
maryeve wynn❂

Ask @maryeve13x

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What song best describes your life right now?

idk wrecking ball? that's the song I'm listening too right now that's why?

Why are you so perfect?? Like seriously stop. Your gorgeous.

who is this ! tell me ! like can't you say what your first letter of your name starts with ! please and thanks ILYSM!

I have a secret crush in u and u have no idea iv liked u eversince 7 grade do u like me?

idk who u are who is this I mean this could be kiandre cause I found out he liked me today or it could be Alec cause he said he liked me and now won't answer my texts . ? but tell me who u are !

Y dont you get over jacob

idk there's just something about him u can't really get over ?.. Who is this and what's your problem ?

Who do u like and be honest?

Jacob Perez. I like him a lot but he's dating my friend and now I'm really mad at her who is this please tell me who u are ? I really would appreciate it if u told me who u are!?

well why can LynLyn like be your friends! if u get to know her then you will like live her! even ask other people that she talks to ask asks if shes funny!? bcuz she is hilarious

I'll try .

do you think allison roide is annoying or your friend

My friend I used to not likened but once you get to know her she's amazing and super super funny she's not my best friend YET .just a friend

one of her friends! Stop hating on her

I hate because some girls told me that she called me a bitch and that she hates me THATS why I hate her mind your own buisness please thank you :)

what is your crushes first initial of their last name

His first name starts with a j and he already knows I like him soooo yeah...

Do u like Logan

No...why? Like I guess I still have a little feelings for him but the guy I like right now I like way more than Logan WHO IS THIS

someone ;) but he doesn't know what he's missing your gorgeous and hilarious and just amazing and if he doesn't see that he's stupid ! ily<3

Sounds like AVA cause she said exactly that when I was texting her but thanks ;) who is it though !

why do you like your crush ?

Because he's really cute and funny and his eyes are to die for he's soooo adorable . (Etc.)

Language: English