

Ask @nicki_drottning

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Good night from my room 🐰🐕🦀🐍🐸🐢

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
My turtle and one frog hibernate but the others are awake. Im going to fix a bigger cage soon. And yes this is not all my pets in one video. The other ones are in different rooms.. The cats sleeps in the living room, my bird in the garden because he dont like being inside the house. And yes i sleep all night without been disturbed by my pets ☺️🙂
Message of tonight: a home with love is a place of peace. That is what i wish for everyone.. A place of peace because everyone deserve that. I Will fight for peace for everyone and one day i Will work and help families who are exposed to domestic violence. Especially help animals and children in place there is violence because they deserve peace and love only. I want to be a type of social assistant or something like that Or be a volunteer of something i can help children and animals.
https://youtu.be/ZnnNwfXJUrUnicki_drottning’s Video 173854578633 ZnnNwfXJUrUnicki_drottning’s Video 173854578633 ZnnNwfXJUrU
https://youtu.be/ZnnNwfXJUrUnicki_drottning’s Video 173854578633 ZnnNwfXJUrUnicki_drottning’s Video 173854578633 ZnnNwfXJUrU

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nicki_drottning’s Video 173854578633 ZnnNwfXJUrUnicki_drottning’s Video 173854578633 ZnnNwfXJUrU

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How you do that.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Visualize the code around a heart, för example 6256 with your pets name and a green heart around the code and the name, then finish with amen or thank your guides for the healing that will begin after your healing prayer codes who heals your pet with some problem.

3 Healing codes for animals i Will love to share from my healing distance course.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
1.Protection for your pet and other animals:52798
2. Allergy on dogs: 579
3. Otitis and ear problems on dogs: 6256
2 and 3 always best after a vet control so the problem heals faster!
3 Healing codes for animals i Will love to share from my healing distance course

Sheep circulating in china

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Many people have been talking about this phenomenon lately. Sheep circulating in China. This happened about 2 weeks ago somewhere in China and the vets has no explanation for this. Some people say that it is a message from God, others that there will soon be an earthquake. My theory about this. It is a message that the earth is changing for better but that we are all going through changes right now. It is not easy to sense new frequencies and many feel bad about it. I'm very dizzy in the evenings and thought I was abnormal, but then I read that several people were too and that the earth is changing so it's not so strange that we feel bad sometimes right nowand the animals too and that's why they behave strangely. When the earth reaches the highest frequency of love, everyone will be fine again. Picture taked from google.

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Sheep circulating in china

Red yellow and pink

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Red for life
Yellow for the sunlight
And Pink for kindness.
I hope this year ends with happiness for everyone 🙏. I hope the humankind around the World be more kind with eachother and accept eachother more, Congratulating each other's lives on earth and that war will end once and for all ☺️💚🙏.
Red yellow and pink

Que música escuchabas cuando eras adolescente?

Cuando era adolecente en los 90 me gustaba escuchar soft rock. Tipo radiohead, Scorpions, nirvana y un poco los hermanos hanson, y un poco pop romántica como whitney houston, mariah carey y christina aquilera así que escuchaba un poco de todo. Esto por ahí 97-principio de los 2000.

When i visited Chile 1994.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Me with the green pants and shoes, my father who are in heaven and my Sister from my father side ( she lives in miami)
Chile, Illapel 1994 i was 11 here.
When i visited Chile 1994

Fish will be legal to buy

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
My 2 fish is still alive after Avatar the red one i owned 2020-2021 . I buyed this in januari 2022 for my mom. He was very sick under summer but has recovered thanks to catappa leaves which is a kind of medicine for fish. He get sick under summer because a cucaracha with poison on fell into the tank and poisoned the water. Cockroaches are common pests during the summer and are everywhere. I don't know how some restaurants manage to get them out of their area but only some of them ehh. I know it sounds really disgusting but I'm just telling the truth. I wasn't used to seeing cucharras when I came to Spain and thought it was really disgusting to see them running in the streets. Now that it's winter, luckily you don't see them anymore.
Fish will be legal to buy

The 10 year old bird

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
The 2 birds was 10 years old 2021 and the other died few days ago. I owned them för 1 year and 7 months ( my moms friend give them to us april 2021). I hope this can live a few years but i could not found another bird friend for him since he's girlfriend died. This is Romeo a male bird. These birds are ilegal to buy next year and the pet stores dont have them anymore. He is very aggressive with people he dont know but he likes me and I can hold him a little sometimes.
The 10 year old  bird

This picture was taked under summer

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Me and my turtle who has hibernate since middle of october. My turtle and my chubby frog are hibernate right now.
This picture was taked under summer


nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
One of my love birds died yesterday. Not the one who sitting on my shoulder, the friend 😐😪. She had problem lay egg and get stuck inside the stomach. So for know i most buy another so my little bird not feel alone. Right now i hear 2 so i know the spirit of the one who died is here short time to keep company her friend Romeo ( i think is the male who is alive) because right now i hear 2 birds. She will find the light soon when the other new bird is coming. The souls never die 💚💚💚💚💚

The list of animals you cant buy 2023

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
All type of Crabs
All type of Snakes
All type of Lizards
Mini pigs
Mouse and rats ( only frozen for snakes)
Some type of fish
Water eels
But If you already have them before 2023 you can keep them but not reproduce them and sel them. Im lucky to own my pets.
https://youtu.be/YdGk0isAzw0nicki_drottning’s Video 173743016905 YdGk0isAzw0nicki_drottning’s Video 173743016905 YdGk0isAzw0


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