

Ask @magdelynsays

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What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

If I were a boy even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted
And I'd never get confronted for it
'Cause they stick up for me

😂 i think that you're a really strong fighter. no matter how tough life might get, you might fall and break down, but you will never fail to stand back up and push on. so kudos to you! Warrior of God!

You're really sweet! Thank you so much for these words of encouragement! Hahaha may the Lord bless you too in all that you do! :-) God Bless!

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what is one quality you feel that you have?

Hahahahaha I don't really wanna judge myself so I wouldn't know! Why not you tell me? Hahahha

Since when you stay Aljunied? How come you in Aljunied GRC?

Aljunied grc is v big hahaha I stay in Serangoon and it's divided btw Aljunied grc or MP grc. Ahhahaha sflr anyway!
Liked by: jxs

Who is your favorite YouTuber?

alfie deyes!!!!!! tyler oakley!!!!!!! miranda sings!!!!!!! nigahiga(yes i still watch him hes super funny)!!!!!!!! wongfu!!!!!!! themingthing!!!!!!! pewdiepie!!!!!!!!!!!! swoozie!!!!!!!! erb!!!!!!!!!!!! kingsley!!!!!!!!!! thefinebros!!!!!!!!!! justkiddingnews!!!!!!!!!!! and a lot more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))))))))

What do you think makes a person beautiful?

If you walk with God, Christ radiates from your face hahaha
But on a v superficial looks level, I'd say the eyes :)

Define legit Food.

edible and something that tastes good? idk why people use "legit food" sometimes... (tho i use it too at specific circumstances.............)
((u sound like timothy))

Would u date xavier owyeong

Would date in my fantasy bc all the girls will be jealous when i take TP's number one hottest freshie....

Omg, just shut the fuck and stop asking her questions about her drama life and shit. Jesus.

Hahahha hey.. Thanks for your concern but don't really appreciate the language. Sorry and thanks!!

You only know the value of someone when they leave. Regret not approaching you earlier.

Hahahha it's not like I'm gone forever.. If you're really keen in befriending me then just dm me/whatsapp me la hahahah!!

No from MI. Sad that I couldn't get to know you better.

HAHAHAHHA That's nice. Just talk to me lah. I think I'm rather approachable.. (If you're someone I know and you're trying to troll me.. Thx for letting me feel loved and wanted by an anon 4 the first time HAHAHAHA)

The question was actually supposed to be "who do you miss from your cca" but I wanted to double confirm if you were from drama ma

HAHAHAHA Oki.. Yes I'm from Drama. Who're you? Are you from chr?

Were you from drama in secondary school? If so who do you miss from there (name them)?

This is pretty funny because if you're not sure I'm from drama, why you bother to know who I miss? HAHAHA... in addition to that, i think most of those who knew me in my sec school knows i'm from drama.. HAHAHA But for reals tho, if youre really curious, Yes.. I was from drama and I miss everyone.. esp those in my batch!

What made you wanna audition for LaSalle ??:) and leave MI!

Ahhhh, I've wanted to go to Lasalle since I was in secondary school! But it's the kinda dream that you shun away from because you're afraid you can't make it to the school/to the industry.
I've never really liked MI as well so I guess I took the opportunity to change my course of education.
I did try for poly though and I was accepted in to my course of choice.. But I was terribly afraid of going for it and by the time I made my decision and was ready to go, I missed the dateline of my submission HAHAHAH..
I thought all the doors were closed and I was pretty sad about it. But then my friend suddenly brought up lasalle and I sent in my particulars.. And prayed a lot about my future during that period with many signs from God..
And lo and behold, my audition date came.. So everything just kinda fell in to place from then :)

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Liked by: Xavier Owyeong

Do your parents know that you haven't been in school for the past two weeks?:) anyway, congrats on LaSalle! Could you describe the audition process

HAHAHAHHA Oh crap.. You caught me. They didn't know I skipped the first of the two weeks.. But then they started to get a lil' suspicious cuz they kept getting messages from the teachers that I've been absent everyday... So yeah, eventually they found out. HAHAHAHA.
The audition process was really fast actually.. They make all the candidates come in one by one and you perform two monologues in front of the auditioner/judge/lecturer.
Following that is a mini chat to get to know you better and what not and that's all! It takes roughly 10-20mins per person!! That's all :-)
If by describing, you're asking me how I felt then well.. It was horrible and nerve wrecking..... I almost peed in my pants because of all that anxiety.. HAHAHA :-( (((((totally exaggerated... maybe not... ok...))))
Liked by: Kethleen Loh

Won't you be sad? Seeing your batch mates graduate this year while you just enter a tertiary education?

Erm well yeah, I won't deny that I might feel a little sad because I'm somewhat behind everyone... But I guess, everyone takes different paths in life and it really doesn't matter which way you go.. So long as you're on the right path and not doing anything crooked. What matters isn't who finished it faster than the other but whether or not you gave it your best shot :-)

So from now till August you'll still be in MI?

nope ive left HAHAHAH not officially but ive not been going to school for 2 weeks alrdy (except last fri)

When you admitting into Lasalle

HAHAHAHA admitting has such hospital-ish connotations. makes it seem like i'm admitting in to an asylum or of some sort... aug if all goes well:)

Are you going overseas??

To study? Naw mate. Why is it that people are asking me if I'm going overseas to study uh hahah

If you could have a role in any TV show, what would it be?

Robin Scherbatsky minus the sex and the divorce from barney :)))

nigga i came 2 sch for u (and u didnt even come) ok the least u cld do is be nice :•(

i love you babes thanks :))))


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