
Little Rebel

Ask @michaelaascott

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The zombie apocalypse has just started. Your team consists of the last singer you listened to, the main character from the last movie you watched and your favourite character off the last show you watched. Who are they?

the collective, some chic called merinda and some other chic called Hanna

I had to put my dog down a few months ago. I can't cope I miss him like crazy. I don't know what to do I just want him back.

Not sure when people started asking me for advice but anyway I know it's hard I know exactly what your going through the first year is always gonna be the hardest but it can only get easier right? Just remember all the happy memories you had with him.

Hannah guilding

Oh, um really good friend, miss her, so funny, caring, great personality, so crazy makes everyone laugh with her being crazy, good memories
Liked by: Jesse

thoughtz on jordan oldis

best friend, miss her loads, haven't talked in a while, so funny, always managed to make me smile even on my downest days, great personality, doesn't deserve all the hate she gets, easy to get along with, nice,
Liked by: Jesse


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