

Ask @nathykattyy

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do u have a costco bear

I'm in love with the little things. Watching the sun set, looking at the stars, going to sleep in fresh sheets, getting unexpected calls, kissing, feeling the touch of water on my feet, warm coffee in the mornings, the beach, I could go on forever... Life is so beautiful! Just live your life how you want to and have fun. Love yourself. Do what makes you happy. I love you.

I love you and people make fun of me for even being a fan. What do you think of all the hate? I love you very much slaying queen<3

Recently I've been getting so much hate. It's something that I'm used to and I've learned to handle during this whole process of me making videos. I am human and at some point, I think it does affect anybody. I'm not anywhere perfect and I make a lot of mistakes. This is why it is so difficult when you're looked as an idol or as an inspiration. We're all human. I'm trying to make a lot of positive changes. Personally, I want my channel to be a place that we can ALL be positive. It is very hard when you're being criticized for anything you do. I hope you understand I am really grateful for some of you that stick around and that are always there for me. i love every single one of you, every single person that supports me and accepts me for who i am. and it means a lot, trust me it does. love u baby and if i was in your place i'd shut them haters up just by saying we all have the right to look up to people that make us feel ourselves. here for you ♡

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