

Ask @nicki_drottning

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Would you like you if you met you?

Yes i will....i learning to be a better person everyday. I learn that to put others down dont makes us stronger...when i help someone i feel better. I wanna be with people who treat me good and are nice back..the way i treat others are the energy i bring back...little like the boomerang game we always talk about. I prefer to help others than put others down because i know i feel better when i do that...if i need help i hope someone help me so i can help back one day. We learn things about our behaviors everyday and everyone want to be treated with respect..everyone wanna feel good...see others like the reflection of a mirrow..see yourself in others...treat others the way you wanna be treated. Thats lifes lessons about how we can grow up as human beings...wish the other person the best things in life and you will see that the same wishes comes back through others mind too. Be the nice person you want to be with and you will surround yourself with lots of people like that in your life. Be friendly with your enemy..you meet people like that to learn things of yourselfs error too. We are one and some people are good and others little evil but feel sorry for them because they have more problems than you and much more to learn about. I wish everyone peace and love.

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Male & Females

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
A man and a woman are both creators of this beautyful planet. We create our own reality, we can create our own family members with love & respect and we all belongs to this earth. Every man and woman is the meaning of life for someone. A man deserve the right woman and a woman deserve the right man. A woman can also be best friend with a Man and work together with the same job. We are differents but we all belong this human race and together we build the world. Namaste and love with the message of love from the universe.
Male  Females

Ofc you can sit with us.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
We exist to help and respect eachother..we exist to give so much love to the world and others. Everyone deserve a chance. Not everyone cant be best friends but everyone can help eachother instead of put others down.
Ofc you can sit with us

How often do you read news?

I dont often read news because that makes me feel helpless. I feel helpless because for example i know i cant help all this poor children from war or change the society from a bad situation or safe someones life who need a new organ...thats why i close my eyes and prefer to pray and send love for everyone in pain. Sometimes i forgive myself and forgive to take care of myself. For now i focus to take care of myself first so i can help others one day. You most feel good with yourself first to help others. We are here to heal the world but sometimes we most cure ourself first.

The invisible eye

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Everyone has a invisible eye called the third eye chakra and sits between our too normal eyes. Is the eye we use when we communicate ourselfs with telepathy..is when we talk without words..is when we can read others thoughts without words. Have you think about a person and in the second that person calls you on your cellphone after you think about this person a few seconds before...thats a example of telepathy communication. I cant read others thoughts but sometimes feel their emotions or how they feel. Thats what i could do with some animals & people before. Look at this butterfly with this fake painted eye on this wings...the nature is so perfect and we learn a lots of things about them. Every animal has a meaning and i think the meaning of some animals are to show us that miracles exist for real and every little thing in our lifes has a meaning and who make our souls stronger for everyday. we all searching for a meaning in our lifes history. Life is like a book full of great things to write about. The invisible eye is the eye who read others feelings without words. Close your eyes and listing to your inner voice who will speak to you. Goodnight ☆☆☆☆

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The invisible eye
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Horse Message to us.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Learn to lead your own way and make yourself stronger. You are the leader of your own life. - Horse message and meaning for every human being they meet. They teach us to make ourself stronger.
Horse Message to us
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Are animals smarter than human beings?

No they are not smarter than us because they are not creators like us...but we learn a lot things about them. Animals are our friends who help us with different stuff. They have different messages for us. For example Horses teach us to lead our own way and we learn things about them who make ourselfs stronger in the reality. The dogs work with our emotions and the cats to clean our energy and every animal has a different meaning for us. They have a lots of great things but we are the creators and we are the only who can change the world for better...ofc animals are here to help us but animals are animals and humans are humans.

Night quote

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Be with people who heals your soul..them you can trust forever. Them you can take in your life and remind yourself this souls know me the most from inside out...they will never hurt me and i will never hury them. People you can exchange happiness and joy. There is always good people who surround us and others needs our help and others we learn things about. In gods eye we're all beauty souls who transform into a beautyful butterfly one day...but in someones eyes you're always that beautyful butterfly with open wings who enjoy to be surrounded by your vibes.
Night quote

Love quote

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
When a man makes love with a woman with love and respect he will feel the passion inside of her. The passion of love who takes you to the dimension of love for some minutes with her..a world with you and her only.
Love quote

When nature sleeps to bloooom.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
The calm before all plants grow up and blooooom together with all flowers. Picture taked yesterday somewhere in Sweden.
When nature sleeps to bloooom

To Spanish flowers.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Flowers send us good vibes. They can feel your energy and clean the negativity out from your body. A flower is created with love from heaven. Picture taked 2015 last year.
To Spanish flowers

Message of Rose

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
A rose is a positive thought from heaven. They are the messenger of love and peace. Close your eyes smell a rose and you will hear a positive message. Peace & love Nicole
Message of Rose
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Message about animals.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Dolphin message: live in harmony with eachother and the world will became peace. Horse message: Stay together in good and bad times..you make yourself stronger for everyday.
Message about animals
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wooow you have become SO beautiful

Thank u my little angel. Hope you have a beautyful day with love & peace ♡.

Message of love.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Find someone who can accept you for who you really are. The strong unique spirit inside that psychical body. Your body is a perfect machine with a strong spirit & heart. Dont let your love hurts you and we learn things about our first love who break our hearts. One day you will find your soulmate..your other half who are gonna fill your heart again. Love heals everything and dont forgett that you are love..yourself is a piece of love. Surround yourself with the greatest person who accept you for who you really are. Life is love and magical and everyone should be happy. Thats why you should love yourself first of all so you can share it with your love and everything who surround your good vibes.
Message of love

G00D - night ☆☆☆

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Every night when we sleep our astralbody is out from our psychicalbody. Just let your dreams take you to another dimension. The dimension of everything you want..a new world of things you like to do. Let your fantasy takes you to that place ♡
G00D  night

Du upptäcker en ö och bestämmer dig för att bygga ditt eget samhälle. Vilken regel fastställer du först?


How can we live without problems?

Everyone borns to learn things about their problems...big or small problems is something we all are going through together. I wish problems didnt exist but it does and i think if more people think positive than smaller problems we are going through in the future. Its up to each human who can slove their big problems. We living on this earth to create our life so think positive.Wish everyone luck.

National woman day

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
This represent national womans day but also my favorite number 8 because i learn spiritual things when i was 8. The heart represent peace withing you and love for everyone boys and girls around the world. Every spirit is national and we all was born with a gift.
National woman day

Are you a normal gifted person/adult and what is the quality of a normal person?

Haha. Ofc im a" normal " person i dont know what you mean with gifted person/adult what does it mean for you? . I think each one has a gifted quality. I mean we are a gift from heaven and each one of us humans has something special in our souls.

Lake or beach?

I prefer bath on the beach where the water is light blue. I like lakes too but the water is dark and you dont float there like on the salty water beaches. Lakes are beautyfuls but no i dont like to swim there.

Have you seen ghost ?

Yes but i havent seen one for a long time. I dont call them ghost..i call them spirits who needs help out to the light. They arent dangerous and cant hurt us.

Do you believe in superpower?

Ahhh yes. I believe in superpower and it is love. The love everyone has in their souls ☆☆☆☆.

Do you like animals more than humans?

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
The question some people asked me before and no. I dont prefer them more than humans. I love to help humans with help from the animals. When i was little i had a rabbit. I wasnt a big animal lover and when i was little i wanted to be a dentist or a doctor when i grow up. When i was little i had difficult to make friends because i wasnt so good in swedish and learned to speak swedish when i was 5. My rabbit helped me to make new friends thanks that i took him to the park there others kids go to for play with other kids. The kids come to me and wanted to touch my rabbit and ask me things about him. I make friends and one day he run away. I dreames about him one day that he speak to me and said that i didnt need him anymore..another kid need him more. After a while i saw a kid with him..she found him and took him home. When i was 20 i did a healing course..i learned things about to feel energy..i remember i could see my rabbits pink aura energy who surrounded him. I could more feel some animals energy so i begin to see if i could help my friends pets and see if i could take information from to tell my friends and cousins. All pets are here to help their owner from their problems. Some pets take over the owners pain so their owner can cures and be healed from that. Pets are our therapyst and exist to help humans. I see myself like the messenger betwen them and the owner. I can sometimes feel what they feel so i can tell their owner. I dont say this to pretend others that iam more special because im not. All humans can communicate with their pets and other animals..you most believe and trust. Im exist to help humans with help from the animals. I help humans to understand why the animals wanna say to them and what problem they have. Another question people ask..what is my favorite animal. Dolphins because they wanna help all of us and the earth..example a dog normaly want to help their owner and their family member but dolphins want to help all living beings who exist. Peace.

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Do you like animals more than humans
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nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Almost fall off the horse but it was funny. I maybe one day ride again. Im not a typical horse rider just did it for fun.

The eyes who protect us.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Look how cool this butterfly is. Every wing has a painted eye who protect them from dangerous animals. Animals see the eyes and turn around because it makes them believe that the butterfly is another dangerous and stronger animal than them who can kill them instead so they go away. We humans haves wings too but they are invisible and protect us from dangerous things..is like our guardian angels who protect us from fear. Every human & living being is created by love. We all have a guardian angel who look at us when we are afraid and need help. Peace & love Nicole
The eyes who protect us
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Together we build the world.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
We are one together with all living beings..together we build the world with all living beings & plants. Every of you is a piece of art created by the universe and all stars you see in the sky. Together with the moon and the sun and the earth we are a galaxy of art. Every human and animal exist for a meaning full of purpose. We are a piece of art like a puzzle of a painting intelligence who create us to be one. The one we most learn to respect and love.
Together we build the world
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Message of the day ♡

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
You are a strong spirit with a golden heart. You are what you are and believe. The most beautyful things in your life is coming soon with the greatest news. We are the generation of love.
Message of the day


Language: English