
Apple N.

Ask @mapples

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why are you such a pretty APPLE pie :> hahaha

A certain summer girl shone her light on me and I became pretty :)))) #AngLandiNatin

What is your favorite tea?

This tea that my favorite massage place serves you while you're waiting. They won't tell what kind of tea it is. Huhu.

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just do it. you're probably bored. otherwise, you won't even be here on this site. lol.

Haha. First, there are no female friends on my list (names starting with F) to whom I am close enough to please you. Second, I am bored and procrastinating, but just not bored enough to humor odd instructions like those. Okay? :)

finish the question fully once more with a female facebook friend starting with F you know full well. then count all the F's in the first and final questions then hold your breath for that many seconds.


go to your fb friends then type the letter F & note the FIRST FEMALE FRIEND you find. then answer the following: 1. if she became cacti, would you still hug her? 2. if you were a guy, would you flirt with her? 3. have you tickled her? if yes, did she laugh? if no, d'you want to? Then, count the Fs.

Merryl Faye Mayo (but we aren't close at all)
1. I guess not?
2. I've never met her in person, so I don't know?
3. No, and no?
Jeez, this is really weird =))

What's been your greatest discovery on the web?

Etsy, Bloglovin/the blogosphere in general, Thought Catalog, IWTFY, etc etc :))

No, that would be creepy. :)) The cookie was for the effort since I'm sure that you sang along as you typed out the words.

I'm glad we agree on the area of creepy-ness :))) But you are correct :)

As in someone you found attractive in your first year in college?

We-ell. I had one significant first year crush. He was quiet, gentle, and strange. He was handsome but I didn't think so at the beginning. He was always kind, occasionally honest, and unforgettably good to me.

I seriously hope you're doing alright. That's all. :)

I've been better, but I also have been worse. It's nice to be worried about, friend, but I am doing alright. That's all <3

Can we be friends?

Hmmm. Chances are we're already friends, somewhat. Haha. Come on, message me un-anonymously somewhere and let's chat!

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

"Change the way you see things," for my fixation with the past, and
"You've made it this far, after all," for my periods of hopelessness.

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

First answer that popped into my head: Canada. But I'll have to think that one through. Shucks. Hahaha.

What makes someone attractive?

Any trait that you can remember them by, in a good way. A sense of humor, a way with words, a talent. Personally, I'm attracted to people with a talent and/or a passion for something, or someone with a story.

Do you prefer to call or text?

It depends on who or what for, really! Texting is social interaction without the awkwardness, calling demands immediate response, texting allows for hours or days before a reply is sent, and calling over horrible signal simply puts me in a terrible mood.

how are you doing? :)

Aside from having my old friends Sadness and Nostalgia over, I am doing really fine :)

Say something smart.

(Bossy, bossy.)
All I can say is that, when you deny a concept or a thing, are you not attesting to the very being of said concept or thing?
I don't think I can write my entire thought process down, but I've been seeing a lot of feminist content lately. Some feminists are all just "I hate the idea of pink being considered a feminine color and blue being a masculine color!" and my first thought is, "But in opposing it you are confirming it."
Bah, I don't know. I hope that's smart enough for you tonight, anon.
Liked by: Jasminev. Ivan

What do you think when you look in the mirror?

There was a time earlier this week that I looked at the bathroom mirror. I was just remembering some memory from high school, so when I looked at myself I tried to "see" the high school version of me, trying to see if I could pretend that I was still sixteen or seventeen, was still in Bahrain, and was still living a different life. My face hasn't really changed that much, so I thought I could do it.
But I COULDN'T. All I could see was nineteen-year-old, college junior Mapple who knew everything that I knew now and had lost everything that I had lost until that second. It was an odd epiphany to have, that really LOOKING at a person often involved taking in all that you know about her and painting her presence in your life with that knowledge. It was a complex but cool thought.

What do you value more than anything else?

Call me pretentious, but I value the intangible! I value philosophy and ideas: like people and what makes them people, what they believe in, what they feel and dream of, and even the world constructed inside of our minds. I value all of that :)
Whatta comeback answer, huh.

What time do you usually wake up in the morning?

I usually wake up at 8AM. What time I get up is entirely different :P

What are your pet peeves?

Jayne Orlina
Grammar and spelling, haha. Throwing around words. Excuses. People taking/using my stuff without asking/telling me first. Inconsistencies. Egocentrism. People forgetting things that were important to me. "Nice guy" syndrome has been added to the list lately HAHA. Victim complex. Bounds of ignorance. Etc etc etc. I'm picky about people, I know.
Liked by: Jayne Orlina

Awww, well even if you find you're not interested in your askfm anymore, don't delete it! Sayang answersss. I imagine it would be fun to go back to them and read them after a while. XD

Jayne Orlina
I'll keep that in mind :P
Liked by: Jayne Orlina

WHO have you learned to love that you once hated? or vice versa

Love and hate are very strong words, dear. Let's use them carefully :)

What have you learned to love that you once hated?

Something that I didn't really hate, I just disliked the way that I was receiving it: poetry. In high school, poetry was heavy and difficult and I would have been very happy to be rid of it!! But now I'm in love with it :)
Second answer: commute. I guess I hated the idea of commuting or of travelling alone because of all the horror stories I've heard about Manila. But now I see commutes as adventures and look forward to the challenge of finishing them. Haha.


Language: English