
Madeline Leary

Ask @madelineleary

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when u dont use ur fisheye camera do u take the battery out? also when ur not taking another photo do u turn the advance wheel until it stops or u dont do that until ur taking another photo?

I keep the battery in and keep the camera off! And I usually advance the wheel after I take the photo so that I can immediately take the next photo when I'm ready

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Are you and Poppy on good terms? She seems to comment on your social media like you are, but your replies seem cold.

Yeah we're on good terms! We whatsapp eachother almost everyday haha. Yeah i don't mean to seem cold she just likes to bring up embarrassing photos of me or ones where i'm passed out or doing something drunken. We're all good! We've had some pretty rough times but she'll always be one of the best friends i've ever had (as crazy as she is hehe) and i'm gonna visit her in December in Melbourne!
Liked by: Chandler

how do you hold a conversation with a guy you like? it's so hard sometimes and it's so frustrating gahh

yo if he's not easy talk to and you can't be yourself with him then maybe he's not worth your time? It's super frustrating when you feel like you have to push to keep conversation going and it's definitely not how you should feel with a guy you like??

Hey im thinking of getting a fisheye camera. But im not sure if i shouls get the fisheye 1 or 2! Do u know whats the difference? And they both have flash for taking pics in the dark right? Oh and...its ok to buy anu brand with 35mm film to take pix? Thxxxxa

I actually don't know what the difference is! I have the limited edition pink one i got on amazon but i think they're pretty much the same? Mine was the version one and it had a flash!! Not all of them have a view finder though so try and get the kind that's detachable because it takes better photos! Yeah you can use any film brand of 35 mm to use! Kodak film and fuji film is good (and cheap)

Did.u waste a lot of film rolls when you first started getting into it? Lol

Yes you have no idea, when I got my holga camera I shot 3 rolls of 120 film of just random things in my grandmas house and it cogs like 30 dollars to develop and the photos were terrible haha

What types of 35mm iso film do u get for ur lomo fisheye cam n were do u get em in sh?:))

Lomography film is super fun to use! Aim for ISO 100 because it usually works best for overcast shanghai days especially with flash! The lomography store in shanghai has good film but it's cheaper at the photography market in Puxi! Like 25 rmb a roll of 36?

Bali or thailand?

Bali!! The Hindu culture is super beautiful but it's also a lot smaller then Thailand so honestly idk

have u ever been to tahoe in winter? lol

No but I'm sure it's cold also I can't skii or snow board so I'd just stay inside and drink hot coco

What is your attitude towards hunting?

disgusting and so wrong and unjustified I don't think you have the right to end the life of any creature, especially one that you don't plan to eat, that you are simply killing to justify your manhood or hang a dead creatures head on your wall. I really really really hate hunting and it happens a lot where my mom is from and it really bothers me
Liked by: Chandler

how did you handle not getting into your dream school, tisch? like how were you able to get over it and all that?

it was really really really hard i'm not going to lie, i cried for about 3 days straight my face was so swollen. It was such a personal failure and it seemed so cruel that i had to get food poisoning the day before. I think things happen for a reason, and rejection is hard but things can always get better. I'm going to to calarts for a year and see how it is, but I think i may try again at tisch or ucl. Acceptance is the hardest part but it gets easier and just keep telling yourself that life can change however you want it to and theres always a second chance!
Liked by: Stone Damon Steph J

do u use afterlight to edit your ig photos? they r so pretty!<3

Thank you! I used to but I got sick of the filters.

hi where do u get your film photos developed? like put on CD or print them out? :)

i usually go to the lomography store here because i have a membership card so i get a discount :) and yeah i usually just get them put on a cd

have u got any job experiences before??

yeah i worked as a photographers assistant for about a year and i think i might be interning at the battered womens shelter in SF this summer but idk, i was supposed to work in hospitality at the world cup in rio but i'd rather chill in america and get situated before i start schooool

can i hear isabella's song?

she performed it at some live house performance with englesia, they're in an experimental rap group called huai xin and they are amazing i have a video of them performing and i actually play it alot the songs get so stuck in my head they are so talented i am their biggest groupie

best brunch place in shanghai?

depends what you're looking for! They have really really good all you can eat dim sum on sundays at crystal jade, but i think either Mr. Pancake House or Kabb have the best american breakfasts for the cheapest. Yi Cafe at the Shangrila is amaaaazing as well holy shit the buffet is unreal but its more for special occasions because it is pretty expensive. Kommune is also good for basic stuff, they have awesome chai lattes!!

7th floor or perry's ?? k inda differnet but yeah lol

i've only been to 7th floor once so perrys! new perrys is really chill

so are u going to party everyday from now on? lol

heck yes but i've been home before 12 every night because i'm still so worn out from exams but i think it'll get crazier when exams are done for everyone else and graduation!!!


Liked by: Davis Newman

good music you like right now?

ahhh good timing to ask me this! I just got the app Songza and i found so much new cool music i'm so happy.
OHSO- Evy Jane
White Dress- Kanye West (i am actually really obsessed with this song)
Love Song-1 - The Internet- Purple Naked Ladies
Mr. Little Jeans- The Suburbs
if you want more let me know!

coolest person you know?

probably my sister tbh. I have a song stuck in my head that she wrote and i think thats pretty awesome and even if she wasn't my sister i'd probably still really like her music. She isn't afraid to be herself at all (she went out last night in workout shorts......) and i really respect that and think she is definitely the most unique person i know even when she makes fun of me for being so white gurl love you mei mei
Liked by: Monica Sun

if you could choose anywhere in the world to live for the rest of your life, where would u choose? ;D

Solid tie between London & NYC because there is so much diversity and different areas that I would never get bored of it and they are both so amazing and I love them so much ahh, hopefully i'll live in both when i'm older!

where is alex d going for uni next year?

MSU (Michigan State University) I think!! it's a really really good school, she definitely worked hard for it!
Liked by: Chandler

what crazy stuff did your mom do when she was younger?

she worked on tv when she lived in Hong Kong in her 20s and alot of the crazy shit she did when she was out got published in magazines that my grandma keeps stashed. She set her friends hair on fire with a birthday candle once at her birthday and there was a picture of her flaming afro on the cover of a news paper hahahaha. She did alot of crazy stuff which is why she's so cool with izzy and i going out and stuff because i guarantee there's nothing I can do that she hasn't done
Liked by: Monica Sun

oh my good ness you're soo perfect and ITS NOT FAIR! and after reading your ask, i also know that you have a great personality so i guess you're just the most perfect human being on this earth

hahaha this is definitely very overwhelming but thank you and this is a huge exaggeration but thank you thank you thank youuu
Liked by: Davis Newman

which ISO 35mm film roll do u use? sorry for the questions its just that ur photos always look sooo good!!

hahah thank you! I usually use ISO 100 for day time photos and adjust the light intake on my film camera and i use whatever film in my fish eye because it has a super powerful flash that i keep on no matter what. I usually use cheap color Kodak film but I really really like lomography film and Ilford as well as slide film mmmm

have u got a belly button ring or want to get one?

no and no! i have a very hideously ugly belly button so i wouldn't want to draw any more attention to it trust me

do you have any tattoos? thoughts on getting one?

no i don't! i'm really really scared of needles haha... i think it's your choice, it is YOUR body after all! I would really think carefully about what your tattoo means to you, because it is permanent and I know people who got semi-meaningless tattoos when they were really young and continuously regret it. I think they can be a really beautiful way to express something meaningful and mark a period of your life forever, it depends on who you are and what's significant to you! My best friend in the states just got the sound waves of her mother saying "I love you", (her mom got a matching one of her daughter saying it too!!) tattooed on her ankle and her mother is really really badly sick all the time and it's important to her to be reminded of her mother's love incase anything happens to her which i think is really beautiful.

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Liked by: Davis Newman

you're actually so pretty and YOUR BODY IS PERFECT i havent talked to you but you're literally PERFECT.

WHAAAAAAT where is this amazing compliment coming from? ahhhh thank you so much! i don't think anyone is perfect but you are honestly sososososo sweet and this really really means a lot so thank you you are the best :)))
Liked by: Davis Newman

i thought they have chai latte in coffee beans?

yeah i meant at starbucks! theres a coffee bean next to my house that i can get them, they use powder to make them though and they definitely aren't as good as the starbucks ones :(

How often do you ask anonymous questions on ask.fm?

not often unless there is something i really want to know and don't feel comfortable asking in person!

fav. drink at starbucks? :)

Mmmmm probably just the cliche Cappucino, or if its a starbucks in America then definitely a Chai Latte. I wish they had those here :(
Liked by: Monica Sun

do you consider yourself as a goody two shoes or rebel :)

My parents don't really give me rules so I can't really break them and be considered a "rebel" i guess? I study and get good grades for the most part but i don't think i'm a goody two shoes either? idk man i think im right in the middle of the spectrum
Liked by: Davis Newman

whats your earliest memory?

definitely not this..... Look at me go hard on that Guinness goddamn bad parenting
(Sorry my mom keeps emailing me these photos to make me feel guilty for forgetting Mother's Day!!!)
Liked by: Davis Newman

you're family is beautifufulll

yeah they really really really are and they are all really amazing too, i'm definitely really lucky!


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