
Mackenzie Bennett

Ask @mackenziebennett13

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Well 3 options babe. Trying to be smart? Please my lowest grade was an achieved in Year 9. The only one, and the rest of my marks are Merits and Excellence's.

you're talking about me needing an education when you're the one that needs to learn when to shut up. and its obvious you just copied abduction pasted and you're lying about you're grades that's easy to tell. and seriously stop calling babes are you lesbian or something? well I'm straight so yeah.

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guts what a lonely bitch!you had your chance with someone, but you blew it because you were so arrogant and bitchy. :)

who was the person I had a chance with exactly? and i'm not I might be to you and some other people but it's just because i obviously don't like you. and why don't you go get a life maybe you're the lonely bitch it seems like all you do is come on here to give me hate and you probably do it to other people to. So why don't you stop being so arrogant and bitchy and i'll take it from there okay? :)

I know your year 9, UHC, Blake House, Australian, and quite immature, selfish and arrogant

Taylor Southon-Elbertina
eww you fucken stalker get a life and see you can't even tell me who I disrespect stop harassing me it's illegal and I would know.how am I arrogant, selfish and immature? I'm pretty sure you're the immature one because you're the one coming on here answer bullying someone 4 years younger than you. grow the fuck up and leave me alone, you don't know me personally.

Please the saying op has been in and now out. I was using at the age of fuckin 5 so please, fuk up. Also I know them. I know all of them bitch! Grow up and act your age babe!

Taylor Southon-Elbertina
hahahaha if you're 18 you're practically harassing me and that's illegal so why don't you grow the fuck up and act your age I bet you don't even know how old I am so you can fuck up. and if you do know them name them to prove it.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Bitch please. you do disrespect people because I know people from UHC. you need to grow up because if you act like this at university (If youll last that long that is xoxo) and in the work place (If you are kind enough to last a job) youll be done for.!

Taylor Southon-Elbertina
how do you know I'm gonna go to university? and you don't know me you don't know my life and tell me exactly who Im disrespecting eh?

You raged at a gay and told em to go to hell becuase hes gay. Mackenzie, dont lie. I was there. I witnessed everything! He was so shocked of what came out of your mounth!

I have never ever told anyone to go to hell! you know nothing so fucken piss off I've yelled at a gay person before because they annoyed me but it wasn't because they were gay I'm not homophobic and I have nothing against gay people my sister is gay but she's my favourite person in the world just because I've raged a a gay person doesn't mean I'm homophobic I rage at a lot of people understand? so get you fucken facts straight before you come on here and accuse me of this and if you think I have ever said go to hell to someone before, you obviously don't know me very well and its obvious you are making this up. so used I'm denying it because it isn't ducking true.

OOOO touch'e. But No I havent changed the subject. I simply pointed out that you were wrong, again.... You need to stop being a little homophobic bitch or youll be sorry! understand?

what happened? oh that's right nothing! you can't even say it, you do keep changing the subject. i'm not a homophobic my sister is a fucken homosexuel so yeah i'm gonna get touch'e so how about you shut the fuck up! okay?


Language: English