

We still love ourselves even after doing many mistakes. So how can we hate others after their single mistake ?!!

Because Despite those mistakes, Others GO. and your only left with "Me, Myself & I".
< thats one point of view
the other is;
Because some ppl are selfish enough to not have a conscious into realizing that they are wrong and have to work on being a better person. some ppl do wrong despite everything and they keep the truth to themselves and add more lies and be in daniel. Allah ysam7hom wa y9a77i '9ameerhom
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Latest answers from ★мίšhã

Who can draw a big smile on your face when you are not ok?

whoever makes me laugh wins! yay!

I saw ur Q and to be honest I won't even give a shit after all u are B+ girl ;P #truestory kindlly u are a second choice for most of the boys

BAHAHA! look who's talking Mr.Emo gay ass looking punk kid talking smack!
go back to ur mama get some balls bigger than a B+. when u do send me a photo lets show the world how many girls u can actually get! after all u are literally no one's choice *yawn*

What can change your mood 180 degrees?

((((( S U G A R )))))
sugar candy sugar food sugar fruit sugar hugs and sugar kisses !!! LOL

آگگثَر شيءْ تحتآجِ لہ هذهہ آلأيآمَ‹☺› ( . . . . . . ) ?

يا شيخ!! ايش اللي ما نحتاجه !! والله نحتاج كل شي! لول حتى الريال احتجناه! ههه

Language: English