

Ask @moRiShiTta

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Klo bwt acara prom/formal kalian biasanya beli/jahit dress dmn ? Lg perlu info bwt beli/bikin/ yg tw tmpt sewa dress bole skalian tolong info ny y ,Trims

Bikin sendiri kalo ada waktu hahahah :)

pap makeup yg biasa dipake dong

Daily skin care routine
1. Bio cleanser lotion by klinik kusuma it basically is a cleansing milk where you apply it to your face and wipe it with a cotton pad
2. Md 3 by klinik kusuma its like a face serum
3. Sunblock
4. Powder to set everything's up
5. Perfume to jazz up my morning
6. Vaseline all purpose gel, i used it on my lipiesss to prevent it from chapping
7. Baby lips rescue (in the shade of coral crave) to mosturize my lips
8. Baby lips (in the shade of cherry me) to tint my lips red
9. Bite lipgloss (in the shade of honey) to gloss up my lips
I know its a lot but im comfortable with my makeup/ skin care products and i was recommended by a professional so.... Yeah :)

Menurut kamu, suara cowo yang kaya caramel tuh gimana?

Mana ada suara kaya caramel (?)
Yang manly-deep gitu
Yang sleepy voice
Yang suaranya gentle ga banyak ngomong ga swearing
Yang kaya dia

Emang bener kakak main dota? Kalo iya coba sebutin hero yang ada! Mana tau sih lu

Iya main
Awalnya pakek kakak, akhirnya pake lu......
Lina SF SS SM Drow Razor Pudge Axe Windranger Bristle back Zeus Kunkka Deathprophet Abbadon Luna Queen of pain Crystal Maiden Riki Lich Tidehunter Tinker Sven Sniper
Masi kurang?

Maksudnya nnti setelah lulus mau kuliah dimana kak?

Either german (meh, belum belajar bahasanya) or indo soalnya kedokteran kalo ga di indo nanti gabisa praktek di indo

Kak, kalo boleh tau, rambutnya dipotong model apa?

Aku potong di irwan team sms serpong selalu sama jazzy terus dia potongin sesuka hati dia hahah, bilang aja long layer gitu paling :3

ci kok bisa cantik gtu sh bnyak cwo kcantol nh

Engga kok banyak yang lebih cantik lebih kurus ;p off anon atuh nanti dikira tanya diri sendiri hahah

ci cans sekolah dimana?

Thankyou for asking politely. Bcs some anon doesnt know how to. Aku sekolah di bogor sayang :)


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