
Maitri Anjani

If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

It'd be called "It is what it always is", mainly about the tale of self-journey in which tells the world how one person should stop aiming to be what they wish to see in themselves. I'd be able to say "I know this because I felt this" in the near future, of course when I'm finally be able to accept the way things are instead of wishing things to get better without any effort to do so. I'm sure I'll get there somehow.

Latest answers from Maitri Anjani

Semua angan & cita2 qt itu berawal dr mimpi...?

betul. mimpi menunjukkan apa yang kita inginkan seutuhnya tanpa intervensi duniawi.

lebih susah ujian praktik apa ujian tulis?

tulis. it’s easier to pretend you know what you’re doing than to pretend you know what you don’t know. if that makes any sense at all.

Language: English