for it. But in the end it helps you. I've recently told Kayla something I have NEVER ever told anyone in my life. And I trust her with it. We can relate to each other in ways some people wouldn't even get. & I can tell you this, Girl can sing her butt off! We have inside jokes that some people might just think it's stupid, but we don't care. Tyrell is the luckiest boy in the world and I hope he knows it. Sometimes we're under a lot of stress and we snap at each other .Look, these things happen between friends. We get past it. We don't look alike and we don't sound alike- but we think alike on all the important things and that's what counts. Sometimes you give me tough love when I really need gentle love- but I know that's because you're worried about me. There are a few dicey things lurking in my past and you're one of the only people who knows about them but you don't hold them against me. You love to laugh. You laugh at my jokes. You always know the right thing to say. I admire your self-control: You actually think before you speak. We've hit a few rough spots, but with love and patience we smoothed them out. Secrets are secrets and we'd never reveal each other's. The good, the bad and the ugly- we've been through them all and we're still friends. You may misbehave, I may misbehave, but best friends accept best friends, misbehavior and all. That's how it is. Kayla is beautiful, honest, and an amazing best friend. And I honestly don't know what I'd do with out her. I love youu Kayla <3

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Why were you bent over today? Were you in pain or what? You look like you was finna cry!

I'm gonna be honest. I really was. Like no joke. My cramps were kicking my ass today. They let me go through the beginning of the day all happy then at lunch the shit came pouring down. And the boys behind our table didn't help. Sitting there being loud and ignorant AF.
To the cramps I'm having right now...

Like how you feel when yu on it?

Like I'm dying. Like I did the worst thing in the world and I'm getting punished for life. Like I'm pissed at the whole world. Like I don't want anybody near me. But the next minute I want them all over me.To hold me and tell me they love me. And If someone looks at me to long or the wrong way we feel like snapping. It feels Like someone is cutting me with a deep knife. Over and Over again. Then you get to wear this diaper or pad or whatever you wanna call it and sit in your own damn blood. And you get paranoia that the blood is seeping through your pants. And you check every five seconds. Or this long ass stick that you stick up 'there' that's uncomfortable and if you sit on it wrong it makes you wanna cry so hard. You be popping pills like it ain't nothing, and don't feel like moving. But once you get up, laugh, cry, or sneeze NIAGARA FALLS Every single time. And trust me. The shit's not comfortable it doesn't feel good at all. It's not like a fresh shower. It's like falling smack down on your face in the pool. It hurts like crazy. You're so bipolar you feel the need not to talk to anyone or you warn them letting them know not to fuck with you. The thing is we can help, and that's what makes us even more emotional. And when all you dick head guys sit there and ignore us, and talk about how uncomfortable you. Just imagine how we feel.

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