Ask @liaancilla

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Pengen berjuang buat dia tapi masih banyak hal selain cinta yg mesti dilakukan lagian dianya juga b aja ke saya 😂

ingin memperjuangkan karena yakin bisa membahagiakan atau hanya ego semata, membayangkan kepuasan saat berhasil mendapatkan dia?
terima kasih laporannya, silahkan dilanjutkan mundurnya. :)

Caranya buat bikin orang yang kita suka lupain masa lalunya gimana ya? Butuh saran hehe:v

1. Cari tau dulu kenapa dia masih "terikat" sama masa lalunya. Krn masa lalunya terlalu membahagiakan? tragis? mengecewakan? traumatik? Approachnya berbeda.
2. You cannot erase someone's memories, but you can create good memories for them to remember. Little things may matter, even to the coldest heart, though they may take time.
3. Take time to ask yourself and reflect, "Am I certain that I want to have a relationship with him/her? Do I see him/her as a potential suitable partner for me?" Kalau tujuan kamu mendapatkan hatinya hanya utk main2 atau penasaran, mundur. It'll save your time & his/her heart.
4. Upgrade your qualities. Dream big, work hard. Cultivate attitude and compassion. Maybe one day s/he'll "see" you, but if not, I'm sure someone else will.

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aku punya kenalan cowo dia hobinya nge chat kaya yg ngejar2 gitu kepoin bgt hidup aku sampe dalem2,selalu stalking ngeliat dan komen trs snapgram aku sampe aku risih ganyaman mau nangis sejak ada kenal dia, padahal aku sama sekalii gada perasaan sm dia. aku harus gimana ya buat berhentiinnya?

sekarang ada fitur blokir kontak&hide snapgram honey, hidup jgn dibikin ribet ah; (

Mantan kamu masih perhatian nih sama lu tapi dari kejauhan. Misal setiap lu ultah sebelum ato sesudah hari ultah lu dia sempet-sempetin ngucapin ultah ke lu setiap tahun, tapi ga terang-terangan pake kata HBD.. Menurutlu ini hanya imajinasi lu apa emang kenyataan si mantan masih sayang sama lu?

cie yang baper sama mantan cie :))

salah ga sih cowo pake sunblock buat muka?-_- cewe gue ngatain gue lebay gara2 pake sunblock-_-

coba aja beliin cewek lu sunblock, siapa tau nyinyir krn mau pake sunblock tapi ga punya :(
p.s gw aja mikir klo mau beli sunblock khusus muka soalnya m a h a l

Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang perempuan perokok?

mau laki atau perempuan, kalo ngerokok itu sambil pake helm ya, biar sakitnya gak bagi2
sincerely, yang bisa sesek&pusing kalo ngirup asap rokok
Liked by: ерна

Misal disuruh milih. Lu milih kuliah ke luar negeri dapet beasiswa atau kuliah di indo bayar sendiri tapi bareng emak babe lu?

sarahannisa_Sb’s Profile Photo사라
Pertimbanganku saat ingin kuliah di suatu universitas
1. Jurusan (apakah jurusan tsb bisa dinikmati atau setidaknya ditoleransi, akreditasi, sistem pembelajaran)
2. Universitas (peraturan, kondisi sosial dan budaya: gak mau kan kuliah di tempat yang orangnya suka diskriminasi, anarkis, dll)
3. Dana: bisa bayar/tidak (beda dengan mau beasiswa/tidak ya)
4. Orang tua: apakah mengizinkan
5. Diri sendiri: apakah siap dan sreg kuliah di tempat itu, kalau homesick apakah bisa mengatasi
*6. Daerah tempat tinggal di sekitar kuliah (keamanan, jarak ke kampus: kalau kampus bagus tapi tempat kosnya cuma ada di tempat yang rawan banget aku juga mikir2 sih...)
*no 6 dibintangin soalnya biasanya ini gak terlalu jd masalah untuk nentuin kuliah/nggaknya aku di kampus itu. Kalo kosan yang deket kampus itu daerahnya rawan aku mending di kosan yang rada jauh tapi aman hehe

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Kalau misalnya mantan kalian ultah trs kalian di undang ke acara ultahannya sedangkan pacar kalian ga ngijinin kalian dtg kesana.. trs kalian bakal gimana?

ajak pacarnya ikut juga he he

Halo, Cilla! Tau satu-dua hal mengenai 'pengeluaran tak terduga' ndak? Sepengalaman Cilla pribadi, pengeluaran tak terduga tuh bentuknya apa? Lalu, punya kiat/tips untuk mengelolanya gak? (Contoh: harus sisihkan sekian persen tiap bulan untuk pengeluaran tak terduga) Thanks in advance! 🙏

angga_eighties’s Profile PhotoAnggada Samira
Halo, Kak! Menurutku pengeluaran tak terduga itu pengeluaran yang gak bisa atau nggak aku perhitungkan sebelumnya, misalnya iuran untuk beli baju panitia/organisasi. Itu termasuk gak terduga karena pemberitahuannya sering mendadak dan nominalnya juga beda-beda tiap acara/organisasi jadi susah diperhitungin.. Sama kalo ongkos gofood/gojek/gocar lagi mahal yaampun kadang bisa 2xlipet harga sebelomnya:"""
Hm prinsipku sih pengeluaran tak terduga = total pemasukan - pengeluaran wajib (makan, transpor, kebutuhan sehari-hari)
Karena pengeluaran tak terduga menurutku susah tau berapa nominalnya, yang aku atur itu pengeluaran "wajib"ku biar tetap sama dan usahain berkurang (kaya beli sabun gitu kan gak harus tiap bulan belinya) per bulannya. Menurutku pengeluaran wajib yang paling gampang diperhitungin itu makan, makanya aku selalu jatahin uang makan maksimal aku per hari berapa.. Kalo misalnya ada kondisi yang bikin uang makan aku hari itu lebih dari biasanya, aku coba kurangin di hari-hari berikutnya biar total uang yang aku abisin buat makan tetep sama ehehe
Kalo kak gimana? :D

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Liked by: Anggada Samira

btw milih dicintai atau mencintai?

It's not a choice actually. All humans are loved and do love, though some loves are not appreciated when being given,
some loves aren't even noticed.

gmn cara biar org yg disuka membalas perasaan kita

We cannot enforce feelings, sweetheart. However, there are things we can do...
1. Improve yourself
Join organizations. Set goals and plans. Act more. Learn. Build connections. Make your dreams a reality.
2. Realize that there are much more things to think about another than love story
"Galau" is normal. Even ambituous person "galau" at one time or another. However, realize that "galau" will not get you to anywhere, and the time you spend to "galau" about specific person can be used to do something more productive.
Do this and believe me, 5 years later you will wonder why 5 years ago you are so busy thinking about this crush of yours.
Have a good day x

target nikah usia berapa?

Menurutku nikah bukan cita-cita, bukan "goal". Nikah itu komitmen jangka sangat panjang, janji setia dari masih muda bersinar sampe tua dan keriput, dan itu bukan hal main2, bukan asal sayang2an terus langsung ke KUA.
Lalu, nikah yang penting orangnya, bukan waktunya. Aku mendingan nanti bosen ditanyain "kapan nikah" dibanding kebelet nikah terus nyesel di kemudian hari (tapi lebih mending kalo gak ditanyain sih, society can be so annoying sometimes).
Menikah bukanlah "akhir", menikah adalah "awal". Jangan menikah untuk menyelesaikan masalah tertentu. Menikahlah ketika siap. Siap memprioritaskan keluarga dibanding diri sendiri. Menikahlah ketika yakin sama pasangan. Yakin bahwa orang inilah yang kamu inginkan untuk menemani tahun2 bersama. Menikahlah dengan orang yang kamu yakin tidak akan selingkuh, yang menyelesaikan masalah dengan kepala dingin. Menikahlah dengan orang yang kamu yakin tidak kasar padamu secara fisik maupun verbal.
Tldr; Marriage is not a trend. Stop treating it like one.

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Iya ci udah sbmptn.. tapi dulu Cici jwb nya banyak?? Sama ci frustasi nih:( pengumuman udah dkt lagi.

hmm lumayan banyak sih hehe kamu gimana? :") ada cadangan?

Share pengalaman sbmptn nya dong kak? Jawab soalnya gmn ? Kalau mau tembus FK ugm katanya pgnya harus lebih dari 50 yah kak??

duh maaf ya aku baru liat setelah sbmnya kelar :"D ehehe
hm aku masuk FK UGM lewat SBMPTN bener2 keajaiban Tuhan banget si menurutku, aku ngerasa ga gitu bisa ngerjain dan aku terlalu frustasi untuk ngitungin aku bisa ngerjain berapa nomor :") Anon udah sbmptn kan? Berarti sekarang tinggal doa dan percaya kalau Tuhan akan memberikan yang terbaik ya, Non :)

Hello, Cilla! Do you have 'unique' method to (quickly) remember something? [e.g.: Creating your own pattern/combination to remember phone number] Have a nice day! 🙏

angga_eighties’s Profile PhotoAnggada Samira
hey, Kak :)
Well I usually
1. recite the words to give me a sense of "error intuition" if on another day I spell/speak them falsely (it helps for multiple choice questions!)
2. make an acronym, story, or relate it with something more familiar to me (I try to make it logical but funny/catchy enough to remember)
3. write it down then close my note
4. change things I need to remember into questions
hope it helps! :)

Please use this question to tell us something beautiful :)

TS_Frima’s Profile PhotoF-R-I-M-A
Can I use this question to blab about my random thoughts instead?
Since I've been in a writing hiatus for months, I'm posting two writings in a row, so enjoy the second writing here! :)
p.s these two writings (this one and the previous one) is not intended to offend anyone, and isn't made for any particular person, so any similarities in stories are just coincidence. ANDDD as usual, comments will be much appreciated! cheers x
Please use this question to tell us something beautiful

please write another short story again, i really miss it :(

hola anon maaf ya menelantarkan question ini berbulan2 ehehe semoga tulisan yang ini ga mengecewakanmu ya :(
p.s komentar kritik saran buat tulisan ini akan sangaat aku hargai:")
please write another short story again i really miss it

write something about goodbye,the most painful goodbye.

The most painful goodbyes hurts too much to be elaborated explicitly, but this may give you an idea.
Let's talk about time. Time always reveals everything and everyone. It shows the ones who really care about you and the ones that only want you in a "squad". It shows the ones you want in your life and the ones that are too toxic for you to hold on to.
Time reveals who loves you and who doesn't. The ones who love you will always stay, but the ones who actually don't, will eventually leave; sooner or later; slowly or all at once.
Therefore, I am preparing myself for goodbyes, or at least, distance. Some people, no matter how much I wish to bear them, are just untolerable; and some people, no matter how much I want them in my life, just don't belong. For my own good, I should have bid goodbyes to these people; but I wouldn't be writing this if this goodbye plan didn't pain me a bit.

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Konon, Hujan dan Matahari sering muncul bersama. Ketika itu terjadi, mereka bercakap-cakap. Suatu ketika, percakapannya seperti ini.
"Matahari? Mengapa engkau ada di sini?" tanya Hujan dengan tidak ramah.
Matahari menjawab,
"Saya menunggu anak Bapak, Pelangi."
Hujan mendengus. "Matahari, kita sudah membahas ini berulang kali. Kamu mau berapa tahun cahaya lagi menghadapiku?"
"Sebanyak waktu yang dibutuhkan, Pak. Seperti sinar yang menembus hujan untuk melihat pelangi, demikian pula saya rela menghadapi Bapak setiap tahun, setiap bulan, setiap hari, demi Pelangi." ujar Matahari.
"Sebanyak tahun yang dibutuhkan, katamu?" dengus Hujan.
"Iya, Pak."jawab Matahari.
Hujan tersenyum licik. "Kita lihat 100 tahun cahaya lagi."
100 tahun cahaya kemudian, aku menunggu kemunculan Matahari di kala Hujan. Tidak kunjung ada. Aku pun tahu, Matahari akhirnya lelah menunggu.
Pergilah, Matahari, kita memang lebih baik tidak bersama.
Dari aku yang diam-diam mencintaimu,

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gila cnel jago nulis dah👍👍👌

danielmando’s Profile Photodaniel armando
Sa aee hoho I learn from better writers in steller ;)
A. Romance
@gilangkharisma Tidak patah hati
●catrinnada13 Untuk Semua Hati yang Sering Patah
Secret admirer
●sarahkarinda Cinta yang Diam
One-sided love
●catrinnada13 Kalah
●catrinnada13 Percakapan Semalam
@gilangkharisma Ceroboh
In love
@gilangkharisma Pertanyaan
@gilangkharisma Forever is not enough
@nidyafebriani 3 Hal tentang Kamu
@nidyafebriani Kamu dan Bulan Juni
B. History
●imanbr Tragedi 1965
● imanbr Sukarno
● imanbr Operasi Alpha
C. Travel
●aMrazing The Children of Papua
●aMrazing Indonesia
●aMrazing Why sumba should be on your bucket list
● elisaolga Danau Kaolin
D. Motivational
DeeLestari Becoming An Idea Magnet
DeeLestari There Are No Giants --my fav quote♥↓

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gila cnel jago nulis dah

what is the saddest part about loving?

-Not being loved in returned.
-Not being loved anymore.
-Loving someone whose difference you (or your fam) can't compromise
-Abused (mentally or physically).
-Trying to let go.
-Missing someone's presence but can't do anything about it.
-When someone decides to give up on you.
-When someone is too toxic for you so you have to leave.
All of these stuffs do happen in real life yet people still tease, "Masih jomblo aja nih?"

Cil pendapat ttg orang ambisius

Jadi keinget waktu itu liat di tl kak @bramantyo17 masukkin 'ambisius' ke + - nya dia dan aku setuju. Ambisius itu bisa positif, karena sifat itu bisa bantu kamu buat ga gampang nyerah, pas jatoh bisa bangkit lagi, dan terus berusaha mencapai target/cita-cita. Ambisius negatif kalo sifat itu malah bikin kamu berharap/berusaha biar orang lain susah, sial, bangkrut.
Ada pepatah,
"Naiklah tanpa menjatuhkan orang lain."
TL;DR being ambitious is okay as long as you still have moral&ethics in you.

Halo, Cilla! Berkenan untuk berbagi informasi mengenai Gates Millennium Scholars Program untuk membakar kembali semangat mereka yang belum berhasil menempati kursi di PTN lewat jalur SBMPTN, ndak? Thanks in advance! 🙏🏻

angga_eighties’s Profile PhotoAnggada Samira
Dear all of you who are (still) mourning about SBMPTN,
Beware, my words may be harsh.
I know it disappoints you, but you can't keep mourning like this. Why? Ujian mandiri& foreign univ has its schedule and you might miss it if you keep mourning and not doing anything.
Wake up, say to yourself that not succeeding SBMPTN is not the end of the world. In fact, closed doors may aim to make you notice another that opens.
As Kak Angga mentioned in his question, yes, Bill gates is giving scholarship(s). I won't spoil you with further explanation, college student should be dilligent enough to learn about an information. You can see it here:

Gantian thoughts on gue dong nel HAHAH😁

finnyyym’s Profile PhotoFinny Manuputty
One of the smartest and the most hardworking friend I know. I adore how you can set your priorities&get them done;but mostly I adore your critical and open-minded mind. I like how you can see something in several perspectives, making you one of several persons I know I can turn to when I need a rational opinion. Besides, though seems tough, I know you still have a soft heart--makes you able to symphatize people& aware of the world's problems. You are an amazing person, Fin, glad to know you :)
Liked by: Finny Manuputty

I think I haven't been a good friend since I know so little about you. Would you be kind enough and tell me 20 things about yourself that I might not know yet :)

Well because you asked nicely :)
1.Afraid of horror movies&legends
2.Not into comics& (pure) romance novels
3.Hate 'gorengan'
4.Pasta&sushi for life
5.Easily distracted
6.Like writing (my writing still sucks tho)
7.Sometimes I talk a lot sometimes I ignore everyone.
8.I need Me-time every once in a while.
9. I don't like being prohibited into doing anything without logical explanation.
10. For me, all majors/lessons in the world are related so I like listening/reading people talking about theirs, eventhough the major is beyond my expertise.
11. I like reading about Economy, Politics, and Psychology because it provides me an understanding about world&people.
12. Not good at hearing lyrics. I have to see the lyric video/web in order to know what words the singer are singing.
13. Have a tendency to stay up late.
14. Seashore is my favourite place.
15. Used to dream of building 'rumah pohon'.
16. Hate cats!
17. Call me old-fashioned but if I don't think kissing (lips, forehead, cheek) in relationship is sweet. Don't get me wrong, I don't loathe people doing it but if it's my relationship, I don't want my partner doing so.
18. I want my first kiss to be done on my wedding day (if i one day marry)
19. I don't like holding hands except when I'm afraid.
20. Chinese-Sundanese (but I can't speak Mandarin&Sunda, tho
P.s someone teach me? 😁

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Liked by: Finny Manuputty

Hehehe iya, Cilla! Just some thoughts of mine to those who have trust issues due to my-significant-other-has-changed kind of break-up. Seneng banget ada yang mengapresiasi. Terima kasih, Cilla! Have a nice day! 🙌🏻🙏🏻

angga_eighties’s Profile PhotoAnggada Samira
Well, people get undeniably disappointed when reality doesn't meet their expectation. However, I think it's not the words "I love you" or "I miss you" that actually contributes to the damage. It's words that contain promises, like "I will never leave you" "I love you until the sun rises on the west and sets on the east" "I will die if you leave me" that sting. Why? Well, because it's a promise. Overrated or no, promises are expected to be kept. In conclusion, I think while not expecting anything, one should also be careful on saying things. Some words sound like promises, even when one doesn't mean it to be.
Liked by: Ste Anggada Samira

Halo, Cilla! Ada gak sih tindakan ofensif yang ingin dilakukan seandainya tindakan tersebut tidak dianggap publik sebagai sesuatu yang menjatuhkan orang yang dituju? (Contoh kasus ada di: hehe.) Have a nice day! 😃

angga_eighties’s Profile PhotoAnggada Samira
Ingin melakukan tindakan untuk 3 besar kelakuan ini.
3. Orang yang ngeludah sembarangan.
Sering banget ngegap orang ngelakuin ini. Please. Kenal toilet kan?
2. Orang yang ngerokok di tempat umum, terutama kalo di situ ada ibu hamil&anak-anak. Ya apalagi kalo ada aku (nyawa sendiri penting ok.) Kesel banget. Rose yang di titanic aja ga mau mati bareng cowonya, ini ngajak mati bareng. Ogah.

Do you like midnight? Why?

TS_Frima’s Profile PhotoF-R-I-M-A
"When the sun sets
and the sky gets dark

That's when I felt most alive

When the city sleeps
and serenity is my only company

That's when I felt most alive

When I'm all alone
and I have all the freedom to roam

That's when I felt most alive

But since I met you...

When the sun sets
And the sky gets dark
When the city sleeps
and serenity is my only company
When I'm all alone
and I have all the freedom to roam

That is when

The flashbacks of you rushes in
and the ample, evident feelings overwhelms me

The scenarios of what-ifs fills my mind
and it is a losing battle the whole time

For those are times
when you are most vivid and strong


The one sole moment

when I truly

feel most alive

is when I look into your eyes.

Because the truth is,


I was never alive before. "
Well, my answer is obvious enough, isn't it?

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Liked by: F-R-I-M-A gab

How did you learn to let go?

TS_Frima’s Profile PhotoF-R-I-M-A
let go of...
1. mistake(s)
Realize that no matter how guilty you feel, how many times you wish you made another decision, what has been done cannot be undone.
2. goal(s)
I don't. Just because it seems unreachable doesn't mean it can't be reached. Change the plan but not the goal. Except if your goal is a person. So, yeah. Never make someone your goal.
3. let go of..that particular person?
That person, whose name itself could send tingles on your spine? That person, whose presence send butterflies to your stomach? That person, whom you have tried so hard to forget but failing miserably?
lf that so, you can never learn from other people. Because the only way someone could teach you how to let go,
is by leaving you.
Liked by: gab

Hi! Since 2015 is coming to a close, what was your favourite place that you visited in 2015? Thank you! Hope y'all have a great Monday and enjoy the rest of your week :)

salsashf’s Profile PhotoSalsabila Shafa
When I got this question, one place crepped into my mind. My dream university. However, I don't quite like talking about my dream until it comes true (unless "forced" to tell). So, I'll tell you my second fav place in 2015--
Bangka Belitung, 22 Februari 2015.
Hi Since 2015 is coming to a close what was your favourite place that you

Aroma apa yang menarik perhatianmu hari ini? Mungkin aroma parfum, atau aroma lantai yang baru dipel, atau aroma kopi yang tersuguh di depanmu, atau aroma masakan tetangga? :)

TS_Frima’s Profile PhotoF-R-I-M-A
Aroma buku saat dibuka.
Beli buku The Alpha Girls' Guide karangannya Om Piring @manampiring ) pake uang sendiri hasil menang lomba. Awalnya ragu karena takut nyesel, tapi ternyata totally worth it!
Secara keseluruhan, buku ini berisi dorongan dan alasan perempuan harus memiliki kualitas diri yang tinggi, baik secara intelektual, perilaku, maupun fisik. Banyak pernyataan yang saat dibaca membuat saya merasa, "Wah setuju banget!". Selain itu, beberapa kalimat "menohok" hati karena mengekspos sifat jelek diri sendiri, tapi justru karna itu saya terdorong buat memperbaiki sifat jelek itu.
Yang saya sangat suka dari buku The Alpha Girls' Guide adalah buku ini tidak bersifat menggurui, melainkan menjelaskan dengan argumen yang realistis dan membuka wawasan. Karena semua hal ini lah, buku ini sangat cocok dibaca oleh para remaja yang ingin meningkatkan kualitas dirinya.
Tapi apa itu alpha female? Langsung beli bukunya atau stalk @manampiring ;)

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Aroma apa yang menarik perhatianmu hari ini Mungkin aroma parfum atau aroma

What present do you want for the next birthday?

pertanyaan 3 bulan lalu tapi dijawab sekarang deh soalnya bentar lagi.... . . . natal sama taun baru kok:):):)
-bukunya lang leav
-eye liner
-compact powder
-contouring brush
ato kalo mau gampang

Ketika menghadapi keadaan yang sulit/berat, apa yang kamu katakan pada diri sendiri?

TS_Frima’s Profile PhotoF-R-I-M-A
Dear self, and people reading this.
Strength is not obtained from easy-wheezy condition. Toughness is earned, not given. Sometimes you need to fall in order to know where you are, and who you want to be. Just because you can't see the sun beneath those dark clouds, doesn't mean the sun isn't there. Some problems aren't meant to be fixed, but to be accepted. Make peace with them, and you'll live a merrier life. Don't put people's words to hearts. Sometimes they don't mean what they say. At least, not in the way that hurts you, but if you meet people whose intention is to break you, show them who rules. Embrace your sadness, your fears, your insecurities. By doing so, they lose their power over you. Last but not least,
Don't expect too much. Some hardworks don't match the results.
Liked by: stella

Hypothetically speaking, the Earth would be hit by an extinction-level asteroid in a month. You're qualified to be evacuated to Earth 2.0 along with other chosen people. Would you flee away and start human civilization from the scratch on Earth 2.0 or simply enjoy the rest of your life on Earth?

Am I chosen to serve a purpose
or is it pure luck
or is it by papers -- just like Katniss' sister?
Am I chosen to serve a purpose
a purpose that matters more than my beloved?
Wait -- are they coming to?
If both answers are no,
you know what I'll say
Go and find someone else
'Cause what's Peter Pan without TInker Bell
or me without my loved ones?
p.s thank you for the question, Kak! :)
Liked by: daniel armando

Hello, Cilla! If you're given the chance to add one character from another movie to your preferred one, who would you choose? And, how would the story be based on your imagination then? (Will it change the plot, become supporting character, or something else?) Have a nice day! 🙌

angga_eighties’s Profile PhotoAnggada Samira
Imagine Severus Snape acts in Maleficent movie. Set him up with Maleficent. The mixture of two people who have felt the pain of love, one experiences the endless waiting and the other experiences betrayal will produce something you don't wanna miss. Will they learn to love again? Or will the scar restrict them to fix each other? You decide.

Please kindly tell me about your feelings lately. #BontCirDe

That feeling when people make jokes on bad memories you try to forget. You remind yourself that it doesn't matter, but feelings can't lie. You can't even fake a smile. What's the worst part?They talk about it over and over again that when they're finally gone, their words linger in your head - eating you inside, drowning you in the pool of misery.
Please kindly tell me about your feelings lately
Liked by: Filda Trya M A R U D.

rekomen film sedih dong, thx :)
↑kisah nyata karna kisah hidup seseorang biasanya lebih sedih dari film tersedih manapun. PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO.↑
Buat yang belom tau, Paul Cochelour itu guru native (bahasa Inggris), pas SMP aku diajar dia. Ngajarnya enak, lucu, seru. Ga nyangka di balik kelucuannya, dia divonis kanker stadium 4 tahun 2002. Berobat ini itu. Kemo, dll. Sempet dinyatain sembuh.
Awal tahun 2015, Mr. Paul relaps. Penyakitnya "dateng lagi" (lebih jelasnya google). Jadi, sekarang dia harus treatment lagi. Aku ga bisa bayangin emotional pressurenya, belom lagi biayanya. Jadi yuk bantu, kalo ga bisa nyumbang setidaknya bantu share siapa tau ada yang bisa bantu.
p.s I don't explain the medical details because it's on the video, but if you find it confusing and want to ask me, I don't mind ehe.
Let's do something. Make the world a better place by supporting the ones living on it.

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rekomen film sedih dong thx

One day, as you're having a casual afternoon, your daughter exclaimed, "Mom, I found your page!" How would you respond?

I would smile and say,
"Honey, I used to sit and watch great people in this platform tell their inspiring stories. Well right now, i'm one of THOSE people."
Can I get an Amen?


Language: English