

Ask @nicki_drottning

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I found some Keys and trying too concéntrate me about this person! I practice mental vizulision!

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Ok. I dont usually play with mental vizulision because Im not use too do this but i learned a little about this when i did a healing course 2006, i learned some few things and I was right with everything i touche ( some stuff i practice with that i holded in my hands, material things like keys) what means mental vizulision of material things? . Is too feel the energy of material things who belongs someone you dont know ok. Ok i feel that this Keys belongs an older men and one key belongs the basement and the other the front Door. He has someone close with the name José who has a little White small dog and this man has alsó a little dog, a yorkie mix. . He lost his Keys when he was outside at the park with his dog. Im gonna try too find this person If Im right with this i vizualise and try too contact him too tell him about his Keys and where i lay them, i havent took them with me, i lay them at the big tree stump in the park i usually walk my dogs in the morning. I dont know this person but this is what i think the Keys belongs too, the men i just see in my mind. Im gonna put this Keys in the lost things group on internet who belongs this city and see If this person find them. I think everyone can do those things If they really believe and wants because everything is energy and our material things has our energy around it and our information. I give you one example, when a dog pee on a tree he gives and let that información so another dog who smell that tree feels what type of dog was there with their nose and dogs use their nose too smell things so they can receive information from other dogs or other things. Is the same with this but we have more difficult too understand this because we usually dont talk about this with other People but i do that because i want People too believe in our capacity god gived us once but we have forgotten this gift we have inside of us, the third mind we where born with too use.
Peace and love / n

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I found some Keys and trying too concéntrate me about this person I practice

This flower represent strenght!

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
This flower represent children who Grow up in places with parents who has problem with drugs or alcohol. This flower is called 'maskrosbarn' in swedish and represent strenght and power for children who Grow up in a home with those problems. Because this flower Grow up everywhere, even through asphalt. But for me this flower represent everyone who once haved go through a difficult and dark time and has being healed and cure with help with their inner-strenght and the power from god. You guys are so powerful, value for this world, beautyful inside and out and need too be here living many many years because you guys are so important for this World and stronger than before because you already have been going through a dark time but not anymore, not ever again and never again, your way is puré love and light!

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This flower represent strenght

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Porque los hombres después de los 30 miran a chicas de 14? Los hombres viejos me dan asco aveces y son todos los hombres perversos?

Yo no soy un hombre y nose como piensan los hombres aveces. Todo los hombres no son perversos y pedofilo solo porque hay algunos cochinos que le gustan las pequeñas no significa que todo los hombres son así. Lo siento que te miren hombres tan mayores para ti pero tu no los mires si te da asco y aléjate de ellos y si se asercan llama a la policía. Peace ✌️!

Tu tienes muchos amigos /amigas?

La verdad que no. Perdí contacto con mis mejores amigas cuando era adolecente. No porque me pelie con ellas pero tomamos differents caminos en la vida y no nos conservamos la amistad. Tengo algunas amigas de mi infancia por el Facebook y aveces nos hablamos por el messenger pero ellas viven lejos de aquí y cuando uno es adulto es un poco más difícil conseguirse amigas porque la gente desconfía en personas desconocidas sobre todo aquí en Europa porque en chile la gente era más abierta y cariñoso conmigo. También habló con algunos conocidos cuando me quieren preguntar algo espiritual, la gente que me conoce sabe que me gusta este tema y me encanta ayudar y dar consejos a la gente que cree en mi. Cuando salgo pasiar con mis perros me encanta cuando la gente me dicen que le gustan mis perros y eso me alegra el día porque ellos son mis mejores amigos y si la gente quiere a mis amigos también los quiero a ellos 🙂!.

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Alguien conoce Noruega? Que opinan de ese país?

Yo no conosco el país Noruega pero es vecino con Suecia y yo vivido en Suecia y me imagino que se parece mucho a Suecia. Noruega lo que escuchado que es bonito pero caro. Tiene mucha riqueza de bosces y tiene una cultura parecida a Suecia, creen mucho en los duendes y adas y eso me gusta mucho a mi, bueno Noruega por lo que escuchado tiene un clima muy frío y hace frío 10 meses al año pero yo creeo que es un país muy bonito con sus montañas y bosces debe ser parecido a Canadá ( tampoco nunca he estado ahí) pero he visto fotos por google y me fascinan mucho las fotos de la naturaleza de ambos países 🙂.

Picture taked 2018 Chile!

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Oh my dream came True when i took this picture, i always wanted a picture with a real baby chickens on my hand and my dream came true when mami chicken lay eggs and the eggs hatched with cute little chickens, i be like I most put up this on easter day i most because of cuteness. The chickens belongs a family member who wanted me too see them. I wanted adopt one but it was better too not adopt one because of my cats could eat them. So i decide too take a picture of one i named too something i dont remember now 🙂.
Picture taked 2018 Chile

Easter Days in sweden 1 april 2017!

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
When i lived in sweden Eskilstuna 2017 took a picture of casper at the Window with the typical chickens. In sweden they celebrate easter Days with painted eggs, chickens decoration and the kids dress like old witches haha. Very cool when you once Grow up there. Long time ago i moved from that country and havent been there since May 2017, so 4 years ago. Casper liked too be there and he moved around a lot. I hope everyone and wish everyone a happy day, remember that easter is a Christian holiday and that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesús and here in Spain we celebrate that and has nothing too do what they celebrate in sweden with the kids witches so is different in different country!
Peace and love / N
Easter Days in sweden 1 april 2017

Night quote before sleeping!

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Water is healing
Nature is healing
Music is healing
Breathing is healing
And so are we!
Our bodys can heal
And cures ourselfs
And others with
The power of love
Night quote before sleeping

Porque los humanos somos tan egoístas? Yo ya no tengo fe en nosotros y perdí confiar en él ser humano!

Yo creeo que estamos aprendiendo mas cosas con esta pandemia y nos estamos dividiendo como seres humanos, los buenos son más buenos y los malos más malos. Ten fe en ti mismo primero y aprende a quererte un poco más y después elijes con quien te quieres quedar, con los buenos o los malos, aprende elijir con quien te quieres quedar, con que amigo/amiga quieres seguir con quien tener una amistad y los que tu sientes que no valen la pena corta con ellos y sigue adelante a un camino y vida la que tu quieras seguir en tu vida y la que tu crees es mejor para ti y vas a lograr tener fe en ti mismo y confiar más en la gente que es buena !

Tu crees en el tarot? Si la respuesta es si lo sabes manejar?

Si creeo en el tarot si la persona tiene experiencia, le tengo mucho respeto al tarot y nunca hay que jugar con esas cartas si no lo sabes hacer/manejarlo bien, como tu dices manejar, si no sabes manejar un coche mejor no lo manejes si no tienes experiencia. No yo no hago tarot y confío mas en mi guía espiritual!

Cuando va ver paz en el mundo?

En unos 20 años más las cosas van a mejorar si nosotros como humanos desarrollamos más la conciencia. Eso es lo que yo creeo!.

Chonguito and Shanti!

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Many People think they are brothers or Sister but one was born in Chile and the other here in spain but they look like eachother, maybe they are soultwins who knows! , they meet in Chile. Chonguito really loves Girls but dont like guys and Shanti love guys but not so much Girls but If they are Nice than she can accept them. Are these 2 soultwins even IF they where not born in the same country? I safe their life from death both of them. One is fat the other skinny but had the same color.
Chonguito and Shanti

Old picture from summer 2016!

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Life is wonderful and so are you ☺️
Took this picture when i was in sweden 2016 for the second time. 5 years ago Times fly !
Old picture from summer 2016

Porque algunas mujeres dicen que los hombres vienen de otra planeta?

Haha no lo sé y quien lo dice? .
Los hombres y las mujeres pertenecen esta tierra para aprender a convivir, reproducir y ser felizes juntos!


nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Sending an applause f0r everyone who see this. We wish you Health, happiness, much much success with everything you do, peace everyday into your life, and that all your desires being fulfilled!
Sending an applause f0r everyone who see this We wish you Health happiness

Blod test!

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Spain is one of the most corona strict country in the World, you cant go near someone or spitt outside ( i never spitt outside thats disgusting too see when others do that but If the Police see someone do that they can get fined) you can get fined If you dont follow the rules and dont take social distance at the supermarcet, dont use the mask right and more, If you just touch a stranger you can get arrested just for that. Today this morning when i took blood test at the hospital i did it at the same time with 6 other person in the same room, beside me 2 ladys so near i could feel that we touch eachothers leg 😯. Thats so weird the nurse told me too hurry, give me your arm and sit calm and I was little chocked, i mean we are going through a pandemi and you guys letting so many People take blood test at the same time in a small room and with the arms so near eachother, i could see how the nurses take blood test same time with those beside me. That was disgusting too see and for the other People too. I give a big applause too all nurse and doctores and last year at 20:00 the whole country applause for those héroes but too make this what i was through today was disgusting and very unhygienic. Six person at the same time taking blood test i never seen that before and sittning so close too eachother when this country is going through a pandemia. Spain is beautyful but some stuff most change. All People there feel some type of discomfort feeling so i feel sorry for them all!

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2014 at mundomar!

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
I remember from my studies 2008 when i read something about the lab rats and the cats. It was something about the coronavirus who can affect People. Cats has a type of coronavirus who affect other cats and rats has something similar who can affect us human beings. Rats anatomy has similar órgans like us human beings and thats why they use rats and are perfect experiment animals too use for future research too see what type of disease can affect us. Rats are alsó än animal who can spread a lot of virus and alsó can affect a cat If the cat eat an infected mouse/rat. What we dont know is where The coronavirus came from but Im pretty sure it comes from some type of animal out there. I dont want too talk about this because i maybe wrong and every human has their own opinión and thoughts about the coronavirus. Anyway 2014 i did a course about dolphin. Dolphin are very smart animals and I learned how they think, what they do, and how they help humans too Heal their body with their frequency healing sound. They are alsó use as experimental animals in some country and in russia they use them do find bombas under water. They are very smart and they are little like dogs, they love human beings. They are like earth Angels on earth and a lot of People love them. So that was all i wanted too write about today. I learn and practice english everyday, my thoughts are in english but have difficult too talk because Im not use too talk this beautyful language so much. I have never been in a english country, i have never been in UK or América so thats why i dont talk it so good yet. Ok bye Angels!
Picture taked 2014 in mundomar!

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2014 at mundomar

2008 the only picture i took from when i was a student!

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
This was the only picture i took from that place in Svalöv. Learned too be friend with nature. Took this picture with a old Samsung Phone. The only People i talked with was my messenger friends who could not believe that i lived in a place like that haha.
2008 the only picture i took from when i was a student

2008 what i did here!

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
Ok! I dont use too write so much about my private life but i really want to explain this. Why i lived alone in a abandoned place 2008. I was suppose too study biologi and how too take care of small animals, experimental animals like mouse, rabbits, and other animals. I thought this would be a very interestning education for my future because i like too care about beings, so the school fixed me a place too live but i thought it was a place where other People would live too but Nobody wanted too live there ( other students) so i haved that house for myself in a very long time. The nearest busstation was 1 km from that place and I didnt haved a car. I learn so much things there, transforma fear into peace and turn negative thoughts too positive thoughts so fear could not win me because the first month i got so much fear being so lonely and I just could not quit my studies because i already borrow so much money from The study loan and If I quiet they would force me too pay them everything back so thats why i stayed haha. Ok but anyway. I learn more spiritual things than what i learned things in school. I didnt go everyday too school because we haved a lot of home works too do so i go maybe 2 Days week and the rest of those Days i was lonely and I swear i didnt see humans in Days, it was me and the nature and nothing more. I learned too Cook food, my spaghetti are the best because i practice like 5 Times too be a good chef. The first time i lived there i only make meatball with rise, meatball with potatos and everything i eat it was meatball until i use google too find others food resipes on the Internet. I lived 1,5 year there, at the night i could hear the rats running in the basement so i asked myself If this was karma for being a student of experimental animals or why i choose this for me? Did i payed karma or i most learn something more. I remember i have so many weird Dreams. I dream I could fly and I was like awake. I could dream good Dreams and bad Dreams. Good Dreams that i swim with dolphin and bad Dreams that i took my life in the basament with the rats. Thats why i read a lot about How too take care of yourself quotes i learned too take care about myself so i can in the future help others, help animals, help humans but first too take good care about myself because i didnt have Nobody near me, i could only use my fantasy, sometimes i turn the music too the highest volum and dance, sometimes i just go too bed and sleep all day and all night. I only talk with my mom on the Phone. I haved 2 friends at my class, but they lived far away and they didnt like the place i lived because they where afraid of that place because of what they thought it was a typical ghost place but noo.. The only thing who happened was 2 Days before i moved the lamp turn off and turn on by itself but i never saw a ghost with my open eyes there but i dreamed weird stuff sometimes. The only one i really saw a ghost was in a apartment i lived in Stockholm when i was young.

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2008 what i did here

The trainstation😶

nicki_drottning’s Profile PhotoNicki08
This was the trainstation 1 hour from that place i lived alone Svalöv. Just look at the Windows 🙂. Looks like a scary movie haha. Picture taked 2008!
The trainstation


Language: English