
Janneke de

TF #76 - "Fus Roh Dah!". Ich habe euch angeschrien. Wie werdet ihr dieser Situation entgegnen?

Ich würde wahrscheinlich meinen "Fuß raus da" nehmen :D
Haha ne, keine Ahnung :D
So, wie ich mich kenne würde ich lachen :D
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Latest answers from Janneke de

Have you ever had a friendship that ended for of a stupid reason? What was that reason?

Yes it was. Actually there where two.
Stupid reason for the first friendship (maybe 8 years ago): I have no clue why the damn friendship ended! I have no idea what the stupid reason is!
Stupid reason for the second friendship (a couple of days/weeks ago): The stupid reason is me being stupid.

Welches ist dein Lieblingsmotto oder -sprichwort?

Was du nicht willst, was man dir tu' - das füg' auch keinem Anderen zu!

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