
callie christine

Ask @monarch44

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You are a beautiful girl your absolutely stunning your the most beautiful girl in the world anyone would be lucky too have someone as amazing and perfect as you

awh thankyou! id love to know who this is

Wow your such a beautiful girl I wish I had a gf as pretty as you & snapchat cuz I would like to talk to a beautiful girl like you?

who are you first ?

They're more expensive than any other phone i've seen and it's not like they're that much better

i just have the 5s so its only like 200

whoever is down there should really stfu , bc older guys are hot & all of those guys are available bc I talk to most of them or at least used to . so who Evers in "high school " take a chill pill & get over you're self bc we can go whatever the fuck we want with whoever the fuck we want

Liked by: ruot gabbs

you don't know me. I could be someome your own age you don't even know lmao. chill. jadyn is taken

you just told me you were in high school ? & its cool cause i dont like jaydn like that & would never get with him so no need to worry.

nobody's butthurt here except for you cause you can't except that the older guys aren't into you. shut your mouth about jadyn.

i dont care if the older guys aren't into me ? obviously you cant get with anyone your own age if your on an 8th graders ask telling them nobody will get with them.

HAHAHAHA. you do not talk to jadyn but nice try! he's not available, and he's most definitely not interested in you. stop trying

i never said i was tryna get with him , all i said was that hes cute , stop getting all butt hurt about it.

here's some advice from a girl who's already in highschool. you're in 8th... talking to or about older guys is not something you should be doing. you don't know him. don't mention his name or michaels name or anyone else. stick to guys your own age.

actually i do know them & its not like i try & get with them , plus i can talk to whoever id like , i can think guys are cute if i want to , im not forbidden to not talk to them lol.


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