

Ask @nidaaqil21

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i am ankit i wanna challenge u at real strength and fitness comp like wrestling and boxing one on one.i am thin 57kg 166 cm and not a wrestlor or fighter. since we are strangers didnt know how you will react thats why asking u here.hope u have the guts to accept my dare

Maybe wrong place. Move ahead -.-

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Nourrrreeeeeeeeeen A.K.A Norain
Where do i start ur thoughts from....!!
Anyways Here it goes xD
First thing u r sooo white like a paper..!!:**
Oh My Gawd u r soo chubby..!!=')
Dude do u remembe our past oh gawd..!! We were enemies of each other..!.,-.- Frankly i used to hate u..!! Once u did something and instead of going and complaining to teacher i complained to ur BUS CONDUCTOR....!! -__-
How dumb i am
Dude staaaaaap saying u r fat dude u are not fat. At all...!! -.-
Your hairs are amazing..!!xD
Awwwww u r taller than Mannen..!!
U and mannen are sooooooo adorable together..!!
After seeing u both i truely believe that god has already made our pairs..!!! ^0^
Okay the above line was dramatic..!! -___-
You are so hyper when u see mannen..!!-.-
AND in dispersal oh Gawd..?! "How do i look"..?! Ur dailouge..!! ^^
Ur monthiee is on 14th awwww Mannen proposed u on valentines day..!.,^0^
Have many more monthiees..!! And Jiju plss take care of our Nouman...!!xP
Okay you suck at sports..!!
Yor are good at singing but mostly in rapping..!!<3
Awwwwww when you get angry you pink little nose..!!xD
Its soooo cute
Actually u r sooooo cute..!! ="D
You like choclates and choclate milk..!!<3 mee too..!!
Btw my roll number is 22 and urs 23 so cool are names are together..!!
Okay this is lame but cute...!!
U like reading books high5
But u take time to read books..!!-.-
U are really trustworthy..!!xD
Ur and heba fights are silly but when we talk about friendship..!!*SPEECHLESS*
I have never seen like thid frndship..!! U guys are cute together..!!
Sometimes u r funny and lame too..!! XP
Btw you have a very sweet smile..!!:))
Dude u r the greatest Nerd ever..!! :/
Sometimes you exaggerate things...!!xP
You are less hogger oh Gawd not like clerissa..!!xP
Overnight camp was fun with u..!!
Aww the way you sleeep is sooooo cute and adorable..!!^^
Dude you are soooooooooooo
Your selfies are amazing..!!
Ur handwriting is amazing..!!
I Love Yew sooooooso much..!!<345678
Never Forget me..!!
I m still sorry for the choclate milk on ur Tshirt thing..!!
You are my beessssteest bestie..!!
You have swag in you mahn..!!xD
Hope you like the thoughts..!!xD
Stay Swaggy
Stay Awesome

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Thoughts? :D

Jerzen A.K.A Bunnnnnnyy..!!xP
Here are your thoughts......
First thing you are an amazing friend of mine...!!!
We met last year and became best friends..!!
I met you through ask.fm..!!xD
You are sometimes lame...!!
And funny too..!!okay..!!
Our chats are funny..!!xP
Once you remember u were seriously searching your dreamgirl...!!
And yah now u got her..!!
awwwww u guys looks amazing together..!!!
Stay together forever and ever..!!^^
Btw u r such a rich guy mahn...!!
I mean like u have a freaking IPhone 5S...!! XP
I want a one badly..!! :"(
You are really sweet personality..!! =')
How did i forget that you are amazing singer. And almost a musician..!!
I m lucky to be a musician's sister..!! <3
Then u r a great nerdo man..!!xD
You are swaggy guy..!!xP
Oh yeah u r the buuuuunnnnnnnyyy..!!
Why do u like a bunny so much?
Still i dont get it..!!
Always remember me..!!xD
Anyways Hope you like the thoughts..!!xD
@Stay Awesome
@Stay Swaggy
@Always be with her
@Best brother

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Heeeebbbbbaaaaaa A.K.A Mrs.Potato
Here are your thoughts...!! XD
First of all met you in 8th grade and we became besties..!!^^
You are an amaaazzing person i have ever met..!!
You are an awesome didi...!!xP
You are sometimes lame and funny too..!! =P
You are damnn preeeetttty..!!xD
The way you walk in class and the first question would be like "HOW DO I LOOK"-__-
Lol you are seriously self obsessed........
Thinking about your prettiness reminds me of your sexy hair...!!
Oh Gawd ur hairs are just amazing..!! <3345678
U look beautiful in every different hairstyles ^___^
Yeah than talking about u and Ron makes do awing awwwwwwww...!!xP
You guys are made for each other..!!
Awwwww the way u fight for ron saying he is cute..!! ^^ awwwwwe
Mr and Mrs Potato..!!xD xP
Ur monthieee is on 27 see i remember..!!xP
Have infinty mothiees..!!^0^
You are really caring and sweet..!!=))
Your braces are....IDK
Lol..!! Oh Did i mention that you are like a biggest nerd ever..!!! -_______-
They are limits of being nerd but u crossed it..!!
Awwww and the way you talk with ur thumb folded in ur palm and showing ur four fingers..!!awwww thats cute..!!^^
Btw you use "Apparently" alot...!! :P
Yeah ur lectures and advices are amazing..!!
U r like a elder sis to all of us..!!
Your and noureen silly fights..!!OH GAWD..!! -.-
Anyways but u guys are amazing together..!!xD
Your handwriting is awesome..!!
Dude btw your drawings are like speechless...!!
U love reading books naaa hi5..!!
But dude u take a book really slow..!!-___-
You have such amazing pink lips..!!
Ur smile is amazing never let that come down :)
Ron is seriously lucky to have you...!!
You are swaggy bitch..!!JK
You my best bestiee ever..!!<345678
Hope you like the Thoughts
#Stay Awesome
#I Llove yew soo much
#Stay swaggy
#never bring seafood in ur tiffin

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Sayeeda AKA Sayeeve....!!!!:P
Here are your thoughts....!! :D
A hug from me to u..!!<3 live 101 years more...!! xPP
You became 14een..!!hi5
yeah now your thoughts..!!^^
Met u in 8th and became so close..!!
Acrually we knew each other from islamic class..!!xP
1st thing is that you are soooooo pretttyy..!!:**
Okay you are dumb too..!!
There are limitations for dumbness too but You acutally crossed it..!!:")
Aww and you are cute too..!!:*
Then you are an amazing basketball player...!!^__^
While playing basketball your same dailouge everytime would be " WE ARE IN THE SAME TEAM NIDA" xP
Awwwww U and reeve are soooo cuttee together...!!xD The way he runs with your bus is so adorable...!!:")
Stay together forever..!! Take care of jiju..!!c:
Your monthiee is on 7th..!!
Yeah you are an richy ass..!! You are so rich u have your own freaking iPhone 5S..!!:"(
But you are amazing..!!
You are so understanding and trustworthy..!!xD
You are my best friend ever...!!:* <3
Why do love nutella so much...!! :(
Btw your burgers and choclate cakes are amazing...!!!:PP
You are cool and swaggy..!!xP
You love reading books naa HIGH5......!!! ^__^
oh yea you have amazing maroon hair.....!!
With smokey eyes..!!xP
Did i mention that you are a biggest NERD...?!
Your selfies are amazing..!!xD
Okay you have little dimples...!!xP
Okay we have some things in common like u r from hyderabad and mee too..!!
Our birthday date is 21st just that yours is june mine is on march...!!LOL
You are sometimes funny and,lame too...!!xP
Actually you are overlame..!!xP
You love chocolates and chocolate milk HIGH5..!!! ^__^
Lol you are the chocominion of reeve..!!xP
Ur exclamations and emoticons oh my gawd..!!-__-
Then your voice is amazing oh wait i forgot your voice..!!xP
Actually u suck at dancing too..!! *JK*
U r totally retard...!!xP
Ur smile is amazing never let that smile go..!!xP
It has been always fun with you..!!
There are lots of memories which cant be expressed..!!
Again you are amazing and my bestie forever..!!!<33
All the best for your future life with reeve..!!xP
Btw why do you cross word limit for thoughts..!! Ppl expect longest thoughts from me too but i m a lazyass i cant do it..!!xP
Anyways Hope you like the thoughts..!!
LIVE LONG LIFE...!!!!!!!
Take this thoughts as a lame bday gift from me to you..!!xD
I love sosososoososososooss much......!!<3333333 :********
#Stay together forever
#Stay forever my bestie
#Stay swaggy
#Always smile

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And my thoughts! xDD ^^

Clerissa. :'D
Atlast i decided to do your thoughts......!!!xP xD
Fyn here it goes..........
First thing there are no words to decribe your LAMENESS.......!!
Dude you are soso lame..!!xD
When u crack a joke or say a funny line..!! You would be like no "no reaction"
and u would be laughing at your own funny line. we all would be like this -___________-..:!
And then dude you are damn freaking pretty..!! Yea..!! Once we all were in serious discussion and you were like chuck tell me how do i look today..!!! -__- Gawd and when u get a pimple it vanishes within 1 day..!!
You are soo unique..!!xP
Dude you remember the day of CIFF we had so much fun together..!! In the whole theatre we were the only ones who were cracking lame and funny jokes...!!
Once we were like why that guy who was the hero wearing the same watch after 10 years..!!xD
Then you have lots of names like : Clerissa, clerichuuu, clerijal, nutellissa, cleirs, eclair and Clerissa stoopid agarwal...!! Whoaah that awesome..!!xD
U suck at dancing but u r amazing at singing..!!xP
You like reading books..!!hi5
Why do u love nutella so much..!! Yuck i hate it..!!xP
Dude we get embarrass a lot in front of everyone...!!xD why we only?????
All staybacks on thursday u r the only person who get shoutong from maam's..!!xP
You look amazing with your glasses..!! Pls wear it..!!xD
And one thing everytime you account gets haccked....??????? Whyyyyyyy??!
You and sajal are meant for each other..!! Cute couple...!!^^
15th is your monthieee..!! I hope u get thousands of mothiees..!!xD
In class from nowhere you would be like "sajal is so cute"..!!
Random female u are..!!=P
You are good at studies too...!!xP
Your hair is amazing..!!xD
Dude why are you so attracted to babylipss....!!x|
You horrify us..!! Once we were going down to buses in dispersal and she was shit i forgot something.!! We ran back to class and then you were applying babylips..!!
Yeah onemorething you have an amazing english..!!
You are like dictionary..!! Remember you were trying to teach me sarcastic..!!xD
And now you are trying to improve your basketball skills..!! Last match you did good..!!=DD
Dude you one of best bestiesss.....!!
I love you like anything..!! {NotInThatWay}
Damn sometimes you swear a lot...!! But its okay..!!xP
Your damn cuteeeeee..!!
I love you dimplesss..!! We all like to play with them.!! I know its irritating buts itz okay..!!
We are your frnds naa...!!xD
Your high5 sumtimes suck..!!-__-
Once we all were doing ball dance and we both did good dance and we were hi5ying and i kept my hand in that high5 thing and u sliped down...!!-___-
You get pissed and irritated fast.....!!xP
Chilllllll dude..!!xD
If i have done anything wrong and which hurted u i m sorry...!!xD
You are trusthworthy and understanding..!!
Its always fun with you...!!
We have lots of fun in sci practical....!!xP
You have amazing swag in you..!!xD
I love ssososos much...!!xD
I hope you like the thoughts...!!xD
#Stay forever my bestiee..!!

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Loooong thoughts? :3 <3

shaina2220’s Profile PhotoShaina.
Okaaaay...!! Shaina ur thoughts....!!
Here it goes........
First thing you are DAMNNNNN pretttyyyy mahn.......!!!<33 :*
You are cuteeeeee too..!!xD
I really met you in 8th but i knew you from 7th but i never spoke to you..!! ^____^..!! Lol.!!! And now we became damn closee..!!xP. We are actually besties now..!!:)))
And yaah you have lots of swag in you mahn..!! From where did u get this much swag..!!(okay i was lame)
I thonk from ur birth time only you were swaggy..!!!
Okay now thats called a swaggy baby..!!xP lol
Actually i dont wanna say this but i admire u..!!(Not in A lesbiatic way)
Lol and yaah u created a word called lesbiatic..!!
Tasu invented this SHAINAA MADE IN CHINAA..!!!xP
oh my gawd u have lotss of energy in you mahn..!!
U r strong..!!
U r an amzaing basketball player..!! Never let ypur basketball skills go down..!!!
Did i mention that now u have becum a great NERDO.....!!!
Litreally u r awsome at studies tooo..!! And this influence is from Jishnu..!?^^
U and jishnu are amazing couple...!! U care a lot about jishnu and he cares for u...!!awwwwwh sooo cutee.!!
Ur monthie is on 18th..!! Gawd half a year is gonna get over..!! So cool
Always be together..!!^0^
OMG ur selfies are amazzinng....!!<3 Again i m saying u r sososos pwedieeeeee..!!^^
And then You are an amazinnnnggg danceerr...!!!xP it is fun with u in dance class..!!!
And yeah me and you feel so offended when priyanshi and sammy dance their apd dance itz okay....!!!xP
You and clerissa are cute together..!! So cool u ppl met when you were just 3 months old..!!
U are like a elder sister to her..!!
And you hate books u dont like to read fat books..!! Awwwww its cute..!!^__^
Ur handwriting is neat and pretty..!! I love ur handwriting..!!<3
And dude ur dad pasta's are amazing..!! We all hog the pasta from your tiffin...!!its yum..!!<333
Sometimes u swear a lot..!!#### its okay..!! U have ur own style and its amazing..!!
You are dammnn tall..!!(sobs) i wanna be like u so tall..!! It is cool to hug u bcoz u r tall...!!!xD
And when you get angry you are sooo hawt and sexy...!!! I like to see u when u get angry mahn..!!
And yaah ur hair..!! I feel like cutting them and sticking it to my head but that not possible..!!
We all like playing with your hair..!!xP
U r totally amazing and the best part of u is that u r "understanding" =D...!!
I love soososososos much..!!! <3333333 :*******
Never let that smile of yours go..!! Be happy and have fun everytime..!!=DD
Hope you like the thoughts..!!=P :3
#Stay my bestie forevery
#Stay young forever
#Stay swaggy

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Nobody's Perfect..xD..
Okay your thoughts priyanshi..!!
Here it goes........
Dammmn y are freaking pretttyyy...!!**
You are an amazingg dancer...!!
You dance like a proffesional dancer..!!"".......We have lots of fun during MAD..!!xP
Then yeah u r soo cute..!! But strict too..!!
Each and everytime u give me advices not to do this and that...!!xP
U r like my elder sis:*
I must say this that u have a lots of spelling mistakes...!! *Jk* i dont mean it...,!!!-.-
Did i mention that u r a big time *NERD*
Seriously u the biggest nerdo of our class espically in hindi,maths,chemistry etc..!!!xP
Okay you love superwomen naaa..!! High5.:)
You are the superwomen of our class..!!xP
Ur alone selfies are amazing.!!^^
Again i m saying u r pweeddiiee...!!!xD
And whenever we take group selfies u just appears from nowhere and then disappers...!!
Dude u are damn serious u dont like anyone using bitch on you or joking with u..!!
Chilllll mannn..!!?xP
Common we are your friends..!!:/
We all would be like how did priyanshi came in selfie she is over there...!!Gawd
U r single and no crush whyyy...?!?
I know your feeling whenever we see your brother and we will be like he is cute and hawt...!!^^
Its okay dude we ur friends:))
I love you soso much<3456 :**
Hope you like the thoughts..!!
I dont know if its that long but i can do this much....!!xP
Stay forevery my bestie#
Stay forever young#

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Language: English