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Do you make decisions spontaneously or chart out a plan first?

Spontaneously but i like to plane things in my mind first .

Como esta la mas linda del planeta? Te sientes mejor?

Si hehe y tu? ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡

What’s the best thing to do after a long and hard day?

Just relax and take a long nap for your soul and body.

What do you think people think of you?

I dont know. For me is not important what others thinking about me..the important is whattt you thinking about yourself first.

Do you give money to beggars in the street?

Sometimes but yesterday i gave 1 euro too a homeless who ask me for money and he get angry and said he wants more cash lol..so i only give too the thankful people. Nobody deserve too live in the street but some people choice that...nothing we can do. I wish nobody live in the street and nobody deserve that but kids are the first one who needs help. Kids should not beggars in the street...they all need a home or someone who can take care of them.

Do you think people are basically bad or basically good?

There is a lot of good people and some bad...thats the true. My advice is stay good if you want a happy life ♡. Stay away from the bad people..send them peace because they have a lot to learn.

If you could make anyone in the world fall in love, which two people would you put together?

Love is inside every human and make anyone fall in love is imposible...those 2 person find eachother one day :)

If you could pick an eye color what would you choose?

I like all eyes color...but i prefer my eye colors..dark brown.

What is your goal for the next 24 hours?

I dont wanna say this..but i think i have stomach flu...yeah some bacteria just decide too came in in my body. I was 3 or 4 when i had something like this the first time. And i really hope i dont...puxzcvhg i have phobia for that. Okay so my goal the next 24 hours is to be healthy and i know i can go too the beach tomorrow..i promise my niece...she gave me this bacteria haha. My brother and his family travel back too sweden next week. Thats why i promise her go to the beach tomorrow. Peace & love and god bless me this night..sorry for bein ego today...i love to give not receive ♡.

Cant sleep...

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
The hot weather gives me insomnia sometimes...what about that? Dolphin relax music meditation can help sometimes...okey i try...anyway...i took my sister favorit shirt...california haha..she lived there 2012. I didnt know about the bears there.
Cant sleep

Cute but...

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
This shirt was to childish for me. This shirt means giveback your love ♡. Love is the best medicine we can receive and give. Love is everything and is in your heart ♡. Love is free and love is you ♡
Cute but

Are you afraid of being alone?

No...i lived alone a lot of years in sweden before i moved too spain. Right now i live with my mom and sister but i never know when i moving alone again. Being alone is good sometimes...you know yourself better...you can think things you never think about before and a quiet mind need too take a siesta sometimes.

Aprender nuevas cosas..

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Siempre es bueno aprender nuevas cosas. Aqui estoy leyendo sobre el reiki y como aprender a curar con ayuda de una energia vital. Yo no soy terapeuta de reiki pero me gustaria aprender mas sobre esto. Ustedes creen?
Aprender nuevas cosas

Are humans bad?

Nobody was born bad..we maybe cant love everyone and some humans do bad stuff and others not. We are here to learn...some of us learn about our mistakes...others are here to help and helping others humans or animals...others are cruel and others good. We will never get the answer about the meaning of life. The meaning of life for me is to help, spread good vibes and follow the light...but im not perfect...a lot of people dosnt understand me..im bored for a lot of guys i date before. All i wanna give you is good vibes...give others good advice and try to tell everyone that we are all eternal love...made by love...a gift from heaven and i believe that we are gods angels but each one of you are here to learn the bad and the good stuff...the hate and the love. Each human was born to be loved and respected but when we dont respect others than we learn about something when others dont respect us...i dont believe in karma but sometimes in that boomerang thing we said...the goes around comes around thing. God bless u all ...peace ♡.

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Which day of the week do you hate the most?

I dont hate any day and i love every day i can live and breathe ♡. You never know if something really good happend a monday :)

What's on the top of your birthday wish list?

I dont want a birthay gift. I prefer everyone around me in good mood,happy and healthy..thats a perfect birthay wish.

What are some things that make you really happy?

When humans spreading happiness and peace...when we make others happy with small things. When the war is over and respect others life.

Is global warming real? What do you think will happen?

I dont know anymore...maybe stop with chemtrails but that dosnt mean that im against to fly.

What are 5 things you love?

The 5 things im here for:
Love for spread around
peace for breathe out
happiness to make
life to complete
Positive vibrations ♡


Language: English