

Ask @morgankennedyxo

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What’s your favorite breakfast food?

Em, I really don't care if it isn't a breakfast food, but its what I eat for breakfast so sensationss

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opinion on mee? make it longg!! like nicole's dick....

Right before I start just gonna say I'm shite at writting paras its just like 10 words then sorry don't know what else to write aha, oh well for a start your a FUCKING ginger ehmergawd, do you wear ginger eyeline? You have no eyelashes and that's just like woah, when ever you annoy me I threaten to dye your hair blonde and you almost start crying, omg you give amazing hugs jsjs, I can't pick between yours and charlies hugs there both amazing....omg well your like one of my really close friends I never want to lose you, I feel like a wee twat writing this, because I don't his shit, oaft well too sum it up your just amazing

If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

Oh wow, ask.fms ran out of questions of the day, they are starting to use the old ones again

opinion on mee!

Connor Harris
Your awesome af. Your funny, your hugs are way better than chris's, no offence to him, we only started talking a while ago, but your amazing to talk to and stuff, sorry bad a paras...

tell nicole to re-make her ask........... it was the only place i could tell her my feelings (not the hate)

wow, what feelings? aha, and i have tried she won't remake it

What do you look like when you wake up in the morning?

a troll thats been smashed in the face with brick

fucking stop giving Mingaile abuse on someone elses ask, put it on mine you little runt

Don't post this on my ask...this is pissing me off, and its not exactly abuse , someone is just giving there opinion

you do relise that all mingaile does is copy you and nicole why are you even friends with her when all she does is try to clone you and nicole? she has no originality

I know that

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Probably fall out boy...my songs know what you did in the dark

why did nicole delete her ask?

She didnt mind the hate about, self harming but she got really pissed off when people started talking about her gran and grandpa

how do you know nicole cuts or not she might not show you so stop thinking you know everything

Stop being nasty! Haha, jks, nicole doesnt cut ive seen her arms wrist legs and stuff, and if she did cut id notice, im one of the people that knows a lot about her and she tells me a lot, im sure, if she was doing something dangerous like that, she would tell me


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