

Ask @nfepreza

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Kaa aku skrg kelas 3 sma, bentar lg kan mau masukin pilihan snmptn nih. Aku tuh tertarik gitu kaa sama MRI, tapi belum terlalu ngeuh banget sama masih agak bingung sebenernya MRI tuh gimana.. boleh ngga kaa cerita gitu MRI kaya gimana2 nya? Sangat membantu banget kaa pasti jawaban kaka, makasih ka:)

Hi. For question like this, kindly go not anonymous and drop me your wa number or line ID. Let's talk there!
Liked by: Uncle

Which male celebrity do you wish was your brother?

Cho Kyuhyun.
I know I am not a big fan of him, but his personality is so brother-materials to me.
If he were my brother, he would be that annoying and sweet brother. He would easily pick on me, knocked my head out of nowhere, teased me for being singles for God knows how many years, or simply stole my galbi part because he likes it so much. He would stroke my back and chant "It's okay" repeatedly whenever I cried over bad scores or being in a war with my parents.
Omo, I have been dreaming too much.
Which male celebrity do you wish was your brother
Liked by: G. yanuar ayu w.

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suatu hal yang tidak merugikan orang lain tapi diomongin atau digunjing dibelakang seperti seseorang yang suka update lokasi dipath apakah salah kak.?

aulianisfullaili’s Profile PhotoAulia Nisfullaili
Wow, you have the gut to ask me here, don't you?
Maaf ya kalau topik obrolan yang saya bicarakan dengan yang lain membuat kamu sebal, marah, raging, whatever you named it. Mungkin memang saya yang keterlaluan dan tidak berpikir ulang untuk menyaring kalimat yang saya keluarkan, tapi saya tidak punya bad intentions kok. Mungkin emang sayanya aja yang super norak ngelihat update-an kamu di Path dan kemudian started to talk about it. Trust me, you are not the only one who make me amused for the social media existence.
Saya tau saya memang se-childish itu karena I went around talking about how people try to build their internet charisma. After reading your question, today I learnt that whatever people do in their social media should never be my concern (or else I will look like nappeun gizibe or iljin for mouthing around). Terima kasih kepada kamu ya, Aulia! I learnt a lot.
By the way, kecewa sih that you brought it up here, to the social media. You should have talked to me directly or at least sent a text. I am not going bitch kok kalau kamu mau directly send it through LINE or say it to me. Unfortunately, you chose Ask.fm that it made many speculations in my head.
Oh, it's 'di belakang', 'di Path', and no period before question mark.
PS: I can't help it when it comes to writing, plus I've tried to be literate and not to hurt anybody through this long answer.
Good day to you, Aulia!

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Menurut kakak fenomena pap ke anon di ask fm itu gimana? aneh atau biasa aja?

Sebenarnya gue enggak pernah ada masalah sih sama pap pap gituan. Cuma mungkin sebagian orang berpikir bahwa kalau niatnya ingin upload foto mending ke instagram karena ya instagram lebih relevan gitu. Kalau di ask.fm kan sepertinya pictures itu sebagai attachment pendukung answer gitu gak sih harusnya? Gue nggak mau bilang kalau orang-orang yang suka nurutin anon-nya buat pap itu suka pamer lah, kurang kerjaan lah, atau ya apapun itu negative opinion you named it. Gue lebih lihat itu sebagai hal-hal yang sekadar "just for fun" gitu.
And yes, people need to take a break and have a chill since they shouldn't take everything in a serious way and learn how to have fun, ok?!

Mbak, kepikiran buat jadi menteri kabinet ga

Jawaban agak panjang: sebenarnya banyak hal yang ingin saya lakukan selagi masih boleh banyak membuat kesalahan saat jadi mahasiswa. Kalau ditanya mau mencoba jadi apa, menteri, kabid, menko, ketua apapun itu, karena tadi ingin "mencoba" ya mau-mau saja. Toh hanya mencoba. Sayangnya nggak bisa cuma sekedar nyobain terus kalau ngga enak ditinggal gitu kan ya, Rey? Hehe.
Menjawab pertanyaanmu tadi, kalau untuk saat ini, sepertinya belum kepikiran. Tanggung jawabnya besar dan kapasitas dirinya masih perlu ditingkatkan.
Jawaban singkat: Belum kepikiran, nggak tau kalau nanti.

Kak, emg yang masuk itb tuh bener2 yang pinternya hardcore gitu ya kak? banyak gak sih anak2 yg sebenernya biasa2 aja? tapi bisa gak mereka survive... atau malah DO?

Wah pinter "hard core". Emang ada ya yang pinter "soft core"?
Hehe. Kepintaran seseorang kan ga bisa segampang itu diklasifikasikan kan ya? Dan aku sendiri ga bisa bilang anak ITB pinter-pinter atau biasa aja atau bodoh-bodoh, because I basically can't agree with that kind of classifications.
Jadi, mending diubah pertanyaannya.
Apakah yang masuk ITB punya tekad besar? Mostly iya. Kebanyakan sudah punya mimpi dari awal untuk masuk ke ITB.
Apakah yang masuk ITB punya usaha? Oh jelas tentu. Karena semua pasti punya usaha yang cukup untuk masuk kampus ini, lewat jalur SNMPTN atau SBMPTN sama-sama usaha. Besar atau kecil ngga bisa didefinisikan karena itu relatif.
Lantas, bagaimana dengan anak-anak yang bisa survive tanpa DO dari ITB? Berarti, setelah masuk ITB, anaknya sadar bahwa punya tuntutan yang cukup besar di akademik dan non akademik jadi berusaha lebih giat lagi untuk lulus dengan selamat lewat Sabuga bukan kantor rektorat.
Semua itu, diterima dan survive di ITB, selalu didasari dengan niat dan usaha kok. Niat belajarnya yang ikhlas, berjuangnya juga harus ikhlas, abis itu tinggal diserahin ke Tuhan deh soal finishing dan touch up finals-nya.
Nggak ada yang nggak mungkin kalau udah bicara soal usaha dan Tuhan. Ingatlah bahwa kerja keras dan doa itu nggak akan menghianati kamu.
#RezaEdisiGPK2016 #RezaLagiBener

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Liked by: Ansi Maulida

Maksudnya seimbang tuh jadi porsi itungan sama manajemennya sama. karena saya suka itungan tapi begoo kak hehe... saya takut kalau di itb saya gak survive di itungan

Kamu bermasalah di cara menghitung atau konsepnya? Kalau kuliah, alat bantu hitung dihalalkan kok. Asal bukan HP aja. Kalau di MRI semester ini kan mata kuliah yang berangka-angka kan ada di Estimasi Biaya, Termodinamika, Mekanika Teknik Dasar, Statistika, Matriks dan Ruang Vektor, dan Ekonomi Teknik. Luckily, hampir di semua mata kuliah tadi hitungannya gampang karena boleh pakai kalkulator, bahkan di Ektek kita boleh pakai spreadsheet, kecuali Mavek aja sih harus hitung manual.
Kalau bermasalah di konsep, tenang aja kan masih ada TPB. Waktu TPB diberikan konsep dasar yang ngebantu di mata kuliah jurusan kok.

Halo kak, kalau teknik industri itu real di kuliahnya manajemen dan teknik seimbang atau 'katanya' justru lbh banyak manajemennya? sama MRI manajemennya banyak mana? thxxx kak love

Sebenernya Teknik Industri (TI) dan Manajemen Rekayasa Industri (MRI) tuh apa ya? Emang lumayan banyak belajar soal hal-hal yang sosial gitu. TI MRI sama-sama belajar tentang organisasi-organisasi gitu. TI MRI belajar kaya ekonomi-ekonomi juga, ada mata kuliah ekonomi teknik, ekonomi manajerial, analisis biaya kita dapet. Dan jelas banget kita juga dapet mata kuliah eksak macam mekanika teknik, termodinamika (kalau di MRI). Basically, tools yang dipakai sehari-harinya emang lumayan banyak yang applicable both in engineering and management gitu sih. Tapi ga ngerti deh bisa dibilang imbang management sama engineering gimana aku bingung. Yang jelas kalau ngobrol sama kita-kita anak MRI dan TI tentang zigma gaya atau momen sama dengan nol, siklus carnot diesel otto dll, supply chain, engineering design, sampai inflasi atau apapun itu akan nyambung-nyambung aja. ?

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pap + story terbaru :)

I was watching Rahwana last night. It was totally cool that Rahwana met Sinta happily in the heaven after the both died was chosen as the ending.
Sadly, I don't believe such a thing
pap  story terbaru

lama gak ask.fm , lagi sibuk ya?

Hai, iya nih. Too many things on my hands that they start to scare me that I won't do just fine.
There, you put space before comma. Been not friendly enough with Bahasa or English in the class, baby?

pap + story today :)

This question is supposed to be answered long time ago. But hey! We had fun at MTI English Tea Party with these baday sissies.
pap  story today

Kak bagi tips & trik kuat begadang dong

Hi. It's been a while.
Kalau mau, minum kopi espresso secangkir 2 shots ya. Insyaallah begadang lancar, jantungan pun lancar.

among 4 aspects of english (reading, writing, listening, speaking), which one do you like most? why? :)

Replying this in the middle of breakfast and take-a-pill session, yes my allergy hits me very well.
Reading through your question, this must lead to English as in education or subject, right?
Back then, I dislike reading section so much because what's the point of reading through the whole paragraph only to ask a mere question which is we, as the student, have to guess what the writer means. Well, not all reading session sucks, but most of it. Yet, I found my reading got highest score in my TOEFL test.
I really am fond of speaking, but sucks at listening. I blew up my listening score, anyway.
For grammar, I can easily understand them, simply said. I find grammar is so much interesting.
When you are about to be off track of education things, I like everything written or spoken in English, regardless I hate how the question comes up after text and/or how I can't remember what the talker has just said.

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if you would like to answer, what is your guiltiest pleasure?

varaozi’s Profile PhotoDevara Fadhurrozi
Laughing at those who make grammatical errors yet try hard to be sarcastic and all-mighty,
Correcting people's grammar with so much sarcasm.
Well, helping peeps with their grammar, to me, is a good deed; laughing at them and throwing sarcasm are just simply annoying and I feel sorry to those who get it a lot. Underlining things, being sarcastic and annoying is my nature.
That's it.
Liked by: Devara Fadhurrozi

revolusi 2015 kamu yg udah tercapai dan yang belum tercapai?

( r e v o l u s i )
Kebetulan saya anaknya ndak gampang ada drastic change gitu mz mb. Nggak sampe kaya revolusi industri di Inggris yang bikin kupu-kupu sayap terang punah gitu kok.

((lah diseriusin))
Resolusi kali ya mz mb.

mind to share about story ttg usaha, perjuangan, dan perjalanan mu hingga bisa masuk sekolah atau universitas kamu yg sekarang? :)

If you seek for motivational story, you come to wrong person. Sorry.

Hello there... what do you think about me?

yanuarayu’s Profile Photoyanuar ayu w.
Hai Yanuar!
Wah, honestly, there's nothing crossed my mind about you since we are not close, hehe.
Tapi dari yang aku amati, Yanuar orangnya ramah-ramah lucu gitu.

mind to share a very unforgettable moment with your ex?

I don't have any exes.

Mind to share your top 15 playlist?

It turns out that I only listen to Korean song most of the time. So, here we go.
1. BTS - Dope
2. Infinite - Bad
3. Super Junior - Alright
4. BTS - I Need U
5. SMTM 4 Episode 1 - Respect ft. Locco, Gray & DJ Pumkin
6. BTOB - Everything's Good (Ilhoon Solo)
7. GOT7 - Just Right
8. tYoon Mi Rae - 너의 얘길 들어줄게
9. Dramatics ft 아이즈 - You Win
10. MASTA WU ft Dok2, Bobby - Come Here
11. Vanilla Accoustic - Rain is Falling
12. Royal Pirates - You
13. Dok2 - My Love (Piano vers. with Changmo)
14. EXO - Love Me Right
15. Kang Min Hee ft Jimin - 야해
Yes, I am a hard-die korean songs fan.
Liked by: Rinda Khairunnisah

menurut mu, seberapa penting menjalin hubungan antara senior dgn junior? :) #needopinion

Kalau gue jawab "Ga usah" lo pasti bilang "Gila lo. Hidup butuh banyak channel dan relasi men."
Ahelah setan kalau udah ngerti jawabannya ngapain pake need opinion segala.
Do you really drink coffee with water or not?

if you became a bug, what kind of bug are you? tell me the reason why

varaozi’s Profile PhotoDevara Fadhurrozi
When I saw this question, my mind automatically redirected to Lady Bug, that polka dots creature, and also Rosy Maple Moth, that cutie pink-gold creature.
Minutes later, I dug my memo and found Kevin, man I've been rooting of, is always connected to Picasso for his ridiculously high pride of drawing.
And guess what?! I found a bug, named Picasso Bug and this species is super pretty!!!!!!! Moreover, this species is found in Africa, mostly Cameroon and Ethiopia; definitely combines cute and exotic.
So, I want to be this. HEHE.
if you became a bug what kind of bug are you tell me the reason why

menurut kamu, kondisi dunia migas saat ini gmn? apa aja perbedaan nya sama dulu. #needopinion :))

This question somehow checks me whether I am 'care' enough or not toward this issue. Apparently, I am no good at this subject, so what I write here is simply based on what happened around me.
To be very honest, saya nggak pernah merasakan perubahan lain, selain kenaikan harga minyak, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Really, I was there when 'bensin' was fucking Rp3500 and you know how much it is now, not to mention the explosion of 'minyak tanah' price right now. What could I tell? Right. This minyak, gas, thingy, underlining their price are slowly, well NO, killing the poor.
I do some research on it, the industry itself suffers a lot from contract, either by gov. or the 3rd party; the regulation; and/or the cost. I can tell how complicated it is, which leads to more import less product. Meanwhile the other sectors are mainly rooting for energy industry. To make it short, karena migas included in energy industry, kalau dia lancar ya industri yang lain lancar, kalau krisis ya industri lain welcoming its collapse.
Whilst in Indonesia, kita kan banyak pakai energi buat ini itu, tapi masih pakai migas which is susah diproduksi dan diperbarui. Basic market rule: high demands, less product, high price.
At this point, I can only do saving energy whilst hoping this gov will get their asses off to re-regulate the energy law and the other to product a cheaper-easier-feasible energy.

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