
Maitri Anjani

Ask @maitrikka

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What's the most interesting object in your room?

probably my handmade heart-plant mirror / the indian decoration i got which has this indian sultan and its five mistresses hanging.

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do you prefer maintaining a long lost friendship but with a person that you had a fall out with or create a new one?

both can be a good thing. to me, maintaining a long lost friendship which i had fallen out of can still lead to good stuff in the future. there's still time to fix it all up, catch up on things, and stuff like that. i guess it's more of a deeper relationship with someone you've hung onto for a quite long time.
creating new bonds with new people is sort of an obligation, i guess. how else would we discover new things? as much as i hate to say it. letting in new people isn't a walk in the park, but that's just how we should roll.
so in the end, if you ask me personally, i like it more with the people i've known since forever, i guess. the more disaster you've been through together (whether its absence, loss of contact, etc) the deeper the bond you have with him/her. me personally, i prefer sticking with only a few people but go deep on them rather than jumping from people to newer people with only brief intimacy.

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If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would they be?

pizza, salmon, and nachos 4sho

what do you think makes people pretentious?

pre·ten·tious (pr-tnshs) adj.
1. Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.
I'm pretty much on the same page with the world dictionary. "Pretentious" is often a negative image of a person, which if I may translate into my words:
Having an unbalanced relationship between the way one thinks and the way one acts externally / on the outside for (mostly) undeserved attention.
why would someone be pretentious? insecurity, i suppose. people tend to, for example, wear a certain band shirt when they don't even listen to them. he/she probably wears it because it 'looks' cool; which means you get extra points in surviving the social ladder. people (in this case) dressing to please the society pictures a pretend-game in order for them to be able to get themselves into a world that they probably won't last long in.
"the harder thing than getting in, is staying in." -> a message to all pretenders out there. don't bother to please people bcs it won't take you anywhere for long. please yourself with what you're really into.

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What's your favorite party game?

the sitting in the corner with the only people you're close to game.

How can you be happy without money?

by doing what i do sincerely, i guess. art is hard, but people maintain.

ga sabar ketemu lu di bandung deh.. i've been watching you over a year. i hope i have the guts to say hi to you next semester :)

hahah is this for real? creepy choice of words but yeah say hi next time mann

What three things do you think of most each day?

either if i was wasting my life / not, food, and tomorrow.

really? but the BWHG isn't that religious at all. she's wearing it because everyone doesn't. otoh, the religious slut is secretly religious. she wanted to appear like that because she had to. deep down she still believed in god. now, which one do you prefer?

depends, really. does the whore does what she does because she had to? for the rents and all that crap? she could've had the effort to look for a better job; unless she was threatened to get killed if she quits the dirty work and cries everyday upon her religious suffering. i would've root for her if THAT was the case, and if she tried harder also. a pretentious 'bwhg' (i just knew this phrase) is icky if she was only aiming for 'uniqueness' like everyone else.

which do you prefer to see: a burqa-wearing hipster girl or a religious slut?

burqa wearing hipster girl. a religious slut would have no purpose.

well.. evian is named for the source from which the water comes, Évian-les-Bains. And... why is Aqua spelled 'Auqa' backwards?

So proud you got yourself to google it, san. Probably because Tirto Utomo (Aqua's founder) isn't very bright at anagrams thus all in all the story isn't so interesting. I apologize for the brainfarts.

why is Neil A. (the first person to walk on the moon) spelled "Alien" backwards?

aliens and outer-space; what is there to question? plus, the fact that he was the first person that laid feet on the moon is also a myth, still. i'm sure it's quite clear- the similarities.

do you believe in reincarnation?

i do. there are various alternate universes and alternate possibilities.

Should we read a lot of books?

Heck yes. That's all you need in life if you're the type of person that is scared of taking risks and field experiences.

What is the best movie you have ever seen?

so. difficult.
but umm i'm gonna have to say either reality bites, the dark knight, stoker, the hours, or inception.

i strain myself 24/7, rot in hell and sleep well. -dari ank cimbel165

i dont want you to rot in hell dont worry


you're the best hypocrite i've ever known, in that case. :-)

met tebak ini siapa? I used to come here often

here as in earth? then you must be some prehistoric dude?

Who do you look up to?

when i look up i see god. but in seriousness, tavi gevinson and sylvia plath. but the god part was serious also.

HAHA you give the best answers. I love you met eventho you hate everyone :(

i don't hate everyone, everyone hates me. loljk im fab and ur fab- fabbers connect


Language: English