
Mackenzie Bennett

Ask @mackenziebennett13

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I don't like you and neither do any of the people you hang with they just feel sorry for you so they don't say anything.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. This just made my day because i know that this isnt true and i dont give a flying shit that you dont like me and tbh im glad you dont because i wouldnt want to be friends with you because youre pathetic, i mean you actually took time out of your pathetic little life to tell me this and try to make me feel like shit, which means you probably have done this to someone else and i dont want to be friends with someone like you. i actually find it funny how alot, in fact MOST of the people that say they dont like me are people who have never hung out with me or even had a full conversation with me they just go off of what one person says and soon heaps of people say that they dont like me so i dont care anymore. you dont like me? sweet, couldnt care less. if you dont like me, dont talk to me, dont talk about me, dont go near me, dont think about me, dont come on my ask and dont even look at me that way you wont have a problem with me. k? sweet. bye :)

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lol bitch delete your answers

actually no i didnt someone else did and youre being pathetic. come off anon. oh thats right you probably cant because you dont have the guts to. you judge me but all the things youre judging me on you will have done over and over again and the fact that youre taking time out of your miserable life to send me shit like that is the most pathetic thing you could do. im sick of people sending me or any other person in the world saying that they need some respect or theyre a bitch or a slut or some shit like that. honestly half the people you call 'slut' are a virgin. including me. call someone a bitch if tell them they need to show respect or tell them theyre rude? look at yourself. call a someone ugly? theyre not because everyones pretty. people like you piss me off because all youre doing is bullying others. if you dont like me. thats fine. dont look at me. dont talk to me. dont talk about me. dont come on my ask. i couldnt care less. bye.

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Bit late to fix things now. You ruined it big time Mackenzie. Best option is to ask around your year 12 friends and see who it is and continue from there :)

its never to late to fix something and no im not going to do that because until you tell me im not going to believe what you're saying is true. if you tell me i wont answer it ill just re answer one of your other questions but if you dont tell me im not bothered by it.


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