
callie christine

Ask @monarch44

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thank god you an Jayden broke up. it was about time I was tired of you guys dating now I can go for him. thanksss.

have him. juss get hurt like I did. an grow up get a life get off my ask. an you dont get how hard it is to loose someone you never stopped thinking about off your mind. obviously this never happend to you. so get off my ask you asshole. an leave me alone. thanks.k.bye

Callie ur beautiful and so nice u can do so much better with out Jayden I love u and go find someone better u are so sweet (:

thankss I love you too ! an ill try my best. text mee.

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hun garrett doesnt care anymore hes just fake an foumd a new best friend an he texts you for un boredom

if you needa tell me these things get off anonymous. because I bet you dont even know him an assuming things. so eathier text me about it or juss get off anonymous. bitch why are you even on my ask. bet you dont even know who I am.

I hate Kalyn like crap. She always has to be like ooooo I love this person blah blah blah. I mean shut up u retarted piece of crap.

Kalyn piper
who cares what others think

I have a cold? My stomach doesn't hurt ? And I don't talk to creighton at school so how would I get him sick? lol

idk lol ahah

If you got a dog, (or another one if you already have one) what would you name it? (Boy or girl)

boy an hippo the hippotamous

Okay seriously people stfu and leave Callie the fuck alone . You guys are just all jealous you can't get a boyfriend and that you're not as beautiful as her, seriously you guys are all pussys on anonymous . Like seriously. When are you guys gonna fucking grow up. She doesn't deserve any of this you

awwee I love you Ashley(: tha kss bby an seriously come on people get the fuck off my ask.

hun hope you know Tearia an Jazzy dont even like you. eathier does Jahden hes juss trying to get with you. so get over your self an move on.

k im pretty sure thats not true. an if you wanna tell me this shit get off anonymous. because if it was true youd be unanonymous or youd text me. so im not gonna believe someone who cant grow a pair an get of anonymous.

you knew I liked Jayden why you date him ?.

well im sorry the only person I knew liked him was myself. an if you truly liked him you wouldve fought for him. so not my fault its yours.

why do u like jayden becker ?.

why do you care ?. but if you wanna know because hes cute sweet nice tall well taller than me(:. prettiest eyes great personality. an isnt a dick to others an me. btw who is this ?
Liked by: Kat Bovinet Nick Gay

tbh: weve hung out once at paiges and we should do it again!! Youre so perfect, nice, and funny. We should text more or something ahaha(:

yess text me anytimee

Hey everyone I'm kalyn, the slu*! I'm gonna die for u all cause I'm just a little piece of sh**! I get all the boys and they all hate me! Every girl deserves a second name and hers is a bit**

you know what just stfu you dont have the right to say that about her. you dont have the right to say that about anybody okay. an even though youre not talking about me still dont keep yourself anonymous k grow up. now if you wanna tell me this stuff how about go unanonymous. k. thanks.bye

Okay everyone saying stuff to Callie better shut up right now before I come hunt you down! She's perfect so shut the hell up and grow up

awee thankss an who is it. An hate to break it to you but im no where near perfect. (:


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