

Ask @morgankennedyxo

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I agre wit da one below I met mi frend rabdul nd he my besto

Omfg, please get a dictionary I will buy you one myself just please have mercy, after seeing your spelling I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

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Also you learn throughout the academy friends come and go but your true friends will stick by you no matter what :) !! they are the keepers you will know through your own judgement x like me i met ghislaine and i knew straight away she was a genuine girl but there is certain people you need to watch

I know that now aha

Heheh no bother im tired of it theres absolutely no need now we all make mistakes ! and your younger than me it would be bad for me to just leave it and see tbh ik how you feel folk acting like your pals then they snap two faced cunts thats all they aree fuck them morgan you dont need them!

Tbh it's not bothering me, but thanks anyway

RIGHT DAFTYS ! This ends now i mean now im tired of seeing shite on her ask ffs !! shes done nothing we can all be wide n cheeky n act smart so give her fucking break ya bunch of cunts !!! END IT or i swear to fuck i will shoot you in the eye balls with a nail gun :) !!

Omfgg, thanks cassie
Liked by: Adeleee clarxx

Sorry did i not make myself fucking clear. I said enough is enough all this bitching is doing my head in ill take on anyone wanting a go. If they have a problem but morgan,nicole and everyone else should just stop this

Connor Stuart Millar (sparky)
It's not gonna stop, but thanks anyway

who the fucks on this sayinga this about mingaile and connor, they want to buy a fucking dictionary ffs


actual shut the fuck up nothing happend between me and mingaile and if your gonna sit and say stuff about me and mingaile on morgans ask why dont you come and do it on my ask instead of morgans i dont think she really gives a fuck?

Connor Harris
I don't give a fuck, so please leave my ask alone and go say it to mingaile or Connors face, thanks, bye.
Liked by: Connor Harris

Is that what Chris said? We fucking didn't say anything like that, i said I was ready for punching you, that's it, he can get his ginger arse out and stop causing extra shit

That's what he told me, because when I left and went home he phoned me and told me all that.

right everyone who is bitching at morgan fuck off its nothing to do with use okay stop use are taking it too far yeah me and nicole are sticking up for mingaile and all the cunts are who are giving her abuse can just fuck off!

Connor Harris
Thank you

I remember when Morgan told connor she'd give him a blowie shes a bit mad there

Oaftt, I was joking

Why the fuck are you telling people you're getting jumped by me? Don't even fucking deny it, I've had mails from folk. If your seriously going around spreading shit about me then I'll fucking make sure it comes true.

You told chris, that you where going to get codi to batter me and that you and mingaile where going to jump in for her

Omfg all she said was a couple of things we used to mick about with her amd nicole and mingalia a while ago at the park chasin them wae sticks and they were all best friends not alot of folk even like nicole and mingalia apart from low lifes make up and be pals

No thanks.

you do relise nicoles only fell out with you cos mingaile and connor have shes going to make up with you again

i don't think she has/she will

You don't need to believe it, just sad how people who say that there your friends go and do that? it was in art with ethan.

mail me?

that is sad what u said about go back to your own country I aint give u any abuse but u just took it too fra by saying that the least u could do is say sorry

pretty sure i did say sorry?
Liked by: DatGingerGuyyyy

morgan likes the abuse, it says up the top "Abuse meh, i lyk it." fuck spazy magee

didn't say i didnt like it, so im not allowed to say thanks for people sticking up for me, spaz

Everybody want to actually fuck off and leave Morgan alone, all the abuse she is getting is terrible, she doesn't deserve it! Chin up Morgan just ignore them:)x

thanks, mail me?x

love you too!:) just sticking up for you since there's not very many people that seem to be doing just that! I love everyone in our wee group and dont want to fall out with anyone but im just proving a point x

well thank you for that!x

Think you should all give the lassie a break, me and Morgan haven't always got on and we've had our ups and downs but nobody deserves this,I can't even cope very well with even the tiniest bit of abuse so i'd just like to point out how strong she is! chin up morgan x

thank you kali, love you x

Wonder what chris thinks of you now? MAIL ME AND ASK ME!? But the thing is, I dont hate her. Ive been dick, Ive been stupid, I havent been thinking, but One thing is I'm still by her side. I tried to help her, and well, it didnt work. But I only want the best for her. I want all this to be over...


Are you a fucking spastic? No one likes you! Wonder what chris tjinks off you now

i dont care tbh, just leave your name?


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