
noko du

Ask @nikodu_

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held this one in for a while, tbh sick and tired of girls that always go for the wrong kid and then never learn when they get fucked over lol. been right here for you trying to catch you after your falls but you never realized that I'm the one that's always here. time after time you've picked the wrong guy and ended up in a shit show of a relationship, before I would have said "I wish I was the guy you chose instead" but not anymore, I'm done chasing you so have fun in another god fucking awful thing you're gonna call a relationship because I'm done chasing you ?. don't come crawling back when you realize I was the one guy that could have showed you what an actual relationship is. but at this point I give up. so like I said have fun and don't try to come crawling back at me when you realize you fucked up yet again. ??

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