
Noah Vance

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What's your most boring class and most interesting one?

interesting-us history or english

Oh I thought your girlfriend was a junior for some reason lol whoops

nope, plus she would have to take me, and she doesn't go here

The most romantic thing anyone should be is sending little notes "you didn't totally piss me off today. Love you." That way it's not sappy haha :'D

lol aight thanks

Who's the most romantic out of your GUY friends (since people are offended for no reason lol) ?

ummm honestly idk anyone as like romantic as me x'D but i guess Ethan

What should I do if I like a senior but idrk her and she could graduate and I never got the chance to even say hi I mean she's not really "popular" but I don't really care it doesn't matter I just don't want to seem desperate.

well talk to her

what about margaret, faith and all those girls at boro and kettering? Your saying you don't talk to any of them?

im not even going to discuss this lol

All i see you talk to are girls... But ohhkayy

oh ok, when i eat lunch with my two guy friends and only talk to Noah, Spencer, Ethan and my gf ok lol

The fact that you said "idk man" when you shouldnt even be thinking about who your most attractive is since you have a gf and she should be it but you know thats none of my buisiness :)

well i don't really have many friends that are girls, and i was kinda thinking who's the most attractive of my guy friends lol sorry

Sometimes he gets really mad and i dont think just talking would help, what if she didnt want to talk but you wanted to make things right? I just think it would be hard

I'd just wait it out

you just seem like a good guy and if you guys were to have an arguemnt what would you do to fix it? It'l help a lot if me and my ex decide to get back together and try to make it work again

i would just talk with her

Have you and your gf had a big fight or argument yet? Like how can you guys get through it? Most couples fight and end up breaking up over something stupid lol it happened with my ex

not really
Liked by: Raylynn Mirande

It just seemed like maybe someone was showing off sorry to seem nosy. Anything else? :p

nah lol youre good

Haha ok well personally I think they'd be cute now that I think about it but no one really knows her so that's fine haha sorry man if I'm not helpful lol


Uhh ok lol I don't think you know her. Pretty sure she's an upperclassmen, skinny, longish light brown hair, hangs out with another girl that is kinda bigger, I know she doesn't eat up there and waits for sixth period like I do, and seems kinda quiet but nice I guess haha

can't come up with anything lol


Language: English