
moon temple

Latest answers from moon temple

what kind of cigarettes do you smoke? and when did you start smoking? and do you ever think about quitting? and why?

i switch brands a lot. some of the cheap cig spots only sell a couple brands cheap and the rest are full price. lately been smoking marb reds. been smoking on and off since 13. i smoke p sporadically, sometimes i 'quit' for a few months and then pick it up again. it's never like 'ok im going to quit smoking' i just stop feeling like i want to so i don't

how has going on the internet to communicate with/observe other people has influenced your writing/poetry?

probably in a lot of ways, but it's hard to say bc i started using the internet when i was very young. its just always been there, i don't have a frame of reference for how i would write if it wasn't

When was the last time you tried something new?

idk im in the process of filming an experimental film rn

What's your least favorite thing that you've liked once but liked again temporarily?

TylerDayWorldwide’s Profile PhotoTyler Day
maybe like, talking shit abt ppl
not into talking shit
ppl are generally alright
but i've totally talked shit before
and probably have talked shit after having been like 'im not into talkin shit'
cause u kno nobodys perfect

What do you do for a living?

i work at a cheese shop. im a cheese monger. yup. also i make grilled cheese sandwiches in the store

how many times do you wipe your eye then look at your finger when your eye gets watery

didn't you...ask this already...

40 of choice: olde english, steel reserve, or mickey's ??

used to be olde english but then they started doing the 'shatter proof' bottles and idk, i dont wanna drink beer out of plastic ever but especially not 40oz of beer out of plastic
now i usually go for colt 45


here's a random oldie, my cell cam and webcam both suck so i don't feel like taking a new one rn

Hi :) honestly Would you ever try and gain a few more pounds? No joke it would it'd look amazing on your body type :o

i shouldn't even be giving this question the time of day but like
i don't really regulate my weight, i don't worry about what i eat (though i should probably try harder to eat more greenies and healthy stuff) and am pretty active having to stand on my feet and run around at work all day. my weight fluctuates around a bit but never to any extreme. i've been roughly the same size since like, age 15 or 16, so i'm pretty sure my body is doing exactly what it needs to do, and that's as much as i want to think about my weight and my body because it's really easy to get into negative spirals about not being good enough, easy to worry about how people perceive me based on my body alone, easy to over-analyze everything that could be smaller or larger or better, somehow.
i feel like messages like this kind of perpetuate those negative spirals

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