
Little Rebel

Ask @michaelaascott

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Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now.

Yeah, I could use a dream or a genie or a wish
To go back to a place much simpler than this
Cause after all the partyin' and smashin' and crashin
And all the glitz and the glam and the fashion
Liked by: Amber Sutherland

I hope he takes your filthy heart and then he throws it away someday <3 my favorite line right there

Fuck You
Before you go, there's one thing you oughta know
If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby
Liked by: Amber Sutherland


Met a girl at seventeen
Thought she meant the world to me,
So I gave her everything,
She turned out to be a cheat
Said she'd been thinking for a long time
And she found somebody new
I've been thinking that this whole time

I feel like kickin some pedros in the balls. <- it came out Pedro so I'm leaving it though I meant pedo. So these lyrics tho "wtf you gonna do to a masochist who's mad and pissed. <- remind me of this guys mom idk why. I need a new friend D: everyone else is dead. Herpes a derp. <- omfg I meant herp

you're creepy

or do you? Dun dun dunn.. if anyone has a problem with you they can walk here and feel the wrath of my frying pan on their faces xD. This is a wasteland my only retreat. With heaven above you there's hell over me.. <-- idk bro you gotta help me make new friends. I'm bored as hell.

man you don't know how much you make me laugh

When I see the people being ignorant to you I start singing HEADS SHOULDERS KNEES AND HOES KNEES AND HOES. EYES AND EARS AND MOUTHS AND NOSE. HEAD SHOULDERS KNEES AND HOES KNEES AND HOES. AHAHAHA I'm SO FUCKING HILARIOUS. And this is why I dont have a bf. ♥ you know you love me girly lol

Fuck You
I have no choice but to love you haha ;)

you didn't deny it

this is none of your buisness, and no I didn't deny it but I didnt say it was true either. .. now just go away cause you are really annoying me
Liked by: Amber Sutherland


Language: English