

Ask @marvellarustandy

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wkakka iis1 gw :p. iya bener kok kyk gitu formatnya:') dan bener jg kalo gw nunggu ade gw di smp wkkak

yosefajessica’s Profile Photoyoyy
oiyaa maap hahaha :p gw suka ketuker" kelas gt hehe
yey seenggaknya 2/3 bener (?) wkwkw :D
Liked by: stella

marvellaa follbackk, sekalian fi & tbh gw ;)

yosefajessica’s Profile Photoyoyy
sbb yoyy, followed yaa :D
fi: kayaknya anaknya alim" baik rajin gt, anak 7c, temennya heidy luvi gt juga kayaknya
tbh: anaknya friendly, baik, enk buat ngobrol, anak badmin, anak xi iis 2 (bener ga? wkwkw), datengnya lumayan pagi kayaknya, pulangnya biasanya nunggu di smp bareng adeknya(kalo sotoy trus malah ngaco maap ya wkwk), kayaknya emg rajin jg wkwkw #nebak
[satu lagi.. "tbh" itu bener kan kayak gini formatnya..?]
Liked by: stella yoyy

before and after meee

before: lupaa hahaha udh lama banget tapi kayaknya salah satu first impression gw ttg lu itu lu orgnya sayang adek sayang keluarga hahaha
after: anaknya baik, friendly, ttep sayang keluarga sayang adek kayak first impression, cheerful, suka bikin puisi (maybe?), artsy, pianonya jago, kadang" kalo dari atas kedengeran suara pianonya hahaha #penontongratisan, jago bhs mandarin/hokkian gt juga hahaha

kabar gembira untuk kita semua kulit manggis kini ada ekstraknya CIEE YANG BACANYA SAMBIL NYANYI CIEEEE

untung yang kebaca yang dibawah duluan jadi gajadi nyanyi hahaha CIE YANG FAIL CIEEE


jjesslynee’s Profile PhotoJosephine Jesslyne
hii manusia yg sempet jadi seatmate kelas 10, classmate kelas 7, kekasih gelap logan lerman (?) :p
makin jago yaa pianonya :D
makin baik, makin friendly, makin cantik, makin pinter, makin seru, makin berotot tangannya (?), makin ++ lah in everything hahaha :D
stay awesome, may God bless you always :D
i'm soo glad to have you as a friend & classmate (buat chrestella maap kemaren gw lupa taro friend juga baru baca lagi gw hehe maklum dear yang pertama :s , ur also mai pren jangan tersinggung) (eh iya ini kan buat jesslyne) (oke peace abaikan :p) :D
moga2 sekelas lagi yaa :D
(ini buat semua yang sekelas sihh :* hehehe :D)
Have a nice day :D (mumpung masih pagi muehehe)
Liked by: Josephine Jesslyne


chre_stella’s Profile Photochrestella levina
hii temen sekelas dari kelas 1,2,3,6 dan 10..
kalo lu expect kalo gw bakalan bilang "gw bosen ngeliat muka lu" ato sejenis itu, lu salah karena gw aja udah bosen sama kalimat itu (?) hahaha :p
dari gaada poni samasekali sampe ada poninya kayak sekarang tapi rambutnya tetep panjang, kayaknya gw tau lu cukup lama untuk bilang kalo puberty has hit you well (y) ahaha :p
makin friendly, makin cheerful, makin pinter, makin cantik, makin baik, makin seru, makin kocak, makin yang ++ lahh hahaha :D
stay awesome and may God bless you alwayss :D
it's a pleasure to have you as my classmate #asekkk wkwkw :D
*p.s. maap yang tadi kedelete, jadi gw reans hehe :)*
Liked by: chrestella levina

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

- you only get one chance to notice a new haircut
- problems aren't like people; they won't stop bothering you even if you tried to ignore it. they'll only stop when they are either solved or shared to another person/people you trust
- it's never too late for an apology
- it's ok not to be ok
- hope for the best, but expect the worst
- you are never too old to need your parents
- you won't always be the strongest or the fastest, but you can be the toughest
- be kind. everyone has a hard fight ahead of them.
- if you need to say something, say it before it's too late
- thank anyone who has helped you in any way
- there are always at least two sides for every stories
- never judge. a vilain is just another victim whose story hasn't been told.
- it's impossible not to be afraid of anything. so be afraid, but do it anyway. live your life anyway.
- if they don't accept you the way you are, they don't deserve to be a part of your life
- no matter how hard things are, remember that they will eventually get better in the end. never lose hope.
- if you ever feel dissapointed at anyone including yourself, just remember, nobody's perfect
- the fact is, you'll regret the things you didn't do/say more than the things you did/said
- life is just like a rollercoaster ride with its ups and downs. one day it'll end, and you wouldn't want to waste that ride by holding on the rollercoaster too tight that you can't enjoy the ride at all. don't take it far too seriously. enjoy the ride.

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wkwk tapi kalo lo lagi dimobil dan jalan nya goyang" pasti lo pusing... karna gw aja pusing wkawka udh ah gw gila nih kebanyakan ngomong sama lo wkwk :p bye bebs :*

PHeidy’s Profile PhotoPratiwi Heidy
wkwkw gw sih ngga dimobil dongss hahaha yang duluan ngajak ngobrol siapa salah siapa hayoo (?) ;) wkwkw bye juga bebs :* alias joko :p wkwkw

bzzzz btw lo tau ga napa gw jadi sering pake btw di beberapa question terakhir ini apa salahnya dengan btw kenapa gw jadi pake pake btw kenapa gw menanyakan soal btw mengapa btw ada di dunia ini siapa yang menciptakan btw? ;)

PHeidy’s Profile PhotoPratiwi Heidy
maaf, lebih baik anda berkonsultasi saja dengan om google di www.google.com . terima kasih.

Taiiii!!! lo membuat otak gue harus berputar untuk berpikir dan berpikir untuk memutar otak untuk berpikir untur memutar otak wkwk danlomembuatguejadiharusberpikiruntukmenulisyangtadidiatasngwjugasempetkebingunganditengah" wkawka pusing ga bacany? :p

PHeidy’s Profile PhotoPratiwi Heidy
ngga dongs, gw kan males bacanya jadi gw baca sekilas aja trus ngeliat kalimat terakhir WKWKW #heidygagal #jk :p

NO!!!!! My Name is not JOKO!!!! * gaya patrick abis nama di nametag nya diapus ama spongebob jadi rick wkwk baku banget g btw tadi si joko???

PHeidy’s Profile PhotoPratiwi Heidy
wkwkwk ngga kok ngga baku iya ngga baku kok iya ngga baku beneran *you don't say.jpg* hahaha


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