

Ask @ninadobrevo

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If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?

Blood! Haha lol no ermmm chocolate brownies yum!:)

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Haha! @loveelucyyhale seems like a really kind person but I do not speak to her that much. It seems like you too are pretty close :) <3

Yeah! She is amazing.. And I love talking to her! I like go think we are close twitter friends :) <3 who is your favourite twitter account?:)

I said Flawless or Perfect doesn't do Nina justice so I made up Flawfect Flawless+Perfect!

Yes... And lol :)

whats your opinion on stelena fans?

I think they are sweet; and they have a good reason to ship who they ship.. We are a family in one an everyone is going to have their opinions, like mine is #teamdelena :)

Do you feel older or younger than your real age?

I feel older, because I get on with people older than me, and I like that. ;)

Who do you prefer? I know you like/love both, so who? Ian or Justin Bieber?

Is it meant to be a hard question? IAN IAN IAN! I love Justin but Ian is my world/life!<3

How have your life experiences changed you?

They've challenged me, showed me how life really is, made me be aware of my surroundings and not take things for granted which we all do. :) x

name 10 sexiest/hottest men in your opinion

Ian, Paul, Michael, JoMo, JB, Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Ed Sheeran, Steven R McQueen!<3

best movie you've ever seen?

Now that's a hard one. Um... ;) if say shutter Island! Amazing and mindtwitsing! Love it!

delena or stelena ,klaroline or forwood or anyway who do you ship And why?

Delena, for one I'm Team Damon! But Damon and Elena just have that connection. They always have it's not about them just loving each other, they are so trusting of each other and worthy.
Forwood because OMG! I just love Tyler! And Caroline and j just make me cry! They are perfect Just like Delena! <3 you?

Why do you think that loooove sucks?

Because human emotions are so tender, and can change at any point. And that sucks for people because it can ruin a relationship. <3

What do you see from your window? (post a pic)

My boring road :'( kids playing out side. Me wishing Ian Somerhalder was with me :)

What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?

i would get a plane to Ian Somerhalder and have my last day with him and Nina Dobrev. !
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Why Do You Watch TVD?

EASY! Its My life...! I have fell in love with Ian as soon as the adverts the first day i saw him i dropped dead <3
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Who do you prefer Defan or Dalaric ?

see now damon has more mashed names! ok so i prefer i dont know- brotherhood is so cute- Dalaric friendship is just AW! i really like both but Ric died,! i think Defan is my fave ONLY because is brotherhood!!

Who's your favorite original?

My Favourite original i love them all its gotto be between Eligah Col Klaus and Rebekah!- my favourite is Col because he is cute- but Eligah for everything :)

Damon or Ian?

Both i cant choose, they are both adorable- both the same person- but Ian because if Ian didnt play Damon then i would DIE ! <3

If you had to evacuate your house immediately, what is the one thing you would grab on the way out?

everything i have to do with the vampire diaries! so that would include my ipod/iphone- its got thousands of pictures :)

Where do you shop the most?

Primark! i get all my clothes there i go there most often, so cheap- and such quality :)

If you could have any car you wanted, what kind of car would you get?

i would get a classic car- i just love how they are they are just so wanting.. they just are so eye catching :)

What is your favorite black and white movie?

i havent watched a black and white movie- though i would Love to watch one, any ideas?

What makes you really mad?

it makes me mad when people write hate messages tweets and stuff like that to people- i feel like they should think of how they would feel if they had that sent to them!


Language: English