

Ask @moRiShiTta

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Eh, emang kucing bikin mandul? Gua punya banyak nii!

Toksoplasma gondii? Itu bukan mandul sih, bahaya aja buat janin yang lagi berkembang.
Ga cuma dapet dari kucing, bisa juga karena kontak sama cat's droppings yang udah ada virus ini, susu domba terkontaminasi, pokoknya hewan yang udah kena virus ini.
Kucing juga biasanya dapet dari hewan buruan yang terkontaminasi tokso.

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Vaseline petroleum jelly gunanya apa?

HAHAHAH ini fifi ya.
This is a wonder potion bcs it can be used on so many different body parts and it also has so many benefits, or so i've heard.
1. Reduce (not sure how) split ends ------> maybe it works for you, but not for me, it kinda leaves the end of my hair sticky by the end of the day.
2. Eyebrow tamer
------> yass
3. Eyelash grower (?)
------> i think we should use the term "healthier" bcs it moisturized brittle eyelashes like mine, making it look fuller and healthier.
4. Making perfume last longer
------> damn yes
5. Make your cuticle stronger
------> kind of
6. Protects minor cuts and burn
------> yes, temporarily.
7.Lip moisturizer
------> put it in before u go to sleep, and dang! You will not be able to feel your lips in the morning because its like baby's butt-smooth.
Kalo mau nitip (mumpung masih di tanggerang smpe minggu depan) the small container (49g) 25rb saja :))

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Kak emang minum air dingin bikin gemuk?

Engga. Soalnya air, berapapun temperature nya atau berapapun banyaknya ga mengandung lemak ataupun kalori.
Justru based on my research, kalo minum air 2 celcius itu ngebakar kalori 70kcal soalnya perlu dinaikin temperaturnya ke 37 celcius supaya bisa di serap tubuh.
Mungkin maksud kamu gemuk gara gara abis minum air dingin massa kamu tambah? Ya iya lah bruh. Tapi nanti kan ke olah terus massa jadi normal lagi.
Mungkin maksud kamu gemuk gara gara bikin makanan jadi beku lemaknya? Yekali.
Feel free to leave biology-related question, i'll try to answer it as much as i know. Hope it helps <3

15 facts about you

1. I HATE being ignored, lied to, and cheated on
2. Fave drink on starbucks: black coffee but i'll get a massive headache the day after
3. I had this fear of pain a.k.a algophobia
4. I dislikes chatting at any form. So if i chat you first, you must be very special
5. I love books so so so so so much i prefer reading than watching
6. I'd stick post-it everywhere
7. Idk if this is some type of alergic or whtv but my cheek will be super red and itchy after i eat nut
8. My girl friends always think that my "selera" in boys is weird bcs i my standard of attractive-ness is not the same as theirs (?)
9. Mega dirty minded. You can just say "my exams are hard" and i will probably have something else pops into my mind
10. I over analyzed every single little thing. Literally. And if you say something painful to me 108262827181 years ago, i can still recall it now.
11. ❤️Biology❤️ and i dislikes math because childhood trauma i guess (?) dipaksa kumon hahaha
12. I'll get very violent when im mad. And dont. Ever. Raise. Your. Voice. To. Me. As in ngebentak bentak gitu
13. Stupid boys <-- MAJOR TURN OFF
14. I can be very quiet when im observing ppl or in an environment i dont feel comfortable in
15. No matter what my friends told u, I AM NOT KERAS KEPALA. OKAY? NOT. STUBBORN.
K, i might be little tiny bit stubborn at times. but MEH, if i love you i'll probably let you win in every argument <3 #Akhirakhirnyapastingomongincinta

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kenapa enggak di buatkan skate park untuk kami:""), maain bareng dong hehee

Hehehe aku gabisa skate, gara gara waktu kelas 7 belajar baru naik skateboard terus langsung jatoh kejedak lantai ._. Dan ga mau main lagi.
Tapi kalo iceskating sih bisa lah lumayan :3
Liked by: Deddy setiawan

tapi kenapa di usir2in kalo nge skate di trotoar jalan besar sedangkan skatepark jarang sekali. eh iyak kaka player dota juga yak?

Ya trotoar kan bukan tempat untuk nge skate, sayanggg
Lol iya tapi cupu(maafkan) :3

Team dota terfavorit?

Ini napa jadi banyak pertannyaan tentang dota yaaa.....
Natus vincere yang dulu waktu masih ada puppey
Team secret sekarang karena ada puppey
So basically any team that have puppey in it.

ka menurut kaka cowo anak skate itu gimana sih?

Anak skateboard gitu?
Ya bagus sih punya skill nge skate gitu, soalnya its not easyyyy

Thoughts about me

Muhamad Izzul Aiman
This will be long so bear with me pls
K, where do i begin?
Read this in my voice
Aiman is one of my best friends, plus my chairmate. He is super duper random and weird but it somehow matches my weirdo-ness.
Awalnya sih ga kenal and awkward but lama lama seru banget and he could make me comfortable enough! Oh, and our music taste is also identical!
My coach for dota dan TOS
Dia tau bener i tuh ga lucu jadi kalo misalnya nge-joke tetep ketawa aja. Dia tau bener i buta gabisa liat jauh jauh apalagi ke papan tulis jadi kalo ga keliatan, suka bacain. Dan dia juga tau kadang otak i sengklek terus jadi dirty minded as fuck :3
I suka banget dengan cara dia respect cewe. Ga asal pegang aja.
Walaupun kadang dia suka give up on me kalo lagi di ajarin math terus ga ngerti ngerti...... Dan akhirnya idrgaf
But i males dia ga suka curhat sama i....
Tapi kadang lagi ngerjain soal susah tuh suka nyanyi madagascar, and it made me laugh all the freaking time.
But yang really appreciate it itu pas quiz chemistry kemaren, topic nya gampang, soalnya variasi susah mampus. Gurunya suruh pilih mau sama parter tapi not open book, atau open book and alone. Eh terus i ajakin partner up dia tetep mau. Padahal we both knew i gabakal bisa bantu apapa,
Dan he would be better off without me gitu. Yaaaa we tried the best we could sih ya :' but thankyou loh udah milih i yang gabisa apa apa dibanding books.
Sooooooo ya! Gogogo ironman! Blackwidow's here to support u

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Brigittaaa, happy birthday yaaa!! sukses dalam segala hal, wish you all the best!! Godblessyouuuuu

Thankyouuuu ditaaa ❤️❤️❤️ iya iyaaa hahaha

Hello brigitta gladiola yg dlu di panggil bege,masih inget gue kann yaaaa..... happy birthday!!! Long time no see u:))) ud lama gak contact juga:)) sorry telat ngucapin hahaha i wish u all the besttt:3 Jesusbless:3

Agatha Jessica
Inget banget kok jessss hehhehe ❤️❤️ thankyou yaaa


Ok idk if i have some really weird af fetish but u ask for it so....
Exposed jawline
Semi- sixpack
Muscular back
Half smirk
Lip bite
V line in the upper thighs (?) idk

The way a guy puts attention to something without noticing that someone else is watching him.
When he puts attention on his study, imagine him putting his mind somewhere else but yourself, his mind being in another world. The way he's not noticing that we are staring at him. His hair that falls to her face, the eyes that flutter or his mouth that mutter (damn im so poetic)
Those things he's doing there is sexy.


Tell me about your ex
Errrrrr alright
Here we go
Ok namanya Darren Pratama you can google it or search it on twitter or whtever, dia udah deket sama i dari kelas 7 tp dulu dia nyebelin as fck but somehow pas kelas 9 kita sekelas dan jadi deket. Nah, tadinya i friendzone dia dan ga anggep dia lebih, but lama kelamaan i think that he is super charming and baik banget. I still find him the same way sampe sekarang. I really think he is my first "real love" karena sebelum sebelumnya itu cuma kaya biasa aja but with him everything is different.
Pdkt lbh dari 3 bln tapi jadian cuma 27 hari. Iya gua itungin. Iya gua diputusin.
Dan iya, it took me over 6 months to really get over him.
Itu putusnya pas deket deket UN bayangin, dan reasonnya kayaknya karena dia masih suka mantannya (?) but im not sure yaaaa
No worries, i masih keep in touch with him sampe sekarang,sering stalk twitternya juga dan pernah juga skype call gitu ;) awaw
But one of the best memories with him adalah ketika kita live in ke pangandaran, jam 11 an kita berdua duduk di pantai pangandaran liatin bintang sama dengerin ombak sampe malem. #janganflashbackgita

Bonus pap with him ❤️❤️❤️

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Suka sama clement ivanov yah

Bangett :3 i suka tipe tipe gamers gitu deh, soalnya kalo lagi konsentrasi ke game itu #dayum


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