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(_^^_أنا فى انتظارك مليت_^^_)
Lessa ma 2ja Ramadan.

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Yes yes,mish kul yom menshoud Calvin Klein Model alive you know :):):)

Right. bas jad waen 25tafa ya allah.

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Nine months later this same Jill gave birth to a lovely daughter. It only takes one to get water you see, but it takes two horny teens to make a baby! Now Jill has a baby and Jack can't be found. Coz when it comes to the girls Jack is a hound!


Yes yes,I searched for him everywhere,oh my Valentino hahaha❤️

HAHAHAHA you picked a name for him kaman hahaha.

Wsilet 3al se3a 19:50 w mish 3arfe at7arrak ahhh,bas what a day *-*

What an amazing day!
Bas el Model Kan Bejaneen.
Liked by: Remoo

Hahahahaha em 3youn !! your name is like some creepy monster from childhood hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha!

beauty monster.

Ba3ed ma daraset? 3adi,huwwe hakalna kullo kamel ughh

W ana darstu kamel 2bel shwi 7akuli bss la saf7a 60.

3ala fikra dars el fayadanat dakhel,kul el madde dakhle,just saying

Sam ma todrsyy hweh 7aka la saf7a 60 bas.


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