

Ask @ar9495

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When you click on 'report' you get the 'report for spam' option. What constitutes as spam here? like, if someone sends the same question multiple times, does it classify as spam?

That would be classified as spam, yes.
Liked by: Reachel♥️

Is TikTok banned in America or is that fake news?

They've tried to ban it a few times but it hasn't happened yet.

Do you think men handle rejection better than women? I’ve been told that as a woman, I’ll be the only one who gets hurt if I approach a guy and get rejected which is why it’s better to wait for a man to approach me.

Hahahahahhahahaha no.
Men have unalived women for rejecting them.....

I often hear people, including married couples, saying that they don't want children, and the reasons are always superficial. Don't you think that's kind of selfish? I understand not wanting kids due to health/financial reasons, but losing your body figure, free time, job etc., aren't valid reasons.

Any reason for not wanting children is a valid reason.
People aren't obligated to reproduce if they don't want to. It's selfish of YOU to say they have to because you want them to & feel as though those reasons aren't valid.

Is it wrong to decline hiring someone for simply not interviewing well? ive seen some who suck in interviewing but do great in working

Liked by: Tunahan88

Women wear it to look beautiful to other men wym

No they don't. Women wear make up for themselves & simply because they want to.
Liked by: Tunahan88


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