
Nicole Clarke

Ask @nicoleclarke1

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What do you think is the best gift for wedding?

For the bride, it should be the fact you're married to the one you love and visa versa

When was the last time you danced?

Erm, probably this morning? Depends if you mean a full on dance or just a little jig ;)

Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?

Just general teenage life, no movie shows a typical teenager broke and bored

What is the least stressful job you can think of?

An aperience. One of those people who get payed for going to parties to make the parties look good

What do you usually forget?

Homework, coursework, replying to texts i dont know i have a terrible memory so most things

If you were a scientist, what would you invent?

Urm, i dont really no:( probably a robot that does your hair and makeup for you in the mornings

Daisy always drops you for alisha

No they are just best friends? Daisy and alisha are mega close i dont expect her to always be with me and not her

What fruit do you eat the most often?

Every morning i eat strawberries and banana with Nutella so i guess them? But then i also take an apple to school... So ahh i dunno

I dare you to do a video answer of you dancing to cha cha slide whilst wearing 1 of your highest high heels (1 shoe). Video must show your feet and be for the full length of the song.

Why would you even think of that?

i dare you to wear 1 below ankle joint sock on your right foot and 1 thigh length of a completely different colour on your left foot from now all night tonight and all day tomorrow. both socks must be showing, even if you go out and post pics on here to prove you are wearing them

Did this months ago... So nah

girls with the best smile, personality, butt, hair, figure, boobs, legs, stomach in year 10

I dont know if its just me, but i dont generally stare at the girls in the year bellows, asses or figures ect sorry


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