
Sierra Jones

Ask @lynn701

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Kenya Johnson
Ohmygoshhh. Big booty hoeeeeee. Damnnnn can that girl twerk! She is a really good dancer! She's so funny. I cry laughing everytime I with her. She can Turnup at mixer and I love herrr. Text me Shawtyyy.
Liked by: Kenya Johnson

How do you feel about Rachael Vitale?

Ohmygoshhh. Rachael. Is the best person ever. I love her so much. She's beautiful! She's perfect. I love talking to her & our conversations tho>>> She's so funny! & So kind. I secretly think she's black with an ass like that ;). No homo. She's my wifey and we've been through hell and back, yet we're still together. I tell her EVERYTHING. And she tells me everything. She's my bestfriend & I love youu baby!. <3

How do you feel about Megan Lashley?

"Blackest white girl" I've met in my life. I love her to death. She's so amazing and understanding! She's beautiful! & Funny as hell! I love just hanging out with her. For a white girl she sure can twerk! No doubt about that. And I'm glad she's in my PE hour. But she needs to text me! <3 I love you Meeegan.

How do you feel about Kayla Duncan?

Sooo perf. One of my best friends. She's so beautiful and smart. No imperfections at all. Talented. And A Diva. She's funny as hell & she likes to switch ;) . I miss her though, we don't talk outside of school as much :( I wish we were a little bit more closer.

lexi is..........

Ohmygoshhhh. Beyonnd Perfect. I love that girl so much! She's beautiful! And so sweet! & I tell her everything! She's so funny & kind. And BOY can that girl sing! She's so goofy & I miss her like crazy! We need to hang out before your birthday party!!! Just hearing her hum is like an angel. She's so talented. There is no way anyone could hate a girl like this. Everyone loves her. It's Alexa Brunsma. And I love her dearly <3

You should do a cover of "The Way"-Ariana Grande! Pleasee!

I'll post one that I've already sang of this song. And A new one but the new is gonna sound weird because my voice is all raspy but okay!

What happens if ur mom dies and you don't see her anymore don't say that

That's true. That's true. I'll change it.


Language: English