

Cậu có uống được nhiều rượu không?

t không thích uống đồ có cồn vì tửu lượng t siêu thấp :))))
định rủ t đi uống rượu hay gì :)))

Latest answers from nhi-tran

You dont have main character energy but you sure do have fan favorite side character energy

thank you thats all ive ever wanted

Youre the only depressed person i know who’s legitemetly funny online

thanks, its 2 make up for the fact that i have the personality of someone who religiously watches friends/How i met your mother irl

Cuối cùng Nhi cũng có người yêu rồi sao? cuộc đời thật bất công !

mình chả thấy có gì bất công cả vì thường là những người xinh và thông minh sẽ có ny hihi

How do you mention that you're taken when talking to guys who seem interested in you?

if they're straight up forward and hitting its nice to just say "just so you know, im in a relationship" but i dont throw it around often unless someone makes me uncomfortable bc i dont want to be one of those people

How do u let yourself be vulnerable again to someone new after a heartbreak (specially ur first hearbreak) :<

im a pisces
its what i do

Do you believe in true love/ soulmates? I feel like I met mine when I was 14 and still in love with him and will be forever lol.. It's been 10 years since we were together. Thinking of reaching out but we haven't been in contact for over 5 years.

-I've tried to move on consciously but he is in my dreams sometimes without me thinking of him and I've had relationships with others... I feel like I look for him in other people. Very strange special connection.
hi sorry for the late reply but I think there's a good chance you’re building this old first love up in your head. you two don’t know each other anymore, in all honesty. but if you feel that this connections is actually real, why not reach out to them? see who they are now? I do believe in true love and soulmates but I don’t think that we should hang on to those ideas so much that we romanticize our pasts.
there are plenty of people to meet in this world who can love you in ways that you always wanted and ways that you have never imagined. I think that we do grow strong and strange connections with people but a relationship will run its course and leave the connection with you. maybe this person was a soulmate for your child heart. I wrote a poem about this years ago:“i think that when a heart breaks it begins to shed its layers. slowly but surely, the heart molts. pieces fall away and it aches and becomes something new. i think you were the soul mate of my child heart, my dreaming heart. and the heart i have now does not know you but it thanks you for coming and going the way that you did, for allowing this heart to become a soft and strong one. it thanks you for leaving, for allowing someone to love me better.”
maybe you need to release this connection and allow yourself to be loved as you are now, not as who you were when you were a teenager. you have grown into many people since you were 14.

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