

Ask @nirvanashahriar

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Truth is I love you so much you are always so sweet and kind and I'm really sorry you lost your jacket and thanks so much for saving my shit i am literally indebted to you forever. I hope life treats you well because you're the greatest and so fun to be around and you have tasteful fashion sense;-))

kellythesavage’s Profile PhotoKelly Sturgeon-Savage
I love you so much kell, and am always here for you. Hope you had fun last night lolol

NIRV! I love you so much, and you just brighten my day all the time. Your laugh and smile just radiate happiness all around. You're so funny and crazy and amazingly beautiful. I miss you and thanks for visiting me

Words cannot even begin to describe the amazingly inspiring human being you are Chloe. This means a lot. Thank you I love you so so much and I can't wait to see you next semester

I love you so much you make me smile and giggle and even though I don't see you as much these days I feel like our friendship is always picked up right where we left it. Every time I'm with you it's like nothing ever changed. You'll always be I friend I cherish and you're a lot of fun to be around.

kellythesavage’s Profile PhotoKelly Sturgeon-Savage
Kelly I literally want to squeeze you so hard rn I love you so so much I agree 100% with this lovely statement I love you

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