

Ask @khizarking779574

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Who are you, really?

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
I am the whisper in the wind that carries secrets of ancient forests and echoes of forgotten tales. 🏻
I am the shimmering reflection in the depths of midnight lakes, where dreams intertwine with reality. 🖤
I am the elusive specter dancing at the edge of perception, revealing glimpses of truths hidden beneath veils of illusion🌻
I am the enigma that embraces the silence between heartbeats, where mysteries are born and wisdom resides. ✨
Who am i..?? 🏻
Liked by: Maryam KheZee

Any best lines, quote or poetry? 📄✨

honeystar456’s Profile PhotoAesthetic ✨
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, 🌹
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth, 🌻
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black. 🍀
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back. 🌸
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood 💜
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 🌸

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Post a piece of poetry?🤡

Dijaaaaay_’s Profile PhotoDijaay
تم جب آوگی تو کھویا ہوا پاؤ گی مجھے 🖤
میری تنہائی میں خوابوں کے سوا کچھ بھی نہیں ✨
میرے کمرے کو سجانے کی تمنا ہے تمہے 🥀
میرے کمرے میں کتابوں کے سوا کچھ بھی نہیں 💜
Liked by: Maryam KheZee

(It may be strange.. but asking for a friend🌚) Would you back your friend if he committed a heinous crime, or would u hand him/her a shovel and say "Good luck"?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
If I Could Call Somebody As My Friend, I Would Backup My Friend Even If He Committed A Heinous Crime, But I'll Beat Him Myself And Make Sure He Learns From His Mistakes And He'll Be Truly Regretful For What He Did..!! 💜

What’s your go-to move when someone catches you in a lie and shows proof? (Asking to learn some smart moves)

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
When caught in a lie with undeniable proof, it's best to handle the situation with honesty and humility. A thoughtful approach could be:
"I deeply apologize for not being truthful. I understand that my actions have hurt you, and I am committed to making amends. Please let me know how I can regain your trust." 💜

Your favourite dialogue/quote is:

aleena_kamran1’s Profile Photoalee_naaah
Each Of Us Lives 💜
Dependant And Bound By Our Individual Knowledge And Our Awareness 🌸
All That Is What We Called Reality
However Both Knowledge And Awareness Are Equivocal 🤍
One's Reality Might Be Another's Illusion 💛
We All Lives Inside Our Own Fantasies 🔥

Can one lose weight by running from feelings ?

lena34217856’s Profile Photoleena
One might shed the weight of emotions temporarily, But true lightness comes from facing and embracing them, not fleeing 🌸
Liked by: Maryam KheZee

where to buy unlimited mental peace ?

herpov’s Profile Photothe woman
It resides in the quiet spaces of the soul, found in moments of stillness and reflection, where the heart meets serenity under the canopy of stars ✨
Liked by: Maryam KheZee


Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
میں نے سمجھا تھا کہ تو ہے تو درخشاں ہے حیات ❤️
تیرا غم ہے تو غم دہر کا جھگڑا کیا ہے 💜
تیری صورت سے ہے عالم میں بہاروں کو ثبات ✨
تیری آنکھوں کے سوا دنیا میں رکھا کیا ہے 💫
تو جو مل جائے تو تقدیر نگوں ہو جائے 🍂
یوں نہ تھا میں نے فقط چاہا تھا یوں ہو جائے 🦋
اور بھی دکھ ہیں زمانے میں محبت کے سوا 💙
راحتیں اور بھی ہیں وصل کی راحت کے سوا 🌹

Do you possess the heroic personality of someone who strives to fix everything with the support of the entire world, or the villainous nature of a lone wolf who seeks to give others a taste of their own medicine? Ps. You can the side character as well🌚

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
Villainous nature of the lone wolf with the Beautiful Heart 💜

خیالات ؟

خیالات کے پہاڑ ٹوٹے اس ذہن پہ 🤍
ساری زندگی ہی جی لیے ہم اس وہم میں 🌸
Liked by: Maryam KheZee


Language: English