
NUS Bizad Club

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Hi, I cannot bid for ES1103 in Round 1A. Do I have to appeal to bid for that mod or should I should until that mod is available for me to bid? Please advice. Thanks

Hi! With respect to ES1103, students admitted from AY16/17 onwards who sat for the Qualifying English Test and obtained a 'Band 2' result, or if they obtained a 'Band 1' result, they must pass ES1000, before registering for ES1103 :)
If you have met the above pre requisites and is still unable to bid for the module, please approach the BBA office to clarify :) Hope this helps!!!

Hi, which round can I bid for ES1103 in sem 2? And which round for GEM module? I have already been preallocated 4 modules.

Hi! Sorry for the confusion, as pointed out by a fellow student, the bidding of the ES1103 module would be in Round 1A and for GEMs, it would be in round 2! Hope this helps!!!

Hi, the email sent by BBA office states we are able to bid ES1103 in Round 1A. Why do you say we can only bid during round 2? (I'm preallocated with 4 modules too)

Sorry! The new system allows you to bid in Round 1A indeed! Sorry for the confusion!

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Hi! I'm a yr1 BBA student taking the MKT1003 basket now. May I know where can the official timetable be found? I went into CORS and it is not available there.

Hi! You can use nusmods to view the timetable and also plan the tutorial's you would want to bid for!
To view all the modules you will be taking, please log in to myisis -> student centre -> academics -> exam schedule :) Hope this helps!! :)

Hi! I've been preallocated a Sectional that clashes with an RC mod I want to take. Is it advisable to drop the Sectional and bid it back on another timeslot? As I think swapping it will be difficult

Hi! There are only some core sectional classes that are biddable on CORS and the others would have to go through a manual appeal.
Perhaps, you can approach the BBA office to enquire on the more advisable route as we do not have all the information on the modules allocated on CORS. :)
Hope this helps!!!

Hi, do we have to complete GEMs by Year 2? The FAQ on GEMs website states need, but the module sequence sent by Prof Stephen Lynn states have one GEM in Year 3 Sem 1.. so if we have to complete GEMs by Year 2, and I have to take ES1103, does this mean we have to overload for 2 semesters? Pls advice.

Hi! As there are 5 GEM pillars, students would need to complete all 5 in their course of study. It is not compulsory to finish all the GEMs by Year 2 :)
Hope this helps!!!

Are the 12 MCs worth of floating SUs inclusive in the 32 MCs of SU that we have in Year 1? And what are the limitations or the requirements for using the floating SUs?

Yes, the 12MCs are inclusive of the 32MCs of SU given to us in Year 1. The floating SUs are for all Level 1000 modules (with or without pre-requisites) and Level 2000 modules without other NUS modules as pre-requisites. The floating S/U's can only be used on non-business modules :)

Hi, im a BAC student and i wish to take finance modules as electives, do i bid for them in round 1 or 2?

Hi! If we are not wrong, you can bid for them in round 2 if the modules are for UEs. Please refer to the CORS website for a more details.
Hope this helps!! :)

Hi, what are the mods preallocated for Yr1 sem2 BBA? Is it BFS1001 BSP1004 GER1000 MNO1001 ACC1002? Since BFS1001 has 0 MCs, we have to bid for another gem right?

The minimum amount of MCs for Semester 2 is 18MCs. Hence, there will be a need to bid for other modules :) Hope this helps!!!
Liked by: Tanya Chee

Is it possible to change sectionals class for marketing?

Hi! There is a possibility if you are able to find a swop partner. For swapping details, please see below :)

Do you all have the link or google doc for students who interested in swapping sectionals class to indicate so they can proceed with the swap?

Please see below :)

Do you have the link or Google doc for students who want to swap their sectionals? Because last semester there is one!

Please see below :)

When can we ballot for tutorials? (the date for balloting) Thanks! Also is there a website where we can find info on bidding/balloting's details? Thank you :)

Hi! Please refer to Cors for the balloting dates and details :)

Is ES1103 considered a GEM? Which pillar isit under? And which pillar does GER1000 belongs to? Cause I need help in planning which mod to take for each pillar

Hi! As of our knowledge, ES1103 is not considered a GEM. However, please allow us some time to verify so that we can get back to you with the correct information.
There are 5 GEM Pillars: GEH, GEQ, GER, GES and GET :)
GER1000 belongs to the GER pillar:)
Hope this helps!

Hello! I'm actually a transfer student from fass, so next sem I'll be starting in biz. When and how will we know which basket of mods we are allocated?

Sarah Yap
Hi! You can currently now find the basket of mods that you are allocated on myisis. To find the modules you are allocated, go to myisis > student center > Exam Schedule > Semester 2.
Hope this helps!!

Hi, which round can we bid for GEMs? Is time very impt for bidding, like if I bid earlier then I'll have more chance of getting the mod?

Hi! For Semester 2, you will be able to bid for GEMS from Round 2A onwards on CORS :)
If you need clarification on the different bidding rounds, there is a pdf on the CORS website that may help :)
As bidding is based on points and not first come first serve basis, the timing is not very important for bidding :)
Hope this helps!!

So with the ES2002 confusion, I already took MNO1001, ACC1002, BSP1004, BSP1005, GER1000, BFS1001 for Sem 1, what are the mods which i will take for sem 2? Is it MKT1003, DSC2008, ES2002(?), 1 GEM, ACC2002/ACC1006? Any other mods to take? BFS second level?

Hi! The general modules that an accountancy student will take in Semester 2 are:
MKT1003, DSC2008, ES2002, 1 GEM & ACC2002/ACC1006 :)
If there are other modules, it will only be disclosed by the BBA office at the beginning of Semester 2 :)

Regarding SEP points, how come long term CIP are only offered 1 point while short term CIP are offered the same? Doesn't this just reward pretentious opportunists who sign up for 5 different "sweep floor sessions" compared to one who has dedicated time and effort to mentoring consistently?

Hi! Sorry, for matters on SEP Grading system, this is set by the BBA Office. Thus, we are not really sure the reasoning on the above matter. However, if you would truly want to know the reason behind this, you can contact Ms Jessie Toh in the BBA office :) Hope this helps!


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