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Axelot on a spiritual meaning

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
They simbolize the god of the underworld who protect the animals who live in there and heals the planet's wounds from the inside out.
Axelot on a spiritual meaning

Why my crab could not be in the big tank

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
He destroyed everything, he didnt go to the water pool so much (The gills could be damaged) and only hide under the sand, he could not find food and one day i found him almost death so for now i have him in a smaller tank for rehab. The imagination and fantasy will give me new ideas for the new tank i soon will made. Imagination and creativity can made new things but alsó change the World If more of us humans believe on it.
Why my crab could not be in the big tank

Water rehab

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
My crab could not live anymore in the big tank so Im going to fix another tank for him soon. Anyway the big tank was empty so i decide to surprise my Sister next time she is coming to spain. I dont know if she can take it to sweden but i Will take care of them. All i can say they only lives in México in the wild so they are mexicans 2. I read they are not many in the World 3. Yes it is a axelotl ( a type of salamander) only find in México but these are born in spain. Tomorrow they coming home.
Water rehab


nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Focus on these 5 things everyday
And unity
Love=within yourself and everything who surround you
Peace=within and around everything you touch
Kindness = be kind with yourself and everything around you
Unity= unity with your spirit, soul and everyone who surround you with love and peace.

2015 mundomar with my niece.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Dolphin purpose on earth is to send out sound of vibration of healing and love around our earth. They work together with Angels and god put them here to help our planet heal from pain. They also clean the atmosphere around our planet and they do it for us because they love humans and all they want for us is joy and happiness.
2015 mundomar with my niece

New moon 🌝

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
The new moon energy is coming with new surprises and good news for the humankind and the earth.
Picture taked right now 19:45 16 februari
New moon

One of the first pictures i upload on ask. september 2012 almost 10 years ago.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Me with 2 of my brothers dogs who are in heaven now. Tyson pass over today 😪.
One of the first pictures i upload on ask september 2012 almost 10 years ago

Ohh no

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
My Sister in sweden just message me that my big brothers dog died today 1 hour ago. Rip Tyson.
It was the same time i search for a page animal communicater to learn communicate more with animals on the other side and help the owners take away the pain and explain to them that their pets are fine. I dont usually show my ask for my mother but she didnt like that i write about ghost or paranormal things.. So for now i Will not do that anymore, She tips me sometimes. I Will only write things about healing and animals. I know Tyson my brothers dog is fine now. He was a nice earth angel dog.
Picture taked few years ago. Now they have 1 dog. Cholo the puppy i adopted for them last year.
Ohh no

beautiful woman, happy valentines day! i'm so sorry i didn't write earlier. How are you?

Thank you so much 🙂💛. Im feeling Great enjoying a sunny winter day, how are you?
beautiful woman happy valentines day im so sorry i didnt write earlier How are

Changing color

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
A person asked how many frogs i have in private message and I have only 1 frog, this person asked because the frog looks different in some pictures and it is because the color from Green to Brown 🙂.. I know he changed the color from the first day i receive him and is because they change their color all time. From Green to Brown and for them is very natural to change color. I guess it has a meaning.. Is like when we humans change our aura color ( our energy around our body who change color depend our moods) so is with the frogs i guess because nature has a lot of secrets to teach us on a spiritual view we most discover with the time and this is my theory about the color change of some animals but ofc i alsó understand the Camouflage thing ( the process called cryptic coloration, is a defense or tactic that organisms use to disguise their appearance, usually to blend in with their surroundings wich is the logic mostly humans understand. But i see things on a spiritual view too and I learn this things for a time ago when i did a healing course

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Changing color

Si tuvieras que elegir entre salvar a todos los perros callejeros del mundo con comida o a los niños de África, ¿a quién ayudarías en primer lugar?

En primer lugar los niños de África porque los niños son seres humanos y Jesús ayudó a los humanos primero que a los animales y después a los perritos y eso que yo soy muy amantes de los animalitos pero los animales también prefieren que nosotros nos ayudemos primero. Yo siempre estoy ayudando los animales y tengo un perro adoptado de la calle pero si estoy en guerra y tengo que elijir salvar a niños desconocidos o perros desconocidos entonces prefiero salvar a los niños primero.
If you had to choose between saving all the street dogs in the world with food or saving the children of África and give them food , who would you help first?
First the children of Africa because children are people and Jesus helped people first. Then of course I would help animals because I am an animal lover. I always help animals and I have an adopted dog from the street. I give one example: If I am in a war and I have to choose to save unknown children or unknown dogs, I prefer to save the children first.

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Porque las mujeres son tan mentirosas? Dicen algo que después no lo cumplen y ya perdí fe en ellas como seres humanos.

Eso no es un problema de género, también los hombres mienten y algunos que no cumplen con cosas que dicen que lo van hacer. No pierdas fe en todos, empieza creer en ti mismo primero como ser humano para empezar confiar en los demás.
Why are women such liars? They say something that they don't follow through on and I've already lost faith in them as human beings.
My Answer :
That is not a gender problem, men alsó can lie too and some who do not comply with things that they say they are say going to do. Do not lose faith in everyone, start believing in yourself first as a human being and than you maybe start trusting others.

Ask me esta borrando fotos, a alguien de ustedes les pasa lo mismo?

Si y por instagram también. Será un error de él servicio? He leído que a muchas personas les pasa lo mismo.
Ask is deleting my photos, does anyone of you have the same problem?
Yes and on instagram too. Maybe a error of the service? I have read that many people have the same problem with deleted pictures.

Tengo 32 y pronto voy hacer padre. Que nombre es más bonito para poner a un bebe.. Isabel o Aitana?

A mi me gusta mas Isabel.
I am 32 and soon I am going to become a father. Which name is prettier to give a baby? Isabel or Aitana?
My Answer :
I like Isabel more.

Las personas ateas llegan al cielo?

Yo creeo que si. A Dios no le importa que no creeas en el, el ama a todos iguales ateos como a los religios.. Con otras palabras. El ama a toda la humanidad .
Atheist people go to heaven
My Answer :
I think so. God doesn't care if you don't believe in him, he loves all atheists as well as religious.. With other words. He loves all humankind .

?Que significa soñar que me estoy comiendo mi propio vómito y en mi sueño lo veo como muy normal?

Creeo que significa que te comes muchos problemas y no los dejas ir.
English translate shoutout question
What does it mean to dream that I am eating my own vomit and in my dream I see it as very normal?
My Answer :
I think it can means that you eat up a lot of problems and don't let them go.

Night message

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Message for humanity!
Love is all around the earth and Angels the messenger of God surround us all time. They always try to take away our pain and transform our pain into love. All they want for us is unity, love and joyness.
Picture : Prince and babybuda choose unity and love and has no problem to live close eachother, yeah in different tanks ofc. We are one with the earth and one with the universe, together we are oneness together with the animal kingdom, nature and other dimensións of puré love and peace.
Night message

Babybuda and Prince

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
People has ask me how much time i spend with my pets day. Anyway that depends but with the small ones i spend around 5 to 10 minutes day and take them up after i clean their tanks or feed them so is not so much i spend with them because iam with my dogs almost 24/7 and the cats they do what ever they want but they dont follow me around like the dogs hehe.. But anyway with the small animals i actually dont spend so much time with even IF they live in my room but when i take them up i take pictures of them. Today I took this pictures when i clean Prince tank and bath my turtle.. They are friends and like eachother but i Will never let my frog meet the cats outside the tank.
Babybuda and Prince


Language: English