
Maitri Anjani

Ask @maitrikka

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What was your first paid job?

Adobe gave me a project a few months ago, they asked me to create an illustration based on the word "Education".
Liked by: boc

Kak maitri temen ka dira?? Kenal teh ody juga dong?

iya saya temen adira. nggak, saya ga kenal teh ody.
Liked by: boc

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Kak maitri aku bingung... Menurut kakak mending aku masuk arsitektur apa desain interior? Jujur aku masih belum terlalu bisa bedain keduanya gimana. Mohon pencerahannya kak :D

Hmm tergantung minatnya sih lebih kemana. Buat ketertarikan pasti beda-beda sih, gue juga nggak tau pasti. Kalo dulu gue ngerasa lebih suka sm bangunan-bangunan dan ruang-ruang yang tercipta di dalam dan diantaranya. Gue ngerasa dulu akan lebih cocok arsitektur jg karena gue kepengen skala ruang yang lebih luas lingkupnya, jadi gak ke interior gitu. Ditambah lagi, dulu gue mikir dengan belajar arsitektur pasti secara otomatis belajar mendesain sebuah ruang kea interior juga, jadi bisa dapet dua-duanya. Ehehe. Mungkin cara pendekatan lo ke bidang yg diminati beda, tp semoga cara pandang gue td bisa membantu.
Liked by: boc

Eh ko lu ga jadi seleb asefem? w suka jwbvan drpd yang ngeshare kabah berjamaah itu

uhhh thankyou i guess? #sebenernyakurangpaham

kak berhubung aku mau umroh, aku doain kakak semakin internasional

semoga situ dibanjiri keberkahan dan dubai diva.

Well, I read a few about her, but.. I guess I'm more of a Dali-person :B But I get how one can relate themselves with Kahlo—or any gloomy grey writers/artists. "what's killing them into what strengthens them, too. A beautiful tragedy"—you could say this for Kahlo's case, as well for Hitler's, no? :P

I can't say, really. I'm fine with Hitler but I dunno. What.

why does it seems like that making art needs a lot of one's melancholy and anxiety? would you agree that we're less 'productive' when we're happy? would say that frida kahlo was happy?

Not neccessarily. Not everyone feels like they're more productive when they're either 'sad' or 'anxious'.
What Kahlo did was that she had only painted her reality. If you read more about her (go read it I fell in love with her right after I knew all the things she had to experience), you'll see that she's been through a lot of pain in her life and she overcame it in the end. She used her pain and turned it into art and I think that's the most productive thing anyone can ever try to do.
So, aside from my approach on making art (which is triggered by negative emotions bc I do feel more productive when I'm not content/happy), I think most people should make what's killing them into what strengthens them, too. A beautiful tragedy, I suppose.
Liked by: boc

kak impersonate aku dong

"anjing deh mait"
"ah maaaaaaaaeeiiiit"
"hahah, bitch."
"parah nih nimbun dosa"
"rifi mana rifi"
"poser the people"
ya yg anjing2 gt lah.

Do you have or want a tattoo? What and where?

All my life. I'd dream of having a picture of a knife on my right wrist and a set of daisies on my left, symbolizing how pain that have marked you can also be a way of reaching pure bliss at one point in your life; how pain reaches out to strength.


Language: English