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Wie wichtig ist dir Sport?

GlitterBnny’s Profile PhotoGlitterBnny
Ich finde Sport, Bewegung und Beweglichkeit schon sehr wichtig, aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass wir durch SM den gesunden Umgang damit verlernt haben. Auch das Thema Sport ist sehr schwarz-weiß geworden.
Ich sehe Leute, die jeden Tag ins Fitnessstudio gehen und nur Brokkoli, Huhn und Reis essen und das mit ihren Proteinshakes runter spülen.
Oder junge Menschen, die an ihrer Dampfe nuckeln, Energiedrinks süppeln und ins Schwitzen kommen, wenn sie zwei Stockwerke laufen müssen.
Und das finde ich beides n bisschen schräg.
Ich fänd es schön, wenn Sport Spaß machen dürfte. Wir darin auch nicht gut sein oder irgendwelche „goals“ verfolgen müssten, sondern einfach nur den Körper n bisschen moven, weil es das richtige ist. Sport oder dessen Ablehnung sollte nicht deine Religion sein. 😅
Ich mag Leute, die im Tennisverein sind oder in ihrer Freizeit am See mit Freund*innen Volleyball spielen. Ohne Zwang, ohne Ziel einfach um es zu genießen. Muss sagen, dass ich da deutliche Unterschiede je nach sozialer Herkunft sehe. Arm sein ist fr ungesund leider.

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Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why or why not? “Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one’s dedication to a cause greater than oneself…” -Victor Frankl

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I wholeheartedly agree with this quote.— in my opinion success and happiness are not something we can chase after directly. Rather, they arise naturally as a byproduct of our actions and dedication to something greater than ourselves - whether that be a cause, an idea, or simply the pursuit of personal growth and self-improvement. When we focus solely on achieving success or happiness for their own sake, we often find ourselves feeling empty or unfulfilled because there is no deeper purpose behind our efforts. But when we approach life with a sense of meaning and purpose - striving towards causes or goals that resonate with us on a fundamental level - then success and happiness become natural outcomes rather than elusive prizes to be won. I believe that true success comes from dedicating oneself to something greater than oneself. 🌻

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Which philosophy changed your perspective of life?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I have been reading about Zen Philosophy and it is opening up my mind to the idea that success is not about focusing on the end goal, but rather focusing on a meaningful process and pursuit of your goals. Success therefore ends up a byproduct of healthy development and is more obtainable by good form. This shift in thinking actually helps relieve my mind of some of the pressure I tend to mount on myself desiring things to be perfect immediately. It allows me to see wisdom in practice and dedication rather than immediate gratification.
Which philosophy changed your perspective of life

Who should we choose? A) The one you love Or B) The one who loves you

You can't just choose someone based on who loves you more or who you love more¿ I think when it comes to matters of the heart, there is no easy answer. The decision should be based on mutual respect and compatibility rather than just one-sided feelings. If both parties are willing to work together towards building a healthy and fulfilling relationship, then that can be a strong foundation for lasting love. However, if someone's feelings are unrequited or if the relationship is built solely on one person's desires rather than shared values and goals, then it may not be sustainable in the long run. So I believe that choosing between two people should ultimately come down to finding someone who loves you as much as you love them - but also shares your vision for what a happy and healthy partnership looks like. It is more about finding a balance. A connection.🌻

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If you woke up a billionaire tomorrow.. Whats the first thing you’d do?🤑

AsH171’s Profile PhotoAyesha
If I woke up a billionaire tomorrow, the first thing I would do is secure my finances and establish a team of trusted advisors. This would include hiring a team of financial experts, lawyers, and accountants to help me manage my wealth responsibly and ensure that my assets are protected.
Once my finances are secure, I would then take some time to reflect on my goals and priorities. What do I want to achieve with my newfound wealth How can I use my resources to make a positive impact on the world

Why people don't want to be married? (don't give lousy answer)

In case of guys. They are trying hard but most of them are not able to afford achi gaari acha ghar or acha bank balance at the age of 25,26. Or while getting married larko ki mostly yehi cheezyn dkhi jati ab.
And in case of girls, they are afraid not able to trust people. Because somehow unka trust toota hoga. Or girls have goals which they want to achieve before shadi.
In case or both, everyone is kinda afraid of responsibility and commitment now a days🗿

Bachpan me apki walida apko konsi lori sunati then?❤️

biya_furqan’s Profile PhotoPanda
There is this one she made for me especially which is very close to my heart ❤️ ... And I always hear it in my mind now in her voice only ✨ ... I have this dream that one day when I achieve all my goals and dreams ... Free from all my life's mess with everything in order ... I'll come back home from the office and put my head on her lap receiving the same warmth as I did as a kid she'll put her hand on my head and sing that lohri to me ... As I pass with my eyes closed 🤲🏻 .... JANNAT recieved ✨ ....
How about you?
Bachpan me apki walida apko konsi lori sunati then

Do you feel like social media has a positive or negative effect on how realistic our expectations are in life? For example, how we view travel, success, relationships, and physical appearance?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Definitely, especially in a digital era like this, I think that social media can have both positive and negative effects on our expectations for life. On the one hand, it can inspire us to dream bigger and set higher goals for ourselves by exposing us to new ideas, cultures, and experiences that we might not have otherwise encountered. But on the other hand, it can also create a sense of pressure or inadequacy if we start comparing ourselves too closely to others online especially when it comes to things like travel, success, relationships, and physical appearance. We just need to remember that what we see on social media is often just a carefully curated highlight reel and that there is so much more beauty in real life than what can be captured on social media. 🌻

How do you define success? Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you use that definition towards society?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Personally, success for me is all about living a life that feels authentic and fulfilling – one where I can pursue my passions, connect with people I care about, and make a positive impact on the world in some small way. I don't believe that there is any one-size-fits-all definition of success that applies to everyone cause it is something that each of us has to define for ourselves based on our unique values and goals. That being said, I do think it is important for society as a whole to broaden its definition of success beyond just material wealth or status and instead focus more on things like personal growth, creativity, empathy, and social responsibility. 🌻

How do you define success? Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you use that definition towards society?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I define success as finding fulfillment and happiness in what you do, achieving personal goals, and maintaining meaningful relationships.
It's about balance and satisfaction in various aspects of life, not just career or financial achievements.
While this definition is personal, I think it's a perspective that can apply broadly in society.
Everyone's idea of success can differ, but I believe at its core, it’s about living a life that feels worthwhile and satisfying to the individual.
How do you define success Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you

How do you define success? Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you use that definition towards society?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I had never thought about the definition of success before... I feel that although success should be the realization of your goals, the success is not felt if it is not shared with those around you... Success goes hand in hand with Happiness

How do you define success? Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you use that definition towards society?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Success is a complex concept that can be defined in many ways. It can refer to achieving one's goals, feeling fulfilled, or making a positive impact on the world. There's no one-size-fits-all definition, and what constitutes success can vary from person to person and culture to culture. Set clear goals Define what you want to achieve in life.
Make a plan Identify the steps you will take to achieve your goals.
Take action: Don't wait for things to come to you.
Be persistent Don't give up when you face challenges.
Learn from your mistakes: Don't be afraid of failure.
Be positive Maintain a positive attitude.
Remember, success is not easy
How do you define success Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you

What does the journey to a mountain peak represent in the context of personal growth and achievement?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Physically, I think it would be different for everybody, it would either represent goals or death. Personally, I would like to talk about it from an emotional perspective: I think the climb to a mountain peak represents the ultimate calmness and gentleness. In my opinion, to achieve that emotional level is incredibly fascinating. One has to climb hills and mountains of other emotions to attain equanimity.

That pic is the proof of how a 5 ft woman could look sexy.You miss the single life yet can't get rid of the marriage tho.

I definitely don't miss being single and I wouldn't want to be single in this day and age because one things I've learned from younger friends and coworkers is that today's generation of men have no respect, no values and goals and no motivation. I'm good.

Do you believe that there’s such a thing as finding the right person but at the wrong time or do you think that if they were actually right for you, the timing wouldn’t matter?

I do believe that there is such a thing as finding the right person but at the wrong time. Sometimes, external factors like life circumstances, personal issues, or career goals can get in the way of a relationship, even if the two individuals are compatible and right for each other. In those cases, the timing can play a significant role in whether or not a relationship can work at that moment, despite the connection being there.

What’s your idea of self care?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I would say it's taking care of both your body and mind.
If the "body" part is quite clear, the part about "mind" implies controlling your thoughts (not negative/destructive thoughts allowed), surrounding yourself with mentally healthy and adequate people that won't intentionally drag you back from your goals and decisions, etc.

What do you miss about your school-going days?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
– How, because it was a very small one consisting of only 150 students, I knew everybody. And when I say everybody, I mean it. I was literally friends with this grade 1 student, she wrote an essay on me for the topic "best friend."
– How I'd play head and tails with everyone during free periods. We were SO loud.
– At the back of our class, we had this empty place without any seats. Whenever we had a free unit, we all sat on the floor. Collective floor time??? Hello??? We were literal goals.
– My classmates. I will never vibe with humans like I vibe with them. I love them so much it hurts.
– Luca. That kitten. I adopted him for a month before he went away :(
– I was a prefect. During break time, I was assigned the duty of supervising the "ground" where students of grade 4 till grade 7 were allowed. Sab badmaash thay. I miss handling them.
– We had two consecutive units of Economics on Mondays in grade 9, and my teacher would ask me to sit in front right after entering the class because I always fell asleep.
– The gossip. We'd talk about everything.
– PT. Please, the best unit ever. I miss Tuesdays.
– MY ART TEACHER. I used to bully him and he'd let me. Love that old dude.
– Van times. We had a group, we'd wait for everyone to leave so we could play Kings.
– Singing all the time.
– One time, a class fellow lost his brother. We all cried with him.
– How I'd see my Chemistry teacher enter school and he'd laugh at my grimace every single day. I always used to tell him to take a goddamn break.

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There's nothing to be better than to fück while single.Stfu.How can a man stay with a woman forever???Thats insane.

It's not insane. You don't like it then don't commit to someone simple, just because you can't do it doesn't mean other men can't. There are men out there who believe it or not actually want to grow up and build a life for themselves and settle down and have kids, those men know what they want and are grown and mature.
I'm sorry you'll never have that mindset and you'll never know what it feels like to have someone love you unconditionally and support you in your life and goals. What a shame.

What do you do to stay alert and motivated during an intense work / study day? 🔋

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well, when I have a lot of work or studying to do, I try to take breaks and set small goals for myself throughout the day. I also find it helpful to switch up my environment now and then. Sometimes just moving from my desk to the couch or going outside for some fresh air can help give me a new burst of energy. And of course, making sure I am taking care of my physical needs like sleep and nutrition is important too. 🌻

Changing every day requires a big effort and less laziness.You are supposed to accept your man with all his flaws and smell tf.

1. Changing takes 30 seconds....
2. My man isn't lazy. Just bc you are doesn't mean everyone else is😂
3. My man doesn't smell
4. I do accept him for who he is. And who he is is a grown ass man who can take care of himself & has goals for his life.

How would you describe your ideal work space? 💻🗃️🔧

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’ve noticed that air quality and light is so important!
My ideal workspace isn’t all too bright. I have photophobia, so I’m sensitive to light. It shouldn’t be too dark either, otherwise I have to squeeze my eyes harder and that’s exhausting.
I like a place that is not too quiet, but not too loud either, but if I really have to I can also work in loud environments.
I don’t want a lot of movement around me, so I prefer to be in a desk cell or just a room remotely from other people.
Besides that, I like to have a lot of place for movement. I implemented a lot of activities in my therapy sessions and I need to have the space (and the materials) for it. The cabinets at work are full of toys, games and other handy tools I can use to make our goals tactile and fun.
I mean, look how cute these little figures are!

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How would you describe your ideal work space

I mean "thakk gayi hoon ab main". Ik its too early to say that. But it is what it is. I find no motivation for myself anymore.

Malaika_1010’s Profile Photoسنو!
Get up , look at your parents , see yourself in the mirror , you can do it my brave girl , fight back the world and work hard to achieve your goals. Loads of prayers for you.♥️

Is it more important to be happy or to be fulfilled?

Whowaythe46’s Profile PhotoWhowaythe
I think that happiness and fulfilment are both important in their ways - but they can also be interrelated, when we feel fulfilled by our work or relationships, as an example, it often leads to greater feelings of happiness as well. Ultimately though – I believe that striving for fulfillment is perhaps more meaningful than just chasing after temporary moments of happiness. When we set goals and pursue them with passion and purpose, even if there are setbacks along the way, we can experience a deeper sense of satisfaction knowing that we're working towards something truly meaningful.
So while it is certainly possible and desirable to experience both happiness and fulfilment in life, I would say that focusing on the latter may ultimately lead us down a more satisfying path overall. 🌻

Do you think it’s better to be useful or inspirational?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I believe that being useful and inspirational are not mutually exclusive - in fact – they often go hand in hand. When we use our talents and skills to make a positive impact on others, inspire them to achieve their goals or overcome challenges, it can be one of the most fulfilling things we can do with our lives.
So I don't think it's necessarily better to prioritize one over the other - instead, strive for both. Find ways to help others while also sharing your unique gifts and perspectives with the world. That way we will not only be making a difference but also inspiring others along the way. 🌻

Can long distance relationships work? And why?

Checking in with one another daily and using full range to keep in touch. Video call weekly, be creative in ways of bonding, virtual dates, and make a realistic bucket list. Be honest with your wants, needs, and goals. Have real intimacy and read sxxual books or buy vibrator. Open communication and vulnerability. Do trust building exercises.
Liked by: Madison חנה Eric L

How to overcome trauma of divorced parents?

I cannot even imagine having to overcome such a trauma. I believe it is one of the most painful things a person has to endure in his or her life. Just keep yourself busy with your goals and surround yourself with supportive people. If it gets too hard, consult with a psychologist. Trust me, they really help you navigate through such complicated scenarios.

What do you think is our deepest desire?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Finding happiness, fulfillment, & meaning in our lives. We all seek different things tht bring us joy and purpose, whether it's through relationships, personal growth, achieving goals, or making a positive impact on the world. It's all about finding what truly makes us feel alive and content.

What are your most common negative thoughts? Are they logical?

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
I think everyone has negative thoughts from time to time - it is just part of being human and I know it might sound strange but sometimes I worry that I am not doing enough or being productive enough in my life. Or I will get caught up in comparing myself to others and feeling like I am not measuring up.
But again, when these negative thoughts start creeping in, I try to take a step back and remind myself that everyone has their unique journey and pace. And instead of beating myself up over what I haven't accomplished yet, I focus on the things that are going well for me and take small steps towards my goals each day. It is not always easy to stay positive or keep those negative thoughts at bay but reminding myself of my worth and potential is something that helps me stay grounded even when things feel tough. 🌻

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What do you find inspirational in life?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Countless things inspire me and I feel overwhelmed in life by them but mostly seeing people overcome adversity and find strength in themselves they didn't know they had. There is something truly awe-inspiring about watching someone push past their limits and achieve their goals, no matter how big or small. 🌻✨️.

Do you struggle to fake it, and make it in this world?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
When it comes to confidence, I can struggle to fake it until I’m actually confident one day but I’ve been told that being confident alone doesn’t get you anywhere unless you also take action. I do think that believing in oneself and some confidence is needed in order to be more productive and motivated to reach your goals tho. I don’t struggle with the faking it part but making it to the places I want to be seems more difficult to do on my own as I’ve always relied on my family. Having depression and social anxiety usually does hold me back from being productive and taking chances in life. But, the good thing is that I am able to socialize with others irl when I train myself to pretend as if I’m not the alien I make myself out to be in my head at times.

How long would you say you need to date your partner before you get married? (your personal opinion)

Hm, I don’t know to be honest. Marriage isn’t the end goal of a relationship for me. I’d be happy if I just dated someone for the rest of my life, honestly. I mean, I know people in my family who never got married and just had one partner for their whole lives regardless. And it makes things a lot easier if you were to separate, you don’t need to worry about divorce and how messy that can be. 😅
But, to give you some kind of answer, I’d say maybe 7-10 years? It seems like a reasonable amount of time, you get to have a lot of memories/experiences together, you really get to know someone well, likely get a chance to live together for a while, see how much of your goals, futures, etc, align, and so on. 🤔
Now, I’m not in a relationship, so this could go right out the window in the future, but at the moment, that’s what I’m thinking. I just really want both my partner and I to be totally confident that this is the right decision for us. ☺️

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How long would you say you need to date your partner before you get married your

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