

Ask @nicki_drottning

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No more covid things

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
I have promise myself not write about covid things on internet. I think stuff will change with time for better. I think we humans learn new things about this. More concience a new better future for the new generations humankinds, nature, animals and everything like that. No more covid message because makes me so tired read about that everyday. I just thinking positive and think about a better future for everyone.

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Angel message of today

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
We are still here to send out hugs of light, touch of love and healing to enlighten your being and remove all your pain and transform all pain it into joy, / angel message of today.
Angel message of today


nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Do you know what happening after this picture 🙂😂
Edward run up to my face, Squeezed me on the cheek with his scissors hand so i took him and put him on the tank very fast haha. He is evil sometimes but cute.

Me with one of my best friend Edward scissorhands.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
It was not Easy to take this picture. Edward dissapear inside his tank and I could not find him but after a while i found him under the sand. I Feed him and bath him for treatment because he is going to shed soon. He was not happy at all and try run away under the toilett.
Me with one of my best friend Edward scissorhands

Random cards outside.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
I almost always find cards when I go out with the dogs, I have seen this card several days in a row on the same road, I think it's Kevin costner.
Random cards outside

New info. Tarántula Europea araña lobo

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Is a european spider and not what the insect app said. I took información from another site google picture who say it is a European WOlf spider 🙂. Anyway i hope everyone a good day with love.
Picture my hand with the spider i found outside the door in my garden.
New info Tarántula Europea araña lobo

Little spider

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
The spider i found this morning outside the door infront my home place. It was cute and very calm, not aggressiv at all. I was like most take a picture for my followers, they most see this little cutie so i search on the insect app what this race could be and it say it is a rabiosa rápida from Florida and so i wonder how can this spider be here in spain? No i think it is another race and not the rabiosa rápida or lobo rabiosa from Florida If is not that someone released it or that it came with some product from the US with packages that people order but I do not know. It says on the internet that it is not dangerous or toxic to humans or dogs so it makes me happy. But Im not sure and took it up for take a picture to show my followers but i would not do that again If I dont know what type of thing it is 🙂.

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Little spider

Trowback 2020 2 years ago. The blessings for animals from San anton. My mom with kiki 17 januari 2020.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
The Blessing of San Antón to the animals is a celebración in Spain where a priest blesses all the animals that come to church every 17 januari . This celebrates in many places here in spain. This festival is associated with religious rites of the Catholic Church, in which the ritual of blessing animals is practiced.
Who was San Antón? Why is it the pattern of animals?
Saint Anthony the Abbot, the patron saint of animals, was a Christian monk from a wealthy family who lived in the third century in Egypt, in the town that today is called Quemans, located on the left bank of the Nile.
At the age of 20 he decided to retire to live in the desert and it was then that he discovered wisdom thanks to observing and living with animals. This love for nature led him to bless animals and plants, he love nature and animals so much and he heal and bless every sick animal and plants.
2020 17 jan
I bring kiki to that celebración when i lived in El campello ( another place where i live) . This year i dont know where they celebrate it but If is near me i Will go with some of my pets.
Picture my mom with kiki.

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Trowback 2020 2 years ago The blessings for animals from San anton My mom with


nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
There is one thing you can learn in the storm, stay calm with peace of mind because after the storm the sun comes out again and warms up and repairs all broken places. The storm is a wind who renew the earth with new energy again, out with the old and in with the new.


nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
A Jellyfish symbolizes energetic flow and Reiki. This mean the power of healing from the universes heart sending a type of energy who enters through the ocean and heals the earth soul who alsó cure us from old trauma, old pain and renew the energy who flow around us with the power of love.

Message of tonight

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
We all have the healing power inside of us, is the gift from god.. The healing power who make us to be better persons, be better humans, make the World a better place.. Make us happy and everything who surround us.. Everyone can heal but not everyone wants that. Everyone has the gift we where born with because every living human being was born with a heart and is a piece of our body and soul. The heart not only pump around blood, the heart alsó has a super power invisible energy who can cure every broken place and send out healing and love from the distance för example someone in need. Money cant safe the World but love can, god gave every person a sacred gift and is the healing power of love and the healing power of love is a very magic energy who can enter Peoples body and take away pain. We also can do that with animals, nature and send out healing to every being who needs that..but the most important is to cure ourselfs from pain and protects us from bad things.

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Message of tonight

Crees en la biblia católica?

No todo. Hay algunas cosas con las que no estoy de acuerdo en la Biblia católica de España. Espero que nadie se enoje, escribo por lo que creo. Jesús, el gran hombre que vino a la tierra con el propósito de ayudar a la humanidad con información celestial, fue asesinado por los malvados para que no tuviera la oportunidad de dar más información. Dios es bueno y envió a Jesús a la tierra para ayudar a la humanidad a unirse para desarrollar la conciencia. Aquí en la tierra nadie es perfecto y todos tenemos que aprender algo pero muchos se alejan de la conciencia y por eso todavía hay guerras, racismo, maltrato y asesinatos. La Biblia católica no puede salvar al mundo, pero nosotros podemos. Si queremos, podemos salvar la tierra con nuestra conciencia. Si así lo elegimos. Todos tenemos el regalo que el Señor nos dio antes de llegar, elegimos lo bueno o lo malo. Si más personas eligen la paz, más rápido se curará el mundo. En la Biblia católica no dice que Jesús quiso enseñar a la humanidad la curación sagrada o sanar a nuestros seres queridos con diferentes enfermedades, tampoco dice que tengamos el don de curar nuestras mentes y almas, pero podríamos Si más gente cree
English shoutout question
Do you believe in the católic bible?
My Answer :
Not all. There are some things that I do not agree with in the Catholic Bible of Spain. I hope no one gets angry, I write for what I believe. Jesus the great man who came to earth with a purpose to help humanity with heavenly information was killed by the evil ones so that he does not have the opportunity to give more information. God is good and he sent Jesus to earth to help humanity get together to develop awareness. Here on earth no one is perfect and we all have to learn something but many stay away awareness and that is why there are still wars, racism, mistreatment and murders. The catholic bible cannot save the world but we can If we want, we can save the earth with our conscience If we choose that. We all have the gift that the Lord gave us before arriving, we choose the good or the bad. If more people choose peace, the faster the world will heal. In the Catholic Bible it does not say that Jesus wanted to teach humanity sacred healing or heal our loved ones from different diseases, it does not say that we have the gift to heal our minds and souls either but we could If more People believe.

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At my way home back from that house my brother lives the few days he is here in spain

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
I see a beautyful White rose at night with shining stars behind.
At my way home back from that house my brother lives the few days he is here in

Vintage things

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
I was leaving my brother in the apartment he rented the days he will be here in Spain and I rummaged a bit in the apartment and found a lot of cassettes with very old Spanish songs lol.
Vintage things

This is my brother who visit spain

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
I rent a very creepy apartment for him and his wife so he prefer spend the Days here at my house with my pets mostly.
This is my brother who visit spain

Happy new year 2022

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
More peace enter the earth
Happiness and healing
Love peace
Picture : Me with sick face but i think is about all the fireworks .
Happy new year 2022

Por qué a los niños que no quieren comerse toda su comida se les dijo que pensaran en los niños de África?

Para que aprendan tener más conciencia y que la comida no se debe votar porque eso siempre le puede servir a alguien que tiene hambre. Estamos en este planeta para desarrollar conciencia y ser mejores humanos y de poco a poco vamos tomando un paso para adelante hacia el camino de la paz y justicia. Algún día nadien se va morir de hambre y está tierra va ser un mejor lugar para vivir. La conciencia está creciendo de poco a poco y estamos transformando este planeta a un planeta mejor.
English translate shoutout question
Why did they use to say to children who do not want to eat all their food to think about children in Africa?
My Answer :
The adults before told that to children who didnt want to eat all the food on the plate that to learn those children to be more conscientious and that food should not be thrown away because that could or can always serve someone who is hungry for example the children in Africa. We are on this planet to develop conscience and be better humans and step by step we are taking a step towards the path of peace and justice. Someday no one will starve and this planet will be a better place to live for everyone . The human Consciousness is growing and we are marking this earth soon a better place to live.

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My NEW pets 2021

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
In the middle of this year a neighbours friend ask us If we want 2 dwarf parrots. They still alive and happy.
I buyed a turtle after Löven
The turtle is a spanish mediterrán turtle.
I buyed a mouse as a pet who lives in Avatars old house. The mouse was Sold as snake food but I bought it as a pet. He is around 8 months i guess but Im not sure
The crab
Buyed begining in december, i didnt upload pictures first, this was my secret pet but upload the first pictures after 2 weeks 🙂.
My NEW pets 2021

My pets who leaved the earth this year 2021

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Löven died because a house near fumigate the garden
She disappear early 2021
The fish get a infection after being hurted in his coco house.
My pets who leaved the earth this year 2021


nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
When you start believe in magic your dreams will grow like wildflowers 🙏✌️🔆
Picture taked today, name of the flower, solandra máxima but calles for copa de oro means gold cup in spanish.
When you start believe in magic your dreams will grow like wildflowers

Exotic snacks

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
My mother today went to the airport in Alicante to leave my Sister there who was leaving spain because she went to sweden today so she found this snacks there, a very exotic snack because they dont usually have it here in Europé 🙂.
Exotic snacks


nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Angel message of today for humanity.
Love is a light that shines from heart to soul. Remember the gift god gave you once to make peace with the World, to make this earth a happy place to live and grow. To make all landscape shines in a brighter color and heal every broken place with the gift you have inside your soul, the holy spirit who are made by pure love.
Picture taked 2016
Angel message of today for humanity 

Love is a light that shines from heart to

Angels are everywhere

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Gods messenger of love and light are everywhere. They may be invisible but their love is everywhere.
Picture taked 2016 in the forest Somewhere in sweden.
Angels are everywhere


Language: English