

Ask @nicki_drottning

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Creen q tener a un amigo drogadicto es malo?

No. Un buen amigo trata de ayudar un amigo que no se siente bien. Un buen amigo no deja un amigo solo en la mierda, un buen amigo trata de sacar a su amigo de la droga, consegarlo ir a tratamiento y también ayudarlo emotionalmente. Todos pueden salir de la droga con la ayuda de un buen amigo y la fe. Ora por tu amigo. Nada es imposible.
English translate shoutout question
Do you think having a friend who is a drug addict is bad?
My Answer :
No. A good friend tries to help a friend who is not feeling well. A good friend does not leave a friend alone down in the shit, a good friend tries to get his friend off the drug, get him to go to treatment and also help your friend feeling better emotionally. Everyone can get off drugs with the help of a good friend, dont lose faith. Pray for your friend. Nothing is impossible.

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Eres voluntario de algo? Si no lo eres te gustaría ser voluntaria de alguna cosa especial para ayudar alguna organización?

Hola. Por ahora no soy voluntaria de alguna organización pero antes he sido voluntaria y trabajé gratis en la protectora de animales 2006. Después también fui voluntaria y trabajé en el almacén de una tienda de segunda mano que Pertenencia a la Cruz Roja 2010. El año 2011 fui voluntaria en un hotel de refugiados y ayude a familias buscar casa para vivir. Todo esto lo echo en Suecia y por ahora no soy voluntaria pero estado pensando mucho ser voluntaria en un hospital como capellán hospitalario para apoyar a patentes con enfermedades graves y hablarles sobre la vida después de la muerte y sobretodo de Dios y Ángeles para que los patientes sepan que no estan solos y para apoyarlos emotional mente para que los patientes sientan paz dentro de sí mismo y seguridad. Me gustaría también ser lo mismo en un hospital de animal por ejemplo en clínicas veterinarias para hablar sobre la vida después de la muerte y de que sus mascotas no están solos, igual a nosotros están acompañados de muchos ángeles y seres de luzes. También me gustaría dar bendiciones de sanación a todo los patientes para que se sanen más rápido de enfermedades graves y sacar todo sus dolores.
Google translate shoutout question
Are you a volunteer for something? If you are not, would you like to volunteer for something special to help an organization?
My Answer :
Hi there. For now I am not a volunteer for any organization but before I have been a volunteer and I worked for free in the animal shelter 2005 cathouse in sthlms cat home . Later I was also a volunteer and worked in a warehouse of a second-hand store belonging the Red Cross 2010. The year 2011 I was Volunteer at a refugee hotel to help families find them a house to live in. I did all this in Sweden and for now I am not a volunteer but I have been thinking a lot about volunteering in a hospital as a hospital chaplain to support patents with serious illnesses and talk to them about life after death and above, i want to talk about God and Angels so that the patients feel calm and I want that they feel that they are not alone, i want to give them emotional support so the patient feel safe and feel peace within their souls. I would also like to do the same in an animal hospital for example in veterinary clinics to talk about life after death to the owners and that their pets are not alone, just like us they are accompanied by many angels and beings of light and god. I would alsó pray and send blessings of healing to all patients with serious illnesses so that they could heal faster and alsó take away all pain from their bodys. 🙏🌍👭🐕‍🦺🐴🦊🐇🐿️🐧🐍🐬🐟🐠🦋🐛

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Una pregunta a las personas que tienen más de 4 mascotas, porque tienen muchos animales?

Yo tengo mas de 4. Algunos son rescatados y algunos comprados. Mis mascotas son como mis amigos y seres de luz, yo los cuido y ellos también a mi en lo que es espiritual como en la vida planitaria. Gracias a ellos tengo mi ask para escribir mensajes de él más allá y desde que tengo mascotas me apuesto más espiritual que nunca. Ellos existen para ayudar a los humanos y son pequeños maestros y hijos de Dios que solo quieren entregar amor y luz. Ellos no sólo me ayudan a mi, también le abren el chakra de él corazón a otras personas.
English translate shoutout question
A question to people who have more than 4 pets, why do you have so many animals?
My Answer :
I have more than 4. Some are rescued and some bought. My pets are like my friends and beings of light, I take care of them and they also take care of me in what is spiritual as in this earth life. Thanks to them I have my request to write messages about above and since I have pets I have become more spiritually than ever. They also exist to help humans and pets are our masters and children of God who only want to give humanity love and light. My pets has help me receive more love and they also open the heart chakra to other people so they can receive love to.

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Angel message

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
We may be invisible to the human eye but do not forget that we exist and surround you to love you, protect you, fill your days with happiness and help you lead you on the right path, we send love to humanity around the world and supports everyone. Remember this, the earth is changing for better and you will see slow improvements that will soon be faster improvements. One day we will be visible to the human eye but we can not right now (not to everyone yet). Even if we are invisible, we are still by your side and protect you from fear and help you remove all your pain. You are love and light / angel message 22:44 / 10 October 2021.
Angel message

Si crees que las mujeres sufren mucho imagina lo que sufren los animales... Al menos las mujeres consiguen justicia y tienen derechos... Los animales ningún derecho y si le quitan la vida a un animal no van a la cárcel ni nada...

No entiendo mucho de que te refieres. Nadie debería sufrir. Todos tendrían que vivir en paz. Humanos como animales en paz juntos. Todo los días lucho por la paz.

Porque el bullying entre niños en los colegios es más aceptado que el bullying entre adultos en un trabajo?

Nadien es perfecto y creeo que uno nace en la tierra para desarrollar conciencia y trabajar con uno mismo para ser una mejor persona mentalmente y espiritualmente. Cuando uno es niño aún no tienes la conciencia desarrollada y aún puedes aprender ser más bueno con tus compañeros ( lastimamente no todos aprenden eso) pero ya cuando estás grandesito sobre tus 20 años me imagino que la mayoría de los seres humanos sanos ya han aprendido que ser bullying es algo malo y no se debe hacer ni en el trabajo como por ejemplo en una fiesta familiar ni tampoco en las calles donde hay mucha gente unida. El fuerte cree que siempre se come el más débil pero la verdad es que cuando una persona pisa a otra persona es porque la persona que está haciendo daño lo hace para sentirse mejor para sacarse el dolor que lleva dentro de su alma y mente.
Espero que algún día más personas se atrevan a para los bullying y que más se atrevan a ayudar a la víctima.
English translate shoutout question
Why bullying between children in schools is more accepted than bullying between adults in a job?
My Answer :
No one is perfect and I believe that one is born on earth to develop awareness and work with oneself to be a better person mentally and spiritually. When you are a child you still do not have a developed conscience and you can still learn to be more good with your classmates (unfortunately not everyone learns that) but when you are older than 20 years I imagine that most healthy human beings have already learned that bullying others is a bad thing and it should not be done either at work, such as at a family party or on the streets where there are many people together. The strong believe that he/she can stand over the weakest but the truth is that when a person steps on another person it is because the person who is doing harm is doing it to feel better to get rid of the pain that they carry inside their soul and mind. I hope that one day more people dare to stop bullying and that more dare to help the victim.

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Porqué en España hay tanta violencia de género? Porque los hombres Españoles son tan machistas?

Las personas violentan necesitan ayuda psicologica con un buen terapeuta o psicólogo para evitar violencia en general. La segunda respuesta puede ser la cultura pasada como en muchos países donde el hombre tenía más poder dentro de la política como en la familia donde el hombre siempre mandaba y tenía la últimas palabra como en muchos países y no solamente en España.
English translate shoutout question
Why is there so much gender violence in Spain? Why are Spanish men so macho?
My Answer :
Violent people need psychological help with a good therapist or psychologist to avoid violence in general. The second answer may be the past culture, as in many countries where man had more power within politics, as in the family where man always ruled and had the last word, as in many countries and not only in Spain.

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¿Por qué hay personas que nacen psicópatas? Porque hay tantos psicópatas en España?

Hola. Yo no creeo que uno nace psicópata porque un bebé no nace con problemas mentales de querer hacer daño a alguen, los bebés están protegidos en mente y alma por un tiempo. Ya cuando el niño está un poco más grande y empieza desarrollar conciencia se puede ver en su desarrollo como es con otros niños y animales. Si ese niño por ejemplo es un niño que gosa cuando le hace daño a alguien o a un animal es un niño que de alguna manera tiene problemas emocionalmente y puede desarrollar psicopatía cuando esté Creciendo en la edad adulta, eso se puede parar con ayuda psicológica y terapia pero si a ese niño no se le ayuda es casi imposible ayudar ya un adulto psicópata. Yo le tengo terror a las personas que les gusta hacerles daño a otros y no puedo entender como uno puede gosar ver o hacerles daño a otras personas como a un animal. Igual me interesa muchísimo la psicología humana y en un futuro me gustaría ser terapeuta y trabajar con personas con diagnosticos peligrosos para ayudarles no hacerse daño a sí mismos como a los demás. 2. Porque hay tanto psicópatas en España, no lo sabía la verdad. Alomejor España necesita abrir más Psiquiatrías porque eso es lo que alomejor este país necesita para evitar problemas con personas peligrosas para la sociedad. Muchas cosas que escrito aquí lo aprendido en un curso que estudio cuando salí de mi liceo en Suecia, el curso se llamaba psicología A y lo estudio el 2006 y aun recuerdo algunas cosas de ahí.
English translate shoutout question
Why are there people who are born psychopaths? What do you think about there is so many psychopaths in Spain?
My Answer :
Hi there. I dont believe that babys is born psychopath because a baby is not born with mental problems of wanting to harm someone, babies are protected in mind and soul for a time. when the child is a little older and begins to develop awareness and than you can see how the children treat other children animals, . If that child for example is a child who enjoy harm others example other child or an animal than the adult can stop it and help the children but when the children gets older is getting more difficult to help, in early years you can with psychological help and therapy But if that child is not helped, it is almost impossible to help a psychopathic adult. I am terrified of people who like to harm others and I cant understand how one can see or harm other people or an animal. I am also very interested in human psychology and in the future I would like to be a therapist and work with people with dangerous diagnoses to help them not harm themselves as well as others.
2question. Why do you think there are so many psychopaths in Spain? , I didn't know that. Maybe Spain needs to open more Psychiatries because that is what maybe this country needs to avoid problems with people who are dangerous to society. Many things that I writted here I learned in a course 06 that I studied after my high school in Swe, the course was called mental Health A.

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Bad boy 😊

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Some of these dudes like to destroy my Underwear. Could it be the little one in the middle? Aki bad boy haha. No but he's forgiven just because he's still a puppy.
Bad boy

Night message 🌍

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
But in the end, nature will always heal destroyed places and fill all wounds with pure love.
Picture taked 1996 sweden djuprämen , me and a friend i meet there on a Sailboat built of wood. I have liked being around nature since I was little.
Night message

Sunday message

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
The earth is changing to a better place, you Will notice that everything is shining in stronger colors, the nature is greener, the sun is moreIs yellowish Without dazzling so much through the human eyes and the energies that surround the earth together with all planets who surround us will vibrate in more joyness together with our planet and into us. Our body will feel better and we will feel these vibrations of happiness who are flying in the air down throughout our body. The vibrations of the highest Joy are going penetrate into the heart of the earth and reach a higher power for a better place, miracles are going to happen and everything Will heal faster.
Sunday message

My turtle may soon hibernate next year.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
They sleep under the winter to the next year, wake up when it is spring again so around 4 months. I wonder what they dreaming about under so long time. My little Turtle is only awake 3 hours day, wake up around 8 morning, Eat and than sleep.
My turtle may soon hibernate next year

Message of today 🌍

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Your inner peace raises your frequency so high that everything around you transforms into your vibrational and healing presence.
Aki and babybuda message of today.
Keep eachother company in good and bad times. 🙂✌️.
Picture taked today of these 2. Buda is already friend with Aki.
Message of today

The volcano in la palma located in the Canary Islands.

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Message of tonight.
Everything in nature has a purpose and a meaning. Nature is wise and the earth is taking out all the sorrows, hatred of the past and energies that our planet no longer needs. The lava is already spreading down to the ocean and burning parts of the island. But the nature is sacred and after all burning places it will grow vegetables and new nature for the next upcoming generation beings. God is wise and so is nature. The new energy are already surrounded us with good news and better things for our planets future. Every volcán has a story writted in the fire. The earth is changing and so are we 💚🌍🙏.
Picture screenshoot from live video Youtube.
The volcano in la palma located in the Canary Islands

Banana tree

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
A tree who belongs someone i dont know near me, the person who own this garden has a lot of banana trees . Anytime i walk under this tree i wish I had a super long arm so I could reach up to take a banana. If this banana tree was mine i would bake banana cakes every week. Imagine them with chocolate haha lol.
Banana tree

Te gusta la nieve?

Si me encanta. No he visto nieve en casi 5 años desde que me fui de Suecia.
Shoutout question English translate
Do you like snow?
My Answer :
Yes i do. I havent see snow for almost 5 years ago since i moved from sweden.
Picture taked in sweden by me januari 2012.
Te gusta la nieve

Message of the day

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Sometimes we need to Silence the mind to to get an Answer. / unknown.
Picture of my fish Avatar last year. He wish ya a happy friday 🐟
Message of the day

Que opinas de tener más costas encerradas? Por ejemplo hamsters, peces, tortugas, conejos, loros

Si los cuidas bien y con amor mi opinión es nada más que bien que existen personas que nada más que quieren es entregar amor.

Pregunta para los mayores de 18. Te encuentras con tu propio yo de 18 años. Tienes 3 palabras para decir a ti mismo .

Mantente siempre amable
English translate shoutout
Question for those over 18. You meet your own 18-year-old self. You have 3 words to say to yourself.
My Answer :
Always stay kind.

Creesn que el volcáno que desperto en la palma fue culpa de él humano?

No. Yo creeo que los desastres naturales aveces avisan algo que nosotros los humanos tenemos que descubrir. La tierra se está desarrollando y los volcáno aveces se despiertan por cambios en la tierra.
English translate shoutout
Do you believe that the volcano that woke up in the palm is the humans fault ?
My Answer :
No. I believe that natural disasters sometimes warn us of something that we humans have to discover. The land is developing and volcanoes are sometimes awakened by changes in the land

Porque la sociedad odia a las personas obesas sobretodo los hombres a las mujeres obesas?

La sociedad tiene que aprender ser más amable con los demás y no decir palabras que puedan herir a las personas. El odio es una palabra fuerte y mejor que odiar a las personas por algo es mejor mandar amor y buenas vibraciones.
English translate shoutout
Why does society hate obese people, especially men hates obese women?
My Answer :
Society has to learn to be kinder to others and not say words that can hurt People. Hate is a strong Word, instead of hate a person because of their weight just be kind and send out love and good vibes.

Prayers and blessings

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Sending a prayer:
I wish everyone who are sick only healthiness.
I wish everyone who feel sad puré happiness.
I wish everyone who are hurted just puré healing.
Angels always pray for us.
Picture me and babybuda and we alsó sending a prayer for everyone who need it right now.
Prayers and blessings

Pet Selfi part 3

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
With babyturtle 2021 torrevieja and molly 2017 Valencia . Ok i know molly may is not alive but her soul does. Picture taked different places and years.
Pet Selfi part 3


Language: English