

Ask @mattcurtiss527

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Dood it doesn't look like it. B? What the number after the b?

It is a B.... Ive seen her bra. Im not telling you the number dumbass

Why do you like danielle? she's flat as fuck. Don't you want a girl that actually has something.


dude... you always say all these other girls are way to pretty for you...ok what does that mean about danielle is she not "to pretty" for you?

nono..... danille is WAY WAY to pretyy for me

Omg no way! And yea people are weird lol but you and Danny are so perfect I hope everything works out!!(:

Thank you !7 ((: anf oksy

Welcome :) but where do they come up with this I seriously have talked to u like one time an it was on here lol

Bailey shay
Haha :) and I honestly dont know.... plus your way too pretty for me anyway ! and they just said it out of no where which I dont get why.

funny how you thought you would ever have a chance with bailey wilson..lol jimmy is way more perf then you tbh.

I dont like her lol...... shes not my type anyway. she would just be a friend and i honestly dont care if he's "more perf" then me

Idk im kinda just done with her now her prob is she likes to keep everything bottled up inside her and not tell anyone whats wrong and shes taking it out onnpeople that actually care about them and soon enough she'll just lose them.

Well she lost me in a heartbeat.... shes changed ALOT but this change isnt good

exactly! She keeps trying to say she doesnt have one like no its kinda obvious she does she never acts like this

I know omg

What the hell is her problem lately lol shes ging off on people on her ask and pretending she doesnt know you she's been such a big ass bitch for the last 2 days like calm yo tits gurl

I know !! and idk what her problem is tho

Why the fuck are u you being a bitch to lenah and saying your not there for her anymore what did she ever do to you!?

She just stopped talking to me and started calling me gay and stuff.

R u and jasmin cool now or still caught up in it all

well i think were cool as long as she doesnt start stuff again

Wth matt she wasn't even talkiing about you. Like what the actually fuck there's more than one matt in there world and I actually have like 6 friends named matt so stfu and stop being a bitch to lenah when she didnt do anything to you dumbass!

she wals talkiny about me lolol and did you see what she said about on jasmines wall..exactly so bye

Well why don't u guys jut forget about what happened and just not talk to eachother so u guys don't have a problom

thats fine with me ! just please tel her to just stop with al the damn drama

Stop makeing this a big deal it seriously is not , just dont talk to jasmine and it will all be fine. U need to stop asking her questions

Im not asking her questions !! she just keeps re answering them.! and I havet talked to her in a week anyway

Jasmine dosent like you matt *as a friend * at all . That's why she did this to you because you are so freeking rude !!!!! It's not all just her .

IT IS HER !! She started this whole thing and idc if she likes me or not but its causing too much drama and shes making it seem like she an attention seeker


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