
maryeve wynn❂

Ask @maryeve13x

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if you were dating Jacob and someone said you guys were a ugly couple would you care?

no i wouldnt care if someone said that.but were not dating.haha

I'm very jealous of you..because your so pretty and everyone likes you and Jacob likes you like why can't I have that?

don be jealous of me.trust me haha. and not everyone likes me.believe that! haha

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Where is the funniest place you have ever fallen asleep?

i was playing hide and seek with my cousins.and i hide in the drier and they gave up on looking for me and i started falling asleep after like 1-2 hours.and my grandma went to go put clothes in there and i was sleeping.

Are you not friends with allie anymore or something? are you mad she likes jacob? do you like jacob?

me and allie are sisters i love her:) and she told me she didnt like jacob.but i know she does and idc about it:) and yes i do like jacob:)why do you care?

What is on the walls of the room you are in?

a statement cut out of a magazines that says "story of my life" with pictures of my family and funny pictures of me and my friends surrounding it haha
Liked by: lindsey sobeck

do you like anyone? if you do who?

Alexis Huon
it's confusing.because everyone says he still likes this one girl..and I really don't know what to believe because he said he likes me but honestly I really don't know.and you already know who it is.
Liked by: marin Alexis Huon

Hey ! like 50 of my recent answers and ill like 55 yours, if you don't want to then I understand :) im also following you now, thanks and stay beautiful <3

ok.thank you.haha

im right out here for you just let me in we only have eachother its just you and mee what are we gonna do? do u want to build a snowman?? -Frozen❤️❤️❤️

LynLyn Joaquin
haha YOUR DONE .

or ride our bikes around the hall? i think some company is overdue ive started talking to the pictures on the wall! it gets a little lonely all these empty rooms just watching the hours tick by!! Please i know your in there people are asking where you've been they say have courage and im trying to

LynLyn Joaquin
wow I can't believe u actually took the time to write all this stuff out

Do you want to build a snowman? come on lets go and play! i never see you anymore come out the door its like you have gone away ! we used to be best buddies and now were not i wish you would tell me whyyyy?? Do u want to build a snowman? it doesnt have to be a snowman! do u want to build a snow man?

LynLyn Joaquin


Language: English