
Anissa Risamelia

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cwo cici skrng udh sesuai yg cici mau belom? #HH

he is not perfect, but he's everything i've ever wanted.
i could be myself with him, and he is soo comfortable to be with. 😊
and he does all the things, the waiting and sacrifices that nobody else would ever do to me.

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Ka uda punya pacar kok masih kecentilan ga puas ya sama ko richard?

fyi richard aja bingung baca ask ini wkwkwkwk ngakak ah centil sama siapaaa... jangan coward cm ngomong lewat anon yaa, ngomong langsung sini. line nissarisamelia ditunggu ya. 😁

post a selfie with ponytail...

Hi guys! I would like to ask for your support and vote me as Miss Favorite of the MISS UMN 2015 by following these easy steps.
1. Download Picmix application from PlayStore for Android or Apple Store for iOS
2. Create your own account and follow our official account @missumn2015
3. Find Miss Anissa Risamelia's photo on our account and like the photo.
Voting opens until November 13th, 2015.
Your votes are really appreciated and means a lot to me! 😁😁

Tell me 5 sweet moment(s) with your partner?

cheesy much but every moment with him makes me happy hahaha.
his weirdness has the same wavelength as mine, he makes me laugh, and he always try his best to keep me happy.
Liked by: Richard Siswanto

oh oke cici cantik makasih skli lagi 😜 btw ci kl mslkan talent night kita mau singing, itu boleh b2/b3 gt ga sih ci nyanyinya atau harus sendiri kl singing gt?

boleh bawa crew kook 😁 ga harus sendiri
Liked by: Richard Siswanto

ciii aku mau tanya kalo misalkan ky cci kan anak 2013 nah cici ikutan miss umn 2015 trus kan syarat min ipk 3,5 itu yg di liat ipk smstr 3 ya ci atau brp? hehe thanks ci :)

yess semester 3 :)
Liked by: Richard Siswanto

do you prefer to read (blogs) and watch (videos) in english or in bahasa ? why ?

both! both languages have a different kind of beauty in them. some words are better expressed in Bahasa, but some are better expressed in English.
also! i'd like to use this answer to promote my teaser video.
do click and give thumbs up cause it means a lot to me!!
thank you 😁
https://youtu.be/gJ3KUkTY5Rcnisawr’s Video 131398991932 gJ3KUkTY5Rcnisawr’s Video 131398991932 gJ3KUkTY5Rc

Niss overall uda berapa kali dye rambut? Ga rusak kan yaa? Hehehe ak lg pengen dye di salon utk ke dua kalinyaa

wah udah ga keitung 😅
tergantung rambut masing2 orang yaa, rambut aku sih ga rusak tapi emang cenderung kering even sebelum dye. its okay kok asal rajin pake conditioner & serum/vitamin rambut 😊
Liked by: Richard Siswanto

Can i ask you for advice? aku cewek, kadang suka bingung kalo jalan sm gebetan itu yang mau bayar siapa. Menurut kamu sebagai perempuan, kalau ngedate apa2 aja yang harus cowok bayar?

bingung juga jawab pertanyaan ini,
karena beda orang beda prinsip.
dan prinsip gue, kalo masih gebetan berarti belom berstatus, jd gue sih pasti inisiatif buat split the bills.
beda cerita kalo cowonya insist untuk bayarin yaa..
guys are prideful too you know, kalo mereka mau bayarin ya jangan maksa untuk split the bills cause it might hurt their pride :)

Nis would u share your make up tips? Cos akhir2 ini km makin kyk orang korea lol

😳 that's too much of a compliment but thank you hahaha.
you can easily youtube korean make-up but well..
1. i do straight brows. it makes the face look young.
2. i highlight my under eyes (aegyo-sal). it makes the eyes more lively.
3. i do gradation lips/ombre lips. it makes the whole look more.. cute, i guess? lol

Do you remember life without technology? What was it like?

these days when kids say they wanna "play with their friends", they'd bring their ipads and play tablet games together...
meanwhile when i was a kid, "playing with our friends" means riding a bike together, playing board games, lompat karet, petak jongkok etc hahaha.
yes i remember what it was like.. good ol' days.

Ci gak suka flat shoes? Kenapa gapernah pake flat shoes? Padahal cici kyknya bakal lucuu pake flat shoes

yaa ga gitu suka aja 😁 gampang rusak kalo dipake jalan lama-lama, and too ordinary for my liking.

Who is a friend you could tell anything and everything with? one name!

i would say Quinn.
we call each other dirty nicknames, but she'll be the first one i tell everything to, and vice versa.
AAAND she likes me a lot. gue orangnya emang suka ga bales chat terus dia pengen banget di chat sampe2 gue friend sama orang di path di love sama dia. liat nih modusnya


Language: English