

Ask @nicki_drottning

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Me and a new friend today

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
This grasshopper is not so smart. I safe it from being on the middle of the road 2 times. I put it on a Wall Somewhere and than the grasshopper follow me home lol. My cat catch it and this was the 3 time i safe its life, this time from being cat food. So i took it up and lay it on a tree outside my garden . I hope it learn something about life today.
Este saltamontes no es tan inteligente. Lo salvé de estar en el medio de la carretera 2 veces. Lo puse en una pared en algún lugar y luego el saltamontes me sigue a casa jajaja. Mi gato lo atrapó y esta fue la tercera vez que salvé su vida, esta vez de ser comida para gatos. Así que lo tomé y lo dejé en un árbol fuera de mi jardín. Espero que aprenda algo sobre la vida de hoy.
Me and a new friend today

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¿Crees que nos encontraremos con nuestros enemigos en nuestra próxima vida?

No. Uno no es obligado a encontrarse con nadien que te echo o te hace daño en esta vida terrestre. En la otra vida uno se encuentra con las personas que más te valoraron en la tierra y nadien te obligara encontrarte con tu enemigos. Ellos se mantendrán alejados de ti para siempre.
English translate shoutout question
Do you think we will meet our enemies in our next life?
My Answer :
No, you are not obliged to meet anyone who hurted you in this earthly life. In the afterlife you meet the people who valued you the most on earth and no one will force you to meet your enemies, they will stay away from you forever.


nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
My relationship with rats/mouse
I haved 2 rats once when i was between 11-14 years old. Timbó and Snowie ( i dont have pictures of them but Timbó was white and black and Snowie White with red eyes. A rat is bigger than a mouse and they be 3 years old, a mouse only 1 years old normaly.
Childhood story:
I owned once around 5 mouse boys, only boys so they could not be pregnant haha (They can multiply quickly and become numerous in a short time If you have a girl and a boy together) ( this was when i was around 12 and 13 and lived in sweden my childhood place Hagsätra a Hood in Stockholm . There was a pet store near me that sold mice that cost as much as a mágnum ice cream. SEK 20, which is about 2 euros . ( This was in the 90's and today not many pet stores sell mice and if they sell animals they do not do it to children under 18 years without parental permission but they did when I was little. The person who worked at the pet store knew me and had no problem selling animals to me without my mother's permission. One of my mouse run into my rats cage and the rat kill him 😪. Another one run away hehe and I dont remember what happening with the others but some of them get old and pass over the rainbow bridge (they dont be so old) i still remember 3 names of them Negro ( a black mouse) Jerry ( a White and Brown mouse) and musen a brown mouse ( i think run away when i took him out) so this was my story about the mouse i owned once. I was a kid and learned to take good care of them by myself because my mother dont like them so much 🙂. I dont have pictures of my childhood rats and mouse 😟. This year last week i adopted a little mouse i saw on the internet, this little guy was Sold as live feed for reptiles. When Avatar's aquarium was empty I took the opportunity to adopt this mouse who living right now in Avatars tub who was empty when my fish pass over the rainbow bridge few weeks ago. mices are my childhood animal that I grew up with and who take me back to my childhood hobby again.
Picture taked today. My dogs loves the mouse. They say happy saturday cuties with love and peace.

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My relationship with ratsmouse

I haved 2 rats once when i was between 1114


nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Heaven is connected with earth and we are surrounded by the universe. God and Angels surround us all time but cant get into our earth problems but can fill us with the greatest love of all, the spiritual medicine who are made by love and light. Let love and light fill every hurted place in your body and it will shine into you and heal piece by piece. /the voice from heaven

La gente está más tonta cada día, será por el covid?

No creo que la gente se haya vuelto más loca por el covid, sino que ha tomado más distancia social por temor a que los medios de comunicación se hayan extendido de él virus.
English translate shoutout question
People are getting dumber every day, is it because of the covid?
My Answer :
I dont think People getting more dumber just because of covid, i think more that people have taken more social distance for fear that the media has spread about the virus.

Dicen que va a ver un apagón en España, Si eso sucediera ¿Tu que harías?

Nunca perder la calma y prender velitas 🕯️
English translate shoutout
They say its going to be a brown out in Spain. If that happened, what would you do?
My Answer :
Keep calm and light candles 🕯️

Me and Shanti

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
My mom asked me yesterday why i dont get member on a pet side and I maybe can find good friends there with the same hobby. Many years ago (around 10 years ago if I remember correctly) I became a member of an animal site to be able to get to know people and maybe meet for a coffee in town sometime. At that time I had no animals and uploaded a picture where it looked like I operated on a dog when I did a voluntary practice at a clinic, (I actually washed a wound in the picture. People wondered if I was a veterinarian and if I had a license for it but I told the truth about that I was not a veterinarian and that I only washed a wound.I ended up being reported and bullied by hundreds of people who criticized and judged me instead of wanting to get to know me. blocked from that side with a bad reputation afterwards and my self-confidence sank to the bottom.People were terribly mean and after that I never dared to join again on an animal side with a lot of other people for fear of being jumped on like I once was It took a while before I started using social media again after that because I felt stupid and stupid. Will never comment on things that have to do with animals again in a group where a lot of people can read. That's why I only have Facebook, instagram and ask so I can check the comments before answer them. I love to share my pictures here with my animals and spread good vibes only.

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Me and Shanti

Porque nadien adoptaría un niño de 14 años?

Un niño de 14 años es casi adulto y no tan inocente como por ejemplo un niño de 0-4 años. Todos ya sabemos que criar a un niño de esa edad que no conocés va ser muy difícil y a esa edad el chakra de tu corazón rebelde se cierra para personas adultas que no conoces muy bien y la mente, alma y conciencia empieza desarrollarse muy rápido y la inocencia infantil se empieza a desaparecer porque la sociedad nos enseña a creser muy rápido para madurar antes de trabajar.
English translate shoutout question
Why would no one adopt a 14 year old kid?
My Answer :
A 14 year old child is almost adult and not innocent as for example a 0-4 year old child. We all already know that raising a child of that age that you do not know will be very difficult and at that age the chakra of your rebellious heart closes for adults that you do not know very well and the mind, soul and conscience begins to develop very quickly and the Childhood innocence begins to disappear because society teaches us to grow up very quickly to mature before working.

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¿SABEIS QUÉ...? Si dos hermanas gemelas tienen hijos con dos hermanos gemelos, los hijos de ambas parejas son genéticamente hermanos.(VERDADERO O FALSO)

Es cierto, pero solo adn similar, pero aún son primos. Exemplo: Si 2 gemelas tienen hijos con 2 gemelos los hijos de esas gemelas son sólo primos con dna parecidos como hermanos pero como salen de differentes vientres salen como primos!
English translate shoutout
DO YOU KNOW WHAT ...? If two twin sisters have children with two twin brothers, the children of both couples are genetically siblings. (TRUE OR FALSE)
My Answer :
It' is true but only similar dna but still are cousins. If 2 twins woman have children with 2 twins man the children of those twins are only cousins with similar dna as brothers but as they borns out of different womans they come out as cousins!

Message of night

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Love is the connection between heaven and earth, Angels are all around us and one day no one will suffer ever again. The world will soon be transformed into a paradise and human and animals Will never suffer again / Angel voice from above 🕊️
Message of night

Angel light

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Be the light that others see🕊️.
Lights a candle for love, peace and joy, the flames of the candle will tranquility the soul and mind for self healing.
This goes to everyone who see this but first for my cat who fall down yesterday. He is not hurting but that fall from the high roof terrace was shocking to the poor cat and it was an accident that will not happen again ever. But i believe in Angels and I know animals like us has alsó a guardián angel who protect them from pain.
Angel light

7 lives

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Must tell something who happening today and is not normal thing. 🐱🎙️🎶
Me and my mother was baked some stuff for halloween today, my dog and cat was playing like always ( Aki and Herkules) so they run up to the roof, i saw them run after eachother.. Without thinking about that. We listened to music via the Bluetooth mini stereo in the picture, then it is a song with an unknown girl singing a cover (no one I recognize) and in the middle of the song I hear a cat screaming very loud through the stereo, had the stereo with loud sound when this happening. I immediately think of Hercules, run up to the roof terrace and he was not there, oh no I think .. He had fallen 10 meters to the ground, looked down and saw him from the terrace and ran down and picked him up. He runs into the house completely un unharmed without pain. He had a guardian angel and there is a reason it is said that cats have 7 lives, it is not a false rumor. And now you guys wonder how i could hear the cat screaming from The stereo, it most be a telepátic thing. Im sure he fall down, the door and Windows in the first floor was closed and my other cat casper was sleeping in his little cage, he does that at night. The cat feels good without pain, he fall down with the 4 legs infront the ground. Nothing bad happening thank god for that. I hope this never happening again. Thanks for reading

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7 lives

The second butterfly i found today.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
This had a broken wing.
Message of the day: We are changing together with the earth, The earth is improving to a better place. Everything Will transform itself in the light of love.
The second butterfly i found today

Mariposa. mariposa bella y silenciosa que aparesiste. ahora en otoño revoloteando mi interior, haciendo que mis buenos deseos salgan al exterior tocando alguna Alma necesitada de Amor

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Mariposa mariposa bella y silenciosa que aparesiste ahora en  otoño revoloteando

Message of the day

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
A Mouse represent spiritual cleaning.
All negativity that invigdes your sacret Space once will transform in love and light 🐁.
Message of the day

Message of tonight

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Koi fish:
This fish represent strenght, The japanese saying carp is a lively fish, it is strong enough to fight its way up waterfalls and through its strength and determination overcome all obstacles. The spiritual Message for us from The koi fish, Inner Strength is within us and helps us to survive crisis and life challenges:
Picture taked few days ago in a pet zoo in La seña.
Message of tonight

Some People are bad

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Today right now around 20:00 26 october.
A man 35/40 years old i never seen before dumped these cats outside my house and lived the place in a red car. This is not okay. I saw him when i was almost at home with my dogs. I pray that someone adopt them. Im going to call the animal shelter.. Not okay when People do this. Very sad when People do this.
Some People are bad


Language: English