

Ask @ninadobrevo

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Stop being perfect, ok? I love you so much Liv and anyone can't destroy it! <333

• Nınɑ.
Awww I'm not perfect... But thank you bby! Lucia I love you so much!❤❤❤❤ no body will change it! ❤
Liked by: • Nınɑ.

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If you saw someone shoplifting, what would you do?

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What kind of movies do you most enjoy?

Thriller... Really weird ones that have amazing story lines, movies that make you need to think about what's actually happening and going on... Basically noticing things.

What do you like to do on a rainy day?

Go out in the rain and wait for Damon to take me hunting.. And then kiss me.

What quality do you value most in your friends?

Them always being there for you, no matter what... Having someone to talk to, who won't judge you, someone who will listen and be there when you need to fall back on someone.

Hello, could you do me a favour? Go onto my profile and click on the facebook link in my bio, and like the page 'Seems Legitimate'? I'll like 10 of your answers if you do. Thanks :') It is a good quality page, none of that 'Like this..' shit, only stuff I find funny!! :D

I don't have Facebook honey. Sorry

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What dreams (what I wanna be- or sleeping dreams?) I don't remember my dreams zZz

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Roast... But it wasn't like any other roast.. It was LUSH!

Actually they're cute and care eachothere so good :) Forwood,ha? I think they're sweet together,it was so sad the moment about Forwood in 4x16

I cried in the last 2 Forwood moments !;'(
Liked by: sel.


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